Richard Liebowitz Shares Business Strategies to Know for 2023 | New York, NY

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Business Strategies to Know for 2023

For many small business owners, a New Year’s resolution is to take their company to the next level. This can be a daunting task, especially for those who have never been able to achieve this before But, once a business is established, the next step is to nd ways to grow it. Before you start planning on your company’s next growth strategy for 2023, it’s crucial that you rst set realistic goals. This will allow you to identify where you can improve and what goals you already achieved in 2022. Understanding where you’ve been and where you can go next will help you make informed decisions Economists predict that the US may experience a recession, so it’s essential to map out a few scenarios to accommodate your needs.


Customer Relationships

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One of the most critical factors that any business owner must consider when establishing and implementing a strong CRM strategy is the need for software that is both intuitive and has all the necessary functionality.

When establishing and implementing a strong CRM strategy, consider the need for intuitive software with all the necessary functionality You’ll also need to nd ways to use the data you collect to improve the eciency of your company

Study Customer and the Market

Another crucial factor that any business proprietor must consider when establishing and implementing a robust CRM strategy is clearly understanding how their customers are doing. Having a monthly sales review will allow them to track how their products are performing and which ones are selling poorly.

Being constantly aware of the demand in the market will also allow you to capitalize on the opportunities that exist. One of the most eective ways to expand is by providing products designed to meet your customers’ needs Understanding the competition will allow you to expand your reach and increase your protability

Have an Ecient Payment Strategy

According to a survey conducted in 2022, over 70% of businesses noted that accepting digital payments was a vital factor in their growth in 2022 The adoption of new payment methods continues to remain strong.

As the economy slows down in 2023, businesses must adopt a strategy that can help them reduce costs and speed up their inbound payments. This can be done through the use of digital capabilities.

Due to the increasing number of new payment methods and technologies, businesses have been forced to adopt new strategies They’re looking for ways to reduce costs and improve the eciency of their operations.

Be More Seen Online

A solid online presence is also essential for businesses to connect with customers. Having a well-designed website can help boost your sales and attract more potential customers For instance, business owners must consider the need for a consistent and updated website.

Posting regularly on various platforms will allow you to create content that’s both informative and ts your company’s products. If you own a hardware store, you might create content around choosing the right drill for a particular project. You can also translate blog posts into Instagram or Twitter content

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Strong Recruitment and Retention Eorts

A report released by Money Matters in 2022 revealed that almost half of the executives would consider leaving their job if their company did not support specic issues Also, a study conducted by the Work Institute indicated that around 35 percent of workers could be leaving their jobs by 2023.

High turnover can be costly for a company, as it can cost them up to two times their salary

to replace an employee. To minimize HR costs, many businesses will start implementing strategies in 2023 that involve keeping top performers

One of the most critical factors that any business owner must consider is the need for their team members to know how their work connects to their company’s mission. A clear understanding of their purpose can help them make informed decisions regarding hiring and retaining employees.

Reduce Uncertainty With an Expansive Contingency Plan

The pandemic highlighted the importance of having a comprehensive contingency plan for managing various risks. Even though the situation has become less severe, businesses must remain vigilant about their operations.

A contingency plan provides an outline of the actions employees must take if something terrible might happen While preparing for various risks, such as cyberattacks and natural disasters, 2023 risks must also be considered.

One of the most common problems small businesses face is the rising cost of goods and services. Before implementing any changes to their operations, it’s important that they thoroughly consider how their customers might be aected by the higher costs.

After two years, many business owners have already agreed on one truism––they believe a well-prepared company can benet from good fortune in turbulent times


Before implementing any new strategies, it’s also essential to thoroughly consider how to make operations sustainable. The necessary infrastructure and processes can help ensure successful eorts

One of the most critical factors that any business owner must consider is meeting their clients’ demands. If they can’t, their reputation might be tarnished. Proper strategies and plans can help you achieve your goals and foster long-term success.

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