Receipt of flag loan

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recei pt of loan Phot oshootatRochest erCast l e Keep. Apr i l2015

Thi sr ecei ptout l i nest he l oanoft he Ci t yofRochest erFl ag,byChr i st i ne Fur mi nger , onbehal ft he Ci t yofRochest erSoci et y,t o Ri char dPar son,f ort he dur at i onof 04. 04. 15 t o 10. 04. 15,wi t ht he consentoft he Chai r manoft he Ci t yofRochest erSoci et y, Al anMoss. The Hi st or i cFl ag oft he Ci t yofRochest eri sonl oanf ort he pur pose ofappear i ng i n phot ogr aphi cmat er i alf ora BookonRochest er ’ sSoci alHi st or y,conduct edby Ri char dPar soni nconj unct ur e wi t ht he Uni ver si t yf ort he Cr eat i ve Ar t sandt he Gui l dhal lMuseum. Ter msofl oanhave beenst i pul at edt hatt he f l ag mustbe keptsaf e andMUST r et ur nt o t he Ci t yofRochest erSoci et yi nt he same condi t i ont hati twasl ent ,andwhennotbei ng usedonl ocat i oni nRochest er ,i twi l lbe keptsecur el ywi t hi nt he of f i cesoft he Gui l dhal lMuseum.Gi vent he hi st or i csi gni f i cance oft he f l ag,i t sf r agi l i t yhasbeenst r essed, andal ldue car e andat t ent i onwi l lbe t akenwhi l e onl oan. Ascour t esy,t he Ci t yofRochest erSoci et ywi l lr ecei ve t hanksi nt he publ i cat i on,andwi l l r ecei ve copi esoft he i magesassoci at edwi t ht he f l ag,f ort hei rownr ecor dsanduse.

Si gnedonbehal fofbot hpar t i es

Chr i st i ne Fur mi nger ( Ci t yofRochest erSoci et y) Dat e:04. 04. 15

Ri char dPar son ( UCA,ShootOr gani ser )

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