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My goal is twofold. Professionally, I would like to become involved in hospital administration to be able to effectively apply my medical training, entrepreneurial experience and newly acquired business knowledge to improve health care in a more acute and complex setting. Personally, my aspiration is to create a nonprofit organization, one that works to improve the health and better the lives of families in resource-poor communities globally. ” “
Victoria Russ Hwa Hopkins M.P.H., M.D. MBA@Rice
After seven years, Victoria Hopkins ’20 sold her urgent care clinic, accepted an offer with the U.S. medical staff stationed outside of Seoul, South Korea and joined the inaugural cohort of the MBA@Rice program. Born in Pusan, South Korea, Victoria came to the U.S. when she was three. Before starting medical school, she returned to work as an English teacher and discovered her Korean cultural heritage. Now she has the opportunity to share this with her husband and children when they move to South Korea this fall. “The new online MBA program at Rice allows me to learn while living abroad in Asia with my family. I couldn’t do it otherwise.” Victoria earned her B.A. and M.D. at Brown University and an M.P.H. at Harvard School of Public Health. She is one of 26 students in the new online program. Location: Moody Center for the Arts, Rice University
Over just one year in the MBA program, I transitioned to a n ew role, developed a model that is being implemented for business analytics questions within ExxonMobil, trained business analysts for the other regions of the U.S., and just recently got a promotion. I have no doubt that the coursework and experiences at Rice contributed to both my accomplishments and promotion. ” “
Phil Reiser MBA for Professionals, Weekend U.S. Fuels Lead Market Analyst ExxonMobil
Phil Reiser ’19 knew since undergrad at MIT that he wanted to earn an MBA. Next, he needed to choose the right program, full time versus professional. He chose the latter because, “I wanted to have the opportunity to apply what I was learning during my coursework. Rice was the clear choice and the only one I applied to. The fact that it had a physical campus along with surging business school rankings were among my top deciders.” It also didn’t hurt that his sister was finishing up her Ph.D. in bioengineering at Rice at the time and had nothing but great things to say about the campus and culture. A left-handed pitcher and first baseman on MIT’s varsity baseball squad, Phil also majored in chemical engineering and minored in economics. The 25-year-old has been with ExxonMobil for three years. Location: Reckling Park, Rice University
Chasing Their Tails
Chasing Their Tails: Shi, W., Zhang, Y. A., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2017). Ripple effects of CEO awards: Investigating the acquisition activities of superstar CEOs’ competitors. Strategic Management Journal, 38(10), 2080-2102.
Cat And Mouse Game: Sinaceur, M., Adam, H., Van Kleef, G. A., & Galinsky, A. D. (2013). The advantages of being unpredictable: How emotional inconsistency extracts concessions in negotiation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 498-508.