1 minute read
For the Love of the Horse
from History of Polo
by MediaEdge
Early mornings and late nights are the norm for those who care for polo ponies. Endless laps around the exercise track, tack cleaning, and mountains of polo bandages that always seem to need rolling. The people that spend the hours caring for polo ponies are like the pit crew at a NASCAR race. Equally as important as the driver, the team can make the difference. Many of the polo grooms in Canada come from South America, bringing years of polo experience, and introducing new traditions to the North American culture. It is also not uncommon to see family-run polo operations, with parents and kids all involved in the management and playing of the ponies. Caring for polo ponies is a huge commitment, and a lifestyle all onto its own. What makes a person give their life to the horse? Quite simply a love and passion that goes far deeper than the hard work and sacrifice.
- Sir Winston Churchill

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1 Sets in the spring at Toronto 2 Tournament day at Okanagan 3 Walker and Selina Watt, Black Diamond 4 Argentine grooms and players at Toronto 5 Cool down at Okanagan 6 Visiting grooms from Argentina at Grande Prairie Polo Club 7 Nacho, Fernando and Ruben at Grande Prairie Polo Club 8 Enedino Tadeo Ramos, Black Diamond Polo Club 9 Sets in the snow at Toronto



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