去年的一个机会,我们将TEDx带进大马华社,建立了 TEDxPetalingStreet - 一个持续将好的点子与大马本 土故事传播的平台,好点子及本土的故事传承一直是 我们TEDxPetalingStreet的核心价值! 自 我 们 2 0 1 3 年 之 【 点 滴 串 联 】 后 ,今 年 我 以 【从心重新】定为主题。过去几年大马发生许多大 事,有些事情来的太快,太突然,令人难以抓住,我们 希望大家放慢脚步从心深处去感受这塊美丽土地, 从心察看每天周围的人,事与物;并重新用新视角去 探知、看待创新事物,重新赋予它们新的意义。 结合年会主题【从心 重新】,我们今年特邀请18位 来自不同领域的讲者以18分钟来和我们分享他们精 彩的点子及心路历程,同时在倒数60天开始,我们 每天都在TEDxPetalingStreet FB粉丝页推出一天一个 【魅力馬來西亞】的故事。 今年我们TEDxPetalingStreet全体团队将与你共同释, 从心感受马来西亚,重新展望更好的她!前进吧, 马来西亚!
Last year, we had a chance to bring TEDx into the Malaysian Chinese society. TEDxPetalingStreet is a good platform to share good Malaysian stories. Good ideas -- coupled with good stories-- are our core value. In 2013, our theme was Connecting Dots. In 2014, it is Refine/Redefine. In recent years, many things have happened in Malaysia. They came too fast, too sudden. We are unable to grapple with these changes. We hope that Malaysians will take their time to savour this piece of land, to observe with our heart; redefining using renewed lens, to see new creations, giving them new meanings. Resonating with our theme this year, we have invited 18 speakers to share their ideas with us. Every day, for 60 days, we have initiated a countdown on our Facebook fan page: “Malaysia’s Beautiful Story”. It reminds us of our country’s rich diversity and its humble beginnings, so that we will not forget our roots and the beautiful home. This year, all of us at TEDxPetalingStreet will redefine with you, through our hearts, to showcase a better Malaysia. Forward on, Malaysia!.
黄菁翠暨 TEDxPetalingStreet全体团队 Jessie Ng & TEDxPetalingStreet Team.
《从心重新》 今年大会专署图像。自我们2013年之点滴串联主 题后,今年大会将从心体会我国的一切,并用新视 角重新看待、创新事物。从点点滴滴串联在一起
In 2014, as an extension to the symbol and logotype the previous year, the new design echoes the theme Refine; Redefine attempting to map our journey in discovering the new. Anchoring on the concept of ink diffusion in Chinese calligra-
phy, Chinese characters 从心 diffuse into a new typeface for the
将 是 我 们 团 队 的 主 要 推 动 力 。 该图像是由马来西亚
Chinese characters 重新, signalling a new perspective towards local Chinese culture.
设计团队三一工作室给TedxPetalingStreet的精心杰作。 设 计 图 像 之 寓 意 :大 会 是 马 来 西 亚 人 沟 通
Designed by Malaysian collective 3nity (www.3nitydesign.com)
的主要桥梁,从心感觉墨的行书,到重新发掘新 华文字体代表了马来西亚华人心连心,互助的精神。
TED是什么? TED是一由美国非牟利组织Sapling Foundation创办的国际分享点子 的平台。他们深信好点子是应当承传的。自2007年,TED演讲也免费 供世界观众欣赏。目前,超过1万个演讲已被上载。至今,演讲已被2 千500万人观看,次数约2.5亿。演讲内容由科学到文化,都是演讲者 们多年研究与实践的结晶。每个演讲者共有18分钟,以最极富创意的 方法分享给观众们。
TED is a global set of conferences curated by an American private non-profit organization called Sapling Foundation. It is formed to disseminate “ideas worth spreading”. Since 2007, the talks have been offered for free viewing online -- under a Creative Commons license -- through TED.com. More than 10,000 talks are currently available. As of April 2009, the talks have been viewed over 250 million times by more than 25 million people. They address an increasingly wide range of topics within the research and practice of science and culture. The speakers are given a maximum of 18 minutes to present their ideas in the most innovative and engaging ways they can.
馬 來 西 亞 著 名 打 擊 樂 團
TED open translation project
TED开放翻译计划已于近日启动,这一计划之核心在 于通过志愿者的努力,实现知识的跨语言交流与传 播,同时也借助翻译这一媒介,把TED的理念推广到全 世界。TED官方其实早在08年的时候就已经开始组织 英文字幕的工作,并且通过Facebook招募了一批来自 世界各地的翻译志愿者,“让一部分人先活跃起来” ,调动起了整个社区的活力,到今年5月正式正式发布 的时候,已经有40多个语种的300多个翻译。并且随着 平台的开放,越来越多的人也将加入进来,形成一个 tribe,就像Seth
忱的参与者,草根人群也是可以作出非常有意义的事 情来的。TED开放翻译计划之成功,也将取决于你我的 努力。 目前TED开放翻译计划已经涉及了42种语言,翻译完成 的TED演讲达325次,由1010个翻译者参与了这一计划。 目前翻译成果最多的是德语,希伯来语,意大利语,葡 萄牙语和西班牙语。 我们会在近期组织部分志愿者,在TED开放翻译计划上
Recently, TED allowed open translations. Right at the core, volunteers worked hard to disseminate knowledge through translation to all parts of the world. As early as 2008, TED has already instituted English subtitling. Many volunteers from around the world have been recruited into the translation team. Aiming to get one portion of people to be active in this venture, this social event has created good energy. Till May 2014, when it was successfully launched, 300 translators over more than 40 languages have joined the activity. As it is an open platform, it is becoming a tribe. To quote Seth Godin, even with 1000 participants, meaningful activities could be carried out within the community. The success of the open platform depends on you and I. Currently TED open translation platform has got 42 language platforms. A total of 325 translations of the talks have been successfully carried out. 1010 translators are involved. Most used languages are German, Hebrew, Italian, Portugese and Spanish. We will begin to recruit volunteers for the TED open translation project soon. Interested parties, do get in touch with us. We will provide guidance, co-ordination and all other assistance.
进行字幕翻译的工作。有兴趣的朋友,请和我们联络, 我们会提供详细的指导,协调以及各种帮助。
联系email : info@tedxpetalingstreet.com
“凭著对鼓乐的热情与勤奋,终有一天 会开创新地为鼓乐掘深度和丰富色彩, 为世界乐坛增添瑰丽的风景。”
美丽韵味,更深入地了解这片土地的文化与传统乐器的魅力。 手集团甘美兰组曾获邀出席世界甘美兰艺术节,也曾与
来,其突破性和创新性的表演,得到广泛民众的重视和赞赏。 手集团致力於发展传统南方狮鼓的打击文化,试图把街头表 演文化转型到专业剧场,同时亦引进新的元素,通过涉足剧 场空间、东西方打击乐、肢体开发等层面,探索不同的舞台
文化。手集团也是马来西亚首支自资及以企业方式来经营的专 In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection within a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)
TEDxPetaling Street是大中华圈外暨大马首个中文TEDx演讲平台,由 一群熱爱大马的义工策划, 我们的宗旨是提供一個具有影响力,让人 分享点子的平台,让大马的创新者、领导者、改革者、与梦想家,有 机会向世界分享他們的熱情与理想。在活动中,我們鼓励參加者多多 分享他們的点子与灵感,期望能以最生动,活泼的语言, 传神地叙述 他们近年來所遇,最感人的本土大马故事。我们相信TEDxPetalingStreet能提供一个平台,让参与者互相激荡、加速伟大的点子的传播 与应用。
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra 同台演出。2009年, 乐团一样好” (Yin 2014, We are Malaysian Made.com). 手集团从马中商城迁移到雪兰莪双溪毛糯 (Sungai Buloh), They say, “They are undoubtedly as good as and better than sev也有了更宽敞的排练室。目前,手集团共有10位全职鼓手、 12位二团鼓手、18位实习生;主要区分成表演艺术部及教育
与外展部。表演艺术部则又分成两大组,分别是核心队员手 TEDxPetalingStreet is the first Chinese-speaking idea sharing event in Malaysia. This is a vision shared by those who believed that the art of story-telling can be further refined if conveyed in native mother tongue; more so, if the stories evoke positivity, passion and creative ideas that transform the speaker’s life. TEDxPetalingStreet hopes to spread the word out by gathering many talented Malaysians whose stories matter and give them an opportunity to spread their ideas and passion with others.
Renowned Malaysian percussion ensemble Hands Percussion (HANDS) has been creating waves in the Malaysian music/theatre scene since its founding in 1997. Their performances are highly regarded and admired by many; as well as their commitment to preserve Malaysia’s cultural heritage with new interpretations through theatrical drumming, coupled with contemporary percussion music. With 10 full-time performers, 12 part-time performers and 18 trainee performers in their fold, the percussion company has 2 arms: HANDS 1 and HANDS 2. In addition, in 2007, HANDS Gamelan Group was also formed.
为了将分享好点子的教育文化推广到全世界,美国TED机构发明了 TEDx。英文字母 “X” 为独立承办之平台。好点子之承传,让许多在 地、独立式平台接踵被举办,旨在聚集同好一起体验TED,也让演讲 者们与观众交流,进行脑筋激荡,促进彼此在发掘智慧的过程中之默 契。TEDx品牌由此而生。
手 集 團
www.hands.my | www.facebook.com/handspercussion
eral professional ensembles I’ve seen from North America, Japan or Australia” (Yin 2014, We are Malaysian Made.com).
大 馬 之 子 ∙ 泰 國 廣 告 創 意 鬼 才
吉 隆 坡 脚 車 地 圖 策 劃 人
丁 一
林 猷 進
“一脚、一踩;每个挑战,每个转折; 一个不停转变的路程。”
“One pedal at a time. Taking up one challenge at a time, learning the transition, it is a journey to a destination that is perpetually changing.” ( Presentation in English )
“不按地图走的旅行,才能摆脱惯性思维, 才能遇见别人所看不见的风景。” “Not following the map on a tour allows us to see the unseen, out of the box.”
在 广 告 创 意 的 专 业 领 域 里 , 马 来 西 亚 的 丁 一 是 个 佼 佼 者 , With a resume well-adorned with over 200 creative awards, 荣获超过两百多个創意奖项。在生活中,他也是一个轻松且 慢条斯理的生活达人。持着平常心,他在世界各地漫步旅游, 并摄取经验,丰富了他的人生观,也让他在广告创作上能 展现源源不断地创意。对不同的城市、社会以及人文有敏 锐洞察力的他,脚步遍布世界各地(如美国、英国、法国、 意大利、土耳其、希腊、摩洛哥、埃及、印度、斯里兰卡、 西藏、尼泊尔、中国、缅甸、泰国、寮国、柬埔寨、越南、 新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、澳洲、韩国、日本、香港、澳门、 文莱、菲律宾、摩纳哥、台湾、梵蒂冈、锡金、秘鲁、阿 根廷、智利、乌拉圭、荷兰、西班牙、葡萄牙、马尔代夫、 约旦,德国,奥地利,捷克,匈牙利,斯洛伐克。)丁一
tion originates from the spokes of wheels from bicycles. They are forms in which his designs, photographies and art projects take 功能,而是脚踏车为旅程中所承载之意义。身为广告 inspiration from; from techniques involved in making new con平 面 设 计 专 业 的 林 猷 進 , 设 计 灵 感 来 源 可 由 最 根 本 的 cept bicycles, to recycling used parts in bicycles into new prod元 素 开 始 , 如 脚 车 的 轴 ; 轴 之 设 计 图 形 , 抑 或 是 其 他 ucts; from the art of photography to the physical transformation 任 何 架 构 , 都 能 成 为 他 在 摄 影 、 平 面 与 立 体 设 计 、 艺 of cameras from bygone eras to the present, Jeffrey is at the forefront of recycling materials from objects of passion. An avid com术企划里的灵感;从建构新之概念脚车,到利用旧脚 mercial photographer, his photos have provided basis for making 车 的 零 件 来 重 新 建 构 新 产 品 ; 以 及 利 用 摄 影 艺 术 和 旧 his communication design work more documentary, laced with 时 代 的 照 相 机 来 拍 摄 出 新 观 点 , 也 让 旧 相 机 有 了 新 的 面 stories within. From 2004 to 2012, travelling from Southeast asia 貌 。 林 猷 進 不 愧 是 旧 物 再 利 用 的 专 家 。 热 爱 摄 影 艺 术 , to Europe, he has photographed almost everything culturally significant, making his works a historical visual documentation of 他秉持着摄影为一项记录真实故事,极富社会意义之信念, items of historical value. Another, Jeffrey Lim’s single art project 于2004年至2012年,踏遍了东南亚以及欧洲等地,拍摄了许 involving encouraging social communities to cycle -- attempting 多社会现象,并将这些珍贵的照片结集成历史记录。他目前正 to rediscover the most basic of human transportation -- is tes在推广一项大型、回归纯朴生活之骑脚踏车社会运动,鼓励 tament of his determination in bringing the simple and yet multifaceted activity back in the human consciousness, as a form of 人们重新认识与使用脚车为交通工具。最近,他发表了吉隆坡 transporation, a form of leisure, a form of sporting activity. He 市脚踏车地图与指南。这地图与指南将让马来西亚人对吉隆 recently published Kuala Lumpur’s city’s cycling map, debunking the idea that cycling is not possible along the city’s roads. 坡市区为骑脚踏车之佳地重新充满信心。
Vancelee Teng is one of the most outstanding Malaysians to have established himself in the creative advertising world. However, as many people have remarked, neither is he a workaholic, nor is he a person who does not appreciate better living. He is perceptive and yet entrepreneurial. He possesses wisdom derived from the streets of USA, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Tibet, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Brunei, Philippines, Monaco, Taiwan, Vatican, Sikkim, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Maldives, Jordan, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia – countries he has stepped upon and written about, for creative and cultural purposes. Of the chance to save the world, he says
细心观察不同人民的言行举止以及生活作息,並将旅游生活 “改变世界教育体系,提倡道德教育。” “To change the world educational system. To focus more on morality 所得融汇于广告创意之中。 and etiquette (道德教育) rather than academic success.”
Born 1978 in KL. Currently the principal designer of studio 25, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Practising design, photography, cycling advocacy & other social art projects. Communication designer Jeffrey Lim’s journey in formulating his creative direc-
vanceleeteng.blogspot.com | www.facebook.com/vancelee.teng
Of the chance to change the world, he says, “我将从自己开始。改变需正能量,克服自己对不知的恐惧。世界应该 有正能量。“ “I would start with myself. The secret to change is positivity, overcoming my perception of fear of the known or the unknown. As for the world, a little positivity could go a long way.”
www.facebook.com/villagebicycles | www.facebook.com/groups/CyclingKualaLumpur | studio25.my | facebook.com/STUD1025
手 集 團 創 辦 人 及 藝 術 總 監
吳 聖 雄
“改变想法, 改变人生。 ” “Changing one’s perspectives can change one’s life.”
手集团创办人及艺术总监,毕业於马来西亚艺术学院(MIA) as a multi-award winning instructor trained him well, not to mention cultivated his love for percussion. Under the tutelage of Mr Tan Fui Choong – the founder of 24 Festive Drumming (a unique 师於外州的第一代得意门生,亦是马来西亚第2支二十四 drumming technique developed in Malaysia) – in shigu drumming, 节令鼓队队长,并将南方狮鼓从“街头节庆表演”发展成 Bernard founded the Malaysian drumming company. For 17 years, “剧场艺术表演”。1997年,他创办了手集团,17年来不仅专注 he has successfully led the group to become one of the leading percussive groups in the world. Intercultural in practice, Bernard 於舞台表演,更致力於鼓艺推广及教育活动,包括举办 Goh has also collaborated with many music artists, including The 中 小 学 二 十 四 节 令 鼓 队 观 摩 及 公 演 、《 响 宴 》 全 国 击 鼓 Actors Studio, River Grass Dance Theatre, Nyoba Kan, Judimar 培训营、《随鼓唱游》下乡打鼓活动、《大手牵小手,走进 Hernandez and many others. Together with his company HANDS, 艺术殿堂》跨文化体验教育活动系列等等,多年来走访过17 since 2005, he has performed at various international art festivals and events in The Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, France, Aus个国家与地区参与国际艺术节及大型演出,包括荷兰、比利时、 tralia, Hawaii, Qatar, Turkmenistan, Dubai, Taiwan, Hong Kong, 希 腊 、法 国 、澳 洲 、卡 塔 尔 、夏 威 夷 、土 库 曼 斯 坦 、杜 拜、 Korea, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, to name 台 湾 、香 港 、韩 国 、中 国 、越 南 、新 加 坡 、泰 国 、印 尼 等 。 a few. In 2009, HANDS was commissioned by the French Gov2 0 0 3 年 凭 《 罗 生 门 》 荣 获 B O H 金 马 崙 艺 术 大 奖 - 最 佳 ernment to tour and perform in several cities in France. Notably Bernard won his first Cammy in the 2nd BOH Cameronian Art 原 创 音 乐 ; 2 0 1 1 年 凭 《 梦 无 界 》 荣 获 第 8 届 B O H 金 马 崙 Awards for Rashomon (2003) by The Actors Studio. It was for Best 艺术大奖-最佳音乐指导;2012年凭《叩》荣获第9届BOH Music & Sound Design for the Theatre category, together with Deborah Tee. In 2011 and 2012, he won the “Best Musical Direc金马崙艺术大奖 - 最佳音乐指导。 tion” for his productions “Dreams in November” and “Knocking” BERNARD GOH at the 8th and 9th BOH Cameronian Arts Awards respectively.
In 1997, Bernard Goh founded Hands Percussion (HANDS). Al- Of the chance to save the world, he says though a graduate of the Malaysian Institute of Arts (MIA); he de- “改变世界从改变自己开始。” veloped deep interest and passion in percussive music. 6 years “Changing the world begins with self.”
武 術 與 舞 蹈 藝 術 創 作 人
李 勁 松
“今 天 网 络 及 科 技 的 日 新 月 异 , 改 变 了 人 们 的 生 活 节 奏。人们 可以随喜在世界任何角落追求许 多梦想;同一时间,很多人的梦 想也因际遇等因素落空。我想传 达的是:今天一个人,可以朝向 很多梦想,同时追求许多事物; 但我只选择做好一件事,那就是 ‘武舞’, 一份对梦想的坚持。” “Today, the advance of network and technology keep changing people’s lives. People could pursuit dreams anywhere in this world yet many factors distance us from our dreams. I would like to convey this: Today, people pursuit their dreams. For me, I choose to do only one thing perfectly, which is martial dance, the achievement that martial dance brings to me in life.” College. He is the founder, artistic director and wushu director of Lee Wushu Arts Theatre and Lee Wushu Arts Workshop and also a collaborator of martial arts and dance. Between 1994 and 2001, 舞艺术坊创办人、艺术总监与武术总监,也是武与舞艺术概念 Swee Seng participated in several wushu competitions in Malay结合者。1994至2001年,曾荣获马来西亚全国及全柔多项武 sia and won gold and silver medals in the All Johor State Wushu 术锦标赛冠、亚军,北京国际武术邀请赛刀术第4名,是马来 Championship and National Wushu Tournament. He also participated in Beijing International Wushu Competition and won the 西亚近代武坛上杰出的武术运动员。2002年至2009年,多次 4th prize, regarded as one such outstanding wushu sportsman in 前往中国四川、广州、广西专业武术队进修,并于2010年代 Malaysia. Swee Seng choreographed series Wushu and Dance 表马来西亚参加第8届香港国际武术节,荣获集体武舞金牌。 performance since 2001, one of his classic work Farewell, My 自2001年创作多部武舞系列作品,其中的经典钜作《霸王别 Concubine–The Movement of the Martyr received rave reviews and was invited to perform at the 7th Johor Bahru Arts Festival, 姬 ─ 殉道者的乐章》更深受国际舞台认同,先后受邀于马来 Hong Kong Dance Festival 2010, London International Youth Arts 西亚第7届新山艺术节、香港舞蹈节2010、伦敦国际青年艺术 Festival 2012 and 30th FACP Annual Conference Asian Gems in 节2012及印尼梭罗第30届亚洲文化推展联盟(FACP)国际会议 the Arts at Solo, Indonesia.
等演出。并于2010年荣获第22届全国华人舞蹈节最佳创作奖, Of the chance to change the world, he says, 更入围第9届BOH Cameronian Arts Award 2011的五项提名,“走向健康、公平、团结及不分种族的公民社会,进一步通过文化艺术 并荣获“最佳服装、发型及化妆设计”与“Kakiseni观众票选 最受欢迎舞蹈作品”。其另一佳作《动静五行》也受邀前往新 加坡滨海艺术中心演出。 LEE SWEE SENG
改变一般人对物质追求的市侩想法,转而投入身、心、灵、真、善、美 的层次追求,从而为表演艺术带来更健康的希望。 “ “A civil society with good health, equity, unity and multiracial, further recognize on the impact of arts and culture through intrinsic: body, mind, spirit, truth, goodness and beauty which helps resulting in a wider arts engagement for performing arts.”
21st Century The Prestigious Brand - Winner of Prestigious Cultural Achievement Award. Lee Swee Seng is a Business Administration graduate from IGM, Malaysia and Southern University
www.leewushuarts.com | www.facebook.com/pages/Leewushuarts/148223991863877
咖 啡 文 化 推 手
梁 文 心
大 馬 美 食 專 欄 作 家
謝 嫣 薇
“重新定义马来西亚被遗忘的咖啡品种; 把这个七十年代非常流行的本土咖啡豆 重新演绎。” “To remind and re-define the forgotten coffees in Malaysia, and to re-create the Seventies experience in coffee drinking. “
Sum Leong found her true calling in coffee some 15 years ago. The 馆 , 自 己 开 咖 啡 馆 , 做 咖 啡 杂 誌 , 最 后 一 件 关 於 咖 啡 founder of Typica Café has been involved in different aspects of a coffee business – she has helped starting up a café, opened her 的决定是2009年创办豆原咖啡馆。决定从这个品牌 own coffee house and published a coffee magazine. These endeav开 始 , 从 源 头 开 始 做 咖 啡 , 还 原 咖 啡 , 跳 脱 一 般 思 维 , ours culminated in a coffee brand, Typica, in 2009. Typica Coffee 做 出 自 己 的 风 格 。 寻 找 源 头 的 过 程 中 开 始 认 识 原 材 料 , is about going back to the basics – it traces coffee to its origin to 发 现 大 地 深 藏 的 力 量 , 意 识 到 本 土 有 许 多 被 遗忘的美味; bring out the truest taste of coffee. Determined to think out of the box, she has successfully established a unique brand in the world 如咖啡豆、班兰叶、香茅、芒果和樱桃番茄等等,开始 of coffee.
Of the chance to change the world, she says, “我希望把所有被遗忘的咖啡品种,尤其是东南亚一带的复杂咖啡品种 觉上的冲击与惊喜,重新以趣味的角度看待被遗忘的咖啡, 都找出来,进而改善他们的生活与世界观。” “I hope to find new coffee beans in Southeast Asia. Through this, 也重新认识“原味”的各种面貌。 changing people’s lives and their outlook of the world. “
“地球的资源真是越来越紧张,大家需从 每天最基本的饮食态度着手,培养避免 浪费的醒觉,以改善环境。” “As earth’s resources deplete, we should start cultivating good eating habits; do not waste food; improve the environment. ”
Agnes Chee is a Malaysian food columnist, biographer, travel writ特约、电影编剧。作品常见于中国、香港、新加坡和马来西 er, screenwriter and television script writer. Her works grace major medias in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. They are 亚各大媒体,如《当代旅游》、《芯动》、《信报》、《Marie Elite Traveller, Revolution, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Marie Claire》、《Elle》、《联合早报》、《女友》、《星洲日报》等。 Claire, Elle, Lianhe Zao Bao, Nu You, Sin Chew Jit Po, to name a 著有专栏结集作品《从我脚尖吻我》和都市情感短篇《谁说我 few. She has also authored two books : Kissing Me from Toes Up and Who Says I am Alone. She currently resides in Hong Kong. 寂寞》。目前定居香港。
www.facebook.com/typicadouyuan | typicacafe.blogspot.hk | www.facebook.com/sumleong
Of the chance to change the world, she says, “平反六四。” “To redress the Tiananmen Square incident. “
www.agneschee.com | www.facebook.com/agnescheeyanwei
大 馬 活 力 有 機 農 夫
馬 來 西 亞 荒 野 保 護 協 會 主 席
黃 田 環
“用体验的方式,来达到教育的目的,从而 倡导环保理念,让我们的地球更美好!”
“未来的农作法。” “Agriculture of the future.” three years in learning the ropes and familiarising with the new farming technique, he implemented the said farming technique 亚拉曼学院担任三年的讲师,也在马来西亚生命线协会任辅 fully across his farms, in 2010. From then on, he responsibly 导员一职;直到2006年,他愿意重新来过,创办了有机公司。 uses appropriate machines to level the land. Nestled in the quiet 两年后,他也赴澳洲以及纽西兰学习一门新艺术 Bio Dynam- Cameron Highlands, Terra Organic Farm is a place for urbanic活力農耕法,并创办了Terra有机农场,全面使用该有效, ites to get close to nature. For the luxurious fresh air and scenic view offered, travellers are encouraged to take their own time, to 并没有以任何化学工料的培养的菜园。2010年后,他用正确 slow down their pace, to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the 的机器来耕耘土地。在宁静的金马伦高原上,Terra有机农场 breath-taking view of the forest and hills. He also constructs his 是都市人放松的好地方,放慢脚步,细细品味大自然美。黄 own tree-houses for visiting guests.
田环也亲自建筑树屋,供来访者静心享受天然气息之用。 NG TIEN KHUAN
Upon graduating from the University of Malaya in Physics in 1999 and spending three years teaching in TARC College and a counsellor with the Live Line Association, in 2006, Ng Tien Khuan has decided to embark on an experiment to establish and manage an organic farm. He named it Terra Organic Farm. Two years later, he took courses in New Zealand and Australia in a farming technique called Bio Dynamic Farming. After two to
www.terrafarm.com.my | www.facebook.com/terraorganicfarm
蘇 添 益
Of the chance to change the world, he says, “生产真正的食物,并改变人对实质的看法。食物并不只是填饱肚 子而已。实践健康与自然生活,改变人类生活作息。这是我目前在 做的。” “By producing real food, and changing the perception of people towards materiality, we will know that food is not just physical materials to fill stomachs. By living healthy and natural lives, we change the way humans live on earth,. And these`are what I’m doing now.”
“Through experiential learning, education could be enriched. Starting from environmental conservation, earth’s condition will be better. “
In addition to helming Nesh MARKETING SDN BHD’s product development arm, Calvin Soh is also the president of the Society 荒野保护协会会长,苏添益坚信研发与环保可并存。喜爱把 of Wilderness Malaysia. His aim is to build a genuine connection 自然风光捕捉入镜头内的他,为马来西亚所拥有的最古老雨 between innovation and nature. He is also a fervent photogra林感到自豪,并透过教育和宣传活动提升大众对雨林的认识, pher capturing the natural sceneries of the Malaysian rainforests – an asset which he proudly attempts to conserve through edu学习欣赏大自然的真善美。 cation and awareness programmes.
Malaysian rainforest has been severely depleted in recent years due to the country’s emphasis on economical development. For 的雨林在近年来遭受严重破坏,再过个几十年,或许一切的 a rainforest to become an oil palm plantation it takes only ten 自然美景已不复存在。眼看大自然受到如此极大的威胁,苏 years; however for a full rainforest to achieve full bloom, it takes centuries. Calvin Soh’s effort in continuously driving this impor添益深感遗憾之余,也穿上全副军装当个“守护雨林的勇士” tant message ,amid Malaysia’s pursuit in rapid economic devel,尽己所能抵挡经济发展的洪流,把爱护与欣赏大自然的信息 opment, should not go unnoticed.
www.sowm.com.my/joomla | www.facebook.com/sowmorg
Of the chance to change the world, he says, “复原森林之自然生态与保护自然生命。” “To reinstate the natural in the forests, as well as to preserve life. “
歴屆演講者摘要 QU O T E S FROM
“ 我要为我们儿女们留下一个 值得我们骄傲的国家。” “ I have to leave a nation we can be proud of for my children.” Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasen “ 发觉我们每天所认为理所当 然的美好,也珍惜我们每天 所认为不值得一提的真理。" 胡智義
“ 当你有点子,不要尽它; 将它实现。”Bee Man & Hour Tan
“光害其实就是我们人类 在晚上开太多灯。” 陈伟伦 & 陆维强
“国家的认同感要在民族 之前。”徐肇鸿 “国内旅游可以把马来西亚 变成一个旅游大国。”
“穷时间、穷味觉、穷经济、 穷文化、穷美学、穷知识 都是导致马来西亚当代社会 优质生活开始消减的因素。”
“ 在这个行业(电影) 是没有错的东西的。” 蔡荻蔚
“ 我们马来西亚人去到外国 很自豪,什么语言都行。”
“ 同理心在医学上是很重 要的,因为同理,所以 能够了解病人的要求和 家属的感想。”陈庆华教授
“不完美是最自然不过的 事情!”余志光
“ 如果我能够掌握他们的语言, 我一定能做很多事情。”梁拯康
“ 你们可以圆梦。”吴文彬
十 六 弦 樂 四 重 奏
地 方 語 言 維 護 及 推 廣 者
黄 啟 灝
创办于2012,古典乐团十六弦乐四重奏目前是由第一小提琴 lisa chia, 第二小提琴 amy lim,中提琴 ling li yen , 大提琴 chong eugene 组织而成的。离开马来西亚青年管弦乐团后, 他们决定要朝室内乐进军,并创立了该乐团。他们余音绕梁 的音乐,曾在不同的婚礼与商业活动留下了印记。2013年, 自Damansara Performing Arts Centre首演后,12月间,他们 也被邀请到东马来西亚亚庇弦乐节演出;从此巡演马来西亚 各州。
16 Strings String Quartet, formed in 2012 comprises of 1st violinist Lisa Chia, 2nd violinist Amy Lim, violist Ling Liyen and cellist Chong Eugene. All former members of the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, they decided to pursue their lifelong passion of chamber music that led to the formation of the quartet. From wedding gigs to corporate functions, Sixteen Strings are actively involved in various live performances all over Malaysia, skilled with working in a variety of genres. In November 2013 the quartet made their recital debut in Kuala Lumpur at Damansara Performing Arts Centre DPAC. Shortly after, in December 2013, 16 Strings String Quartet received an invitation as a resident guest artist to participate in Kota Kinabalu’s first ever String Festival. They have embarked on a performance journey across Malaysia.
( Presentation in Cantonese )
啟灝於 2010 年末离开服务了 11 年的跨国企业,从中国返回 马来西亚另谋发展。其热忱与理想多年来一直周旋於 艺术、文化边缘,因此担任檳城表演艺术中心经理 一职,除了得以在这领域投身贡献外,更有幸日常中 得以结识富有创意想法的年轻人。他坚信隐藏在不同语言中 的奥妙和魅力,其最大兴趣便是致力於接触、参与一切和发 展檳城福建话有关的事物。
He says, “富有潜能!(Chua 2014, http://www.theatrex.asia) “Full of potential! (Chua 2014, http://www.theatrex.asia)
www.16-strings.com | www.facebook.com/sixteenstringsquartet
penanghokkien.com | www.facebook.com/aokh1979
Since returning home to Malaysia from China 4 years ago, Kee How has been hot on his heels in contributing to Malaysian culture and heritage through his research and preservation of local Penang Hokkien language for the Malaysian state. His love for languages and cultures has been his sole motivator in this meaningful quest to promote linguistic diversity. He at present works as the theatre manager of Performing Arts Centre of Penang. Of the chance to change the world, he says, “艺术与文学教育应当在学校必修;每个人都应该关怀自然,歧视语言 是罪;每个人应当成为素食者。” “Arts and literature should be compulsory in every school; Appreciating nature is a must, discriminating languages tantamount to crime. I would also make everyone vegetarian.”
全 職 聲 音 工 作 者
作 曲 、 编 曲 、 音 樂 縂 監 监 集 一 身 的 藝 術 家
洪 嘉 惠
辛 荣 安
“音乐为环球语言能跨越一切藩篱。” “Music as a universal language that transcends all barriers. “
“我们都是平等的灵魂,不要为了钱财与 名分而压迫他人。” “We are equal. Do not oppress others for financial gains. “
从19岁开始就是一个全职声音工作者。参与工作性质以主持 at corporate events, running her own talk segments on radio sta为主,由广场DJ,小型巡回演唱会主持,企业舞台颁奖礼, tion and TV programmes, not to mention a voice-over talent for a variety of commercials. 到电台与电视主持。除外,也參与广告幕后配音工作。 35岁那一年因緣巧合下上了胡因夢带领的占星以及身心灵 课程,从此投入大量時間於身心灵的学习。目前,工作性质 渐渐走向幕後,除了依然活跃於舞台主持外,主要是从事心 灵咨詢工作,以及聲音培训方面的工作。 HOONG JIA HUI
It has never been a doubt that Jia Hui possesses a talent with
Her life took a turn at the age of 35, when she had an enchanting encounter with Spiritual teacher and astrologist Master Terry Hu. She was initiated into the world of astrology and spiritual awakening. Since then, she has devoted herself into the process of deepening spiritual understanding and awareness. Her work has gradually shifted to behind-the-scenes, providing spiritual counselling and voice training to those who aspire to improve themselves.
( Presentation in English )
辛荣安是一名得奖无数,作曲、编曲、音乐总监集一身的艺 术家。毕业自美国纽约大学Tisch School of The Arts 音乐剧 创作课程,他可是该大学里第一个荣获校长奖学金的学生。 曾被5次被马来西亚Cameronian艺术奖提名,及曾以最佳原 著音乐、最佳音乐总监以及最佳公众挑选奖挂冕。他所创作 的音乐剧 Marrying Me与今年9月已被受邀 到纽约剧场Barn 演奏会系列演出,地点为DLounge剧场。被纽约时报誉为“ 备具魅力的合奏”,也被杂志Backstage称为“轻轻摇晃般地 摄人魅力”之美称连连,荣安百老汇制作包括Mel Brook’s THE PRODUCERS (PAN Production presents, 2013) & RUBY MOON (KLpac presents, 2012)等 。2011年,他也出版了 个人首张音乐专辑《EPOMANIA - an epic soundtrack by Onn San》 ONN SAN
Of the chance to change the world, she says, her voice. Since age 19, she has been working as a professional “呼请世界联合国组织,强烈谴责任何进行战争的国家。” host full time, an emcee, a DJ and voice talent, to name a few. “To call the United Nations to denounce countries which wage Hosting as a mainstay, she is often heard as a live DJ in major war on others. “ malls, a host in concert tours involving renowned artists, an emcee reading citations at awards ceremonies, introducing brands
Onn San is an award-winning composer, arranger & music director who graduated with an MFA in musical theater writing as a composer at the New York University, Tisch School of The Arts, Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program. He is the first Malaysian composer to graduate and received the Dean’s Fellowship Award from the program. Nominated 5 times for the Kakiseni’s Boh Cameronian Arts Awards (Malaysia’s most prestigious arts
chineseemcee.blogspot.com | www.facebook.com/thesunjourney
www.onnsan.com | www.facebook.com/onnsanmusic
awards) and won 3 including “Best Original Music” (Everworld, 2013), “Best Musical Director” (Everworld, 2013) and “Audience Choice Award (Marrying Me, 2014) His musical, MARRYING ME was recently selected by the New York Theatre Barn Concert Series and was performed at the DLounge Theatre in New York City in September 2014. His orchestration credits include: KING DAVID (Off-Broadway). The New York Times commented on Onn’s orchestrations as “...lushly orchestrated”, while Backstage, NY said it was “...seductively lilting.” JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHICOLOR DREAMCOAT (Miracle Theatre presents) His musical directing credits include: Mel Brook’s THE PRODUCERS (PAN Production presents, 2013) & RUBY MOON (KLpac presents, 2012) His debut album, “EPOMANIA - an epic soundtrack by Onn San” was launched in September 2011 and is available on iTunes.
Of the chance to change the world, he says, “我将设立一个能让每个人都能自由创作音乐之自由、不被金钱束缚的 自我运作音乐生态环境。” “I will create a self sustaining eco system for people to venture into the world of music without the limitations of finances or unequal opportunity.”
Nini Andrade Silva
葡 萄 牙 籍 名 室 内 設 計 師
“其实我的概念就是来自老祖宗的概念。 目标清晰,持续与恒心,总有一天成功 就会找上你了。”
“人应该回到本质;做回自己,发掘自己 的潜能。” “People should be themselves. Just be yourself, and you discover your full potential.” ( Presentation in English ) biggest and best designers in the world, being the creative mind behind multiple hotels members from the Design HotelsTM chain. With an impressive work across the world, Nini have seen several times her work distinguished and becoming a constant presence in prestigious publications worldwide. Nini is also an international consultant for IADE, thus integrating the panel of guest lecturers to the School of Design, and received IADE CAREER AWARD 2010. As a result of this recognition, last June 2011, Nini Andrade Silva was distinguished by the Portuguese Government with the Honored Title “Grau de Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique”, by her rendered outstanding service to Portugal, within and abroad. Recently she was appointed as Cultural Ambassador by Guimaraes 2012 - European Capital!
Of the chance to change the world, she says, “我要人倾听自己的心,许多人只略听,而不细听。” Nini Andrade Silva is one of the most prestigious interior design- “I want people to listen from their heart, too many people hear but ers in the world. Born in Funchal, Nini graduated in Design at the not truly listen.” Institute of Visual Arts, Design and Marketing (IADE) in Lisbon, and simultaneously pursued her academic and professional experience abroad, where she studied and worked in New York, London, Paris, South Africa and Denmark. Her work has international recognition, having put the name of Portugal alongside the
www.niniandradesilva.com | www.facebook.com/NiniAndradeSilva
王 祺 偉
世上有谁能真正堪称自己并没有事业,而是拥有一个生命 企划?葡萄牙籍 Nini Andrade Silva就是这一位出众的名室内 设计。毕业于里斯本视觉艺术、设计、以及行销学院(IADE) ,并步行海外的她,历经纽约、伦敦、巴黎、南非以及丹麦进 行设计创作,被受国际瞩目,也将葡萄牙与世界顶尖的设计 师聚集一堂。她是世界顶尖主题酒店连锁 Hotels TM Chain 的 主要设计,设计蓝图被许多著名的室内设计杂志报道。Nini 也 为她母校 IADE世界设计顾问,将学校里的老师与世界设计先 进相结合,也于2010年荣获IADE企业奖。2011年6月,Nini 被葡萄牙政府赐封为“Grau de Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique”(Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry); 2012年,她也是欧洲首都文化大使。
經 義 大 利 訓 練 之 大 馬 小 提 琴 師 傅
“My concept is quite old-fashioned. As long as your aim is clear, coupled with perseverance, you will succeed. “
身为马来西亚唯一的职业提琴制作师傅,也是唯一一位在克 雷蒙那受过意大利传统手工艺训练的马来西亚人,王祺偉就 读于国际著名提琴制作学校,意大利的 Stradivarius School in Cremona。至今,他已经将老师Maestro Massimo Negroni的真传 -传统克雷蒙那风格的小提琴-带入了马来西亚。他立志要将这 意大利传统的手工艺推广到马来西亚各地。造琴之热忱来自 他爵士与古典吉他训练,师承Juan Pablop D e Zu bi r i a Ru eda。 另外,王祺偉也非常热爱低音提琴,师承马来西亚爱乐乐团 团员 Foo Yin Hong(胡英鸿)and Joesph Pruesser。目前, 他是个当代古典音乐与爵士的乐手,参与的乐团有马来西亚 爱乐乐团、马来西亚青年爱乐乐团,国家交响乐团、以及 马来西亚电视广播乐团。 ONG KET WEI
ing the technique of violin making rooted in the traditional classical cremonese style, coupled with the unique reddish amber with brown and antique colored varnishing to Malaysia. He aspires to promote the art of Italian violin making in Malaysia. KetWei’s passion in violin making comes from his music training in classical and jazz guitar, under the guidance of Juan Pablop De Zubiria Rueda. Coupled with double bass, his passion was brought to another level, under the mentorship of Mr.Foo Yin Hong and Mr.Joesph Pruesser, with whom the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) has nurtured. Currently, Ong Ket Wei professionally plays the double bass in a variety of genres, from contemporary music to jazz, with the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO), National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) and the Orchestra Radio Televisyen Malaysia (ORTM). He also frequently plays with the Penang Symphony Orchestra (PSO).
Of the chance to change the world, he says, Being Malaysia’s one and only luthier -- the violin maker -- and “我希望把大家的步伐放慢,其实很多时候我们大家都走的太快了, the only Malaysian who has been trained in this skill, Ong Ket 错过很多我们身边美好的人与风景。” Wei is a proud alumnus of the acclaimed the international school “I hope that everybody will slow down their pace. Most of the time, of violin making named Stradivarius School in Cremona, Italy. He we are too fast and missed out lots of good things around us. “ has done his teacher Maestro Massimo Negroni proud by bring-
www.facebook.com/ong7578 | www.facebook.com/ongliutaio
檳 城 老 行 業 記 录 者
東 華 三 院 賽 馬 會 復 康 中 心 副 院 長
陈 永 健
陈 佩 珊
“不管你有任何才华,你还是可以享受人 生、工作、爱情,保持快乐。”
“No matter what kind of abilities you have or you do not have, you can still enjoy life, enjoy work, enjoy love and be happy.”
“ Maker Movement.”
陈永健毕业于马来西亚槟城伯乐大学资讯科学系,就业于 美国科技公司Intel。2011年,他创办了小型企业 Cekap Media,提供记录摄影以及网页发展服务。同年,他也 独步录下了超过60个槟城里的制造业的生产过程。
its diverse local communities. The documentary journey took him for 2 years. He has developed innovative platforms for presenting his findings, such as e-books and websites. In 2014, he got funding from Think City to publish his first book in September, named as Traditional Trades of Penang. He has highlighted the people, processes and products that make the historical trades of the various traditional communities so unique. He is currently a Project Program Management Advisor in Dell.
他所关注的是在地社群的行业。这个影像记录路程为期两 年;他也将记录成果出版成电子书与网站。2014年,他获得 Think City之赞助与支持,与9月发表他的新书(槟城老行业)。 Of the chance to change the world, he says, 目前,他是Dell电脑公司的企划管理顾问。 CHIN YOON KHEN
Chin Yoon Khen studied information technology at Kolej Damansara Utama (KDU), Penang, and then worked as a systems analyst with Intel. In 2011, he founded a small company, Cekap Media, and practices as a documentary photographer and website developer. At the same year, he walked along the shaded five-foot ways or narrow alleys alone to document the manufacturing process for more than 60 traditional trades of Penang, concentrating on those trades are traditionally associated with
( Presentation in Cantonese )
“建立世界上最大的青年制作并振兴即将绝迹的老行业;一起推动大家 发明,并制造新产品,重新给老行业注入新生命。” “Build the biggest youth community for the continuation of craftsmanship to revitalize all endangered trades. Together, they will push each other forward to invent and build new and innovative things so the age old manufacturing processes do not pass into oblivion but retain a renewed vitality.”
iBakery -- a bakery and catering business employing people with disabilities -- was founded in 2010. With continuous expansion 华三院属下的烘焙生产训练单位,转化为营运及社会目标兼 over the last 4 years, it has become a reputable and award win备的烘焙社会企业。她在2010年成立了专门聘用残疾人士的 ning social enterprise, with 7 shop outlets operated by a team iBakery,主要业务包括烘焙及餐饮。过去四年,业务不断 of 60 staff members, consisting of different physical and mental 扩展,目前i B a k e r y 拥有七家分店,聘请了60位不同能力 abilities. Apart from creating employment for people with disabilities, Florence has also built a strong network of passionate vol的雇员,并获得社会及业界多个奖项和认同。除了为残疾 unteers relevant expertise to support the development of iBakery. 人 士 创 造 就 业 机 会 , 她 也 为 i B a k e r y 建 立 了 强 大 的 She also actively took part in community education activities, 义 工 网 络 , 同 时 积 极 参 与 社 区 教 育 , 与 过 千 名 本 地 promoting ideas of social enterprising and social inclusion to 及 海 外 访 客 分 享 社 企 营 运 经 验 及 i B a k e r y 的 共 融 理 念 。 over 1400 local and overseas visitors. Before venturing into social business, she had worked for severFlorence过去一直在社会福利界工作,曾服务於不同的非政 al NGOs, including the Hong Kong Christian Service, the Hong 府机构工作,包括香港基督教服务处、香港社会服务联会及 Kong Council of Social Services, Hong Kong Red Cross, serv香港红十字会。她在香港中文大学取得社会科学学士学位, ing the needy in the community. Florence obtained her Bachelor of Social Science Degree from the Chinese University of Hong 亦毕业於INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Programme. Kong, and was graduated from INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Programme. FLORENCE CHAN
Of the chance to change the world, she says, Florence Chan began her entrepreneurial journey in 2009. She “人们需互爱与尊敬彼此。” took over the bakery training facility of the rehabilitation complex under Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and turned it into a social “People love and respect each other.” enterprise achieving both business and social missions.
ibakery.tungwahcsd.org/ibakery | www.facebook.com/iBakeryhk
“奋斗中深刻体会,人脑的潜力是无限的。我用平静来感应; 用想象力唤醒与中枢神经失去联系的身体机能记忆,捕捉到 记忆的倩影后再用意念坚持。“从心出发”四字,含意深远 而强大。我们不妨观察孩子与动物,学习他们对自己本能的 感知。勤劳思考,你能把不可能,变成可能。“从心、重新” 思考,你也能驱动你未知的领域。” “The human brain is limitless; you could learn to use it while going through life hardships. I have calmly awoken the memory embedded in my injured spine. Right from my heart, I strive, observing children and animals as they move; to refine your thoughts and re-define your actions, there are limitless possibilities.”
策展人 Curator 黄菁云 Angie Ki
社交媒体 Social-Media 钟豪永 Chong Haw Eong
副策展人 Co-Curator 黄菁翠 Jessie Ng
行政统筹 Administration 梁玮琼 Jade Leong
节目统筹 Programs Director 黄菁翠 Jessie Ng
制作管理 Production 周汶龙 Lionel Chew
大会司仪 MC 杨万里 Yeoh Ban Lee
摄影 Photography 戴祖意 Nike Tai Choo Yee 蔡俊明 Kalvin Sua Choon Meng 刘德威 Michael Liew
伙伴关系 Sponsor Relationship 陈奕纶 Jacky Tan Yik Loon 文字编辑 Editorial 蔡俩俊 Richard Chua Lian Choon 杨万里 Yeoh Ban Lee JAN CHIA
毕 业 于 广 播 电 视 电 影 系 , 毕 业 后 是 民 歌 餐 厅 驻 唱 歌 手 , Having graduated from a TV and film specialization, Jan Chia 也经担任过翻译、特约采访记者,和网页内容作者。最后, has been performing at pubs. She is also a translator. In 2012, she met with an accident. She was severely crippled. Later, while 选择以全职驻唱为生。《海螺》餐厅,是宛芊成为驻唱 on physiotherapy, she decided to continue into translation full歌手的出发点,和很多驻唱歌手一样,驻唱足迹亦遍布整 time. She obtained her professional translation qualification in 个吉隆坡地区。2012年4月28日,非常不幸地,表演回家 2014, becoming a translator in the world. She appreciated every 途中发生严重车祸,脊椎损伤和综合性骨折导致严重瘫痪。 moment since her miraculous recovery and is determined to preserve, living positively till the end. 之前,除了复诊与物理治疗、坐/睡在家里,宛芊要求 家 人 开 通 网 络 , 并 开 始 向 外 界 提 供 翻 译 服 务 , 赚 取 经 费 , Of the chance to change the world, she says, 然 后 报 考 专 业 翻 译 。 今 年 2 0 1 4 年 正 式 毕 业 , 文 凭 由 马 来 “除了希望更多人关注与认识脊椎损伤之外,也希望世界上的每一个 角落,都尽可能增添更多为行动不便者而设的公众设备,尤其是轮椅 西亚国家语文局(DBP)认证。如今为世界各地的翻译社/ 使用者。” 客户提供翻译。从鬼门关来回一趟后,宛芊珍惜着让她存 “To raise awareness about spinal injuries and hope that more dis活 下 来 的 每 一 点 滴 幸 运 , 未 来 的 挑 战 , 不 会 因 此 而 结 束 , abled friendly facilities to be built, especially for those who are wheel-chair bound. “ 也不会因为她的过去而变得更容易。宛芊,已有所准备。
www.proz.com/profile/1789051 | www.facebook.com/janchiawc
攀 過 自 身 障 碍 的 音 樂 人
字幕翻译计划 Open Translation Project (OTP) TED 黄菁翠 Jessie Ng 李信融 Mervin Lee 严以轩 Gary Gan 美术指导 Art Director 胡智義 Joseph Foo 平面设计 Graphic Design 叶健汶 Dannson Yap 网页设计 Web Design 周汶龙 Lionel Chew
视像制作 Videography 叶铭浩 Yip Ming Hoe 舞台管理 Stage 李信融 Mervin Lee 韦昌杰 CK Wai 交通管理 Logistics 陈明森 Tan Ming Sen 圖像记录队 Graphic Recording Team 韩丽纷 Tikka Hun Mesita Jee Mei-Jane 主题音乐制作 Theme Music Composer 辛荣安 Onn San
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