Sustainability Innovation Sustainability Innovation Energy
Richard Hodkinson Consultancy Evans House 107 Marsh Road Pinner Middlesex HA5 5PA
020 8429 6760
Richard Hodkinson Consultancy was formed in 1999 as a specialist consultancy to deliver practical solutions for sustainable development. Our leading reputation is based on successfully providing realistic solutions through the knowledge, skills and commitment of our team. We enable clients to cost effectively deliver significant sustainability and innovation improvements. We work with clients at every stage of the project from concept through to handover. No project is too big or too small - we handle developments of 10,000 homes, industrial, office and commercial buildings or concentrate on a single property.
experience the difference
Innovation management at Ropetackle for Berkeley Homes
the solution to your needs As a specialist project based consultancy, we apply our knowledge across a diverse range of developments throughout the UK. Due to our wide range of ongoing projects we are fully aware of current and emerging standards and practice for sustainable development and innovation. In each case we assemble a project team to meet our client’s requirements. All our projects are ‘fit for the future’. Sustainability – sustainability assessment and climate change reports for planning applications, design implications of sustainability on masterplans. Innovation – early design advice to achieve sustainability standards, materials evaluations, innovation costs, construction environmental management plans, affordable housing design standards. Energy – energy statements and reports for planning applications, SAP and SBEM energy assessments for residential and non-residential buildings, low and zero carbon solutions, evaluation of renewable and community energy systems.
10 years at Greenwich > Innovation consultants at Greenwich Millennium Village > Sustainability advisors for Meridien Delta Ltd > Monitoring sustainability at The O2 Dome Arena for Anschutz Entertainment Group
Environmental Certification – Code for Sustainable Homes, EcoHomes, BREEAM, Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme, energy performance certification.
Sustainability encompasses the economic, environmental and social impact of a project and ensures that they all support each other.
beginning with
We will: > Understand the overall vision and objectives > Have regard to local issues > Consider stakeholder objectives to inform the process, for example marketing > Provide an overall assessment against a sustainability framework with set criteria and a scoring method > Produce a report to support the planning application
Our advice includes: > Planning applications sustainability reports and assessments > Climate change reports > Design implications of sustainability on masterplans > Supporting site promotion through planning inquiries > Carbon footprint analysis for organisations
leading through
We’re always looking out for new ideas which make a difference and gain commercial advantage. We recognise the rapid changes in the technical and commercial environment in which we work. We undertake research within our own practice and also act as research consultants to Government and its agencies. We ensure that our ideas are practical and can be cost effectively delivered.
We look at: > How good things are > How much they cost > Where the added benefit lies > Benchmarking performance - where you are as opposed to where you want to be > Suppliers who can deliver We will assist with: > Early design advice to achieve sustainability standards > Materials evaluations > Innovation costs > Construction environmental management plans > Affordable housing design standards
We offer specialist knowledge about the application of energy conservation and renewable energy measures. Our detailed and practical understanding enables us to provide appropriate standards and cost effective solutions. We carry out: > Energy Statements and reports for planning application purposes > SAP assessments for residential buildings > SBEM calculations for non-residential buildings > Evaluation of energy systems > Low and zero carbon solutions > Predicted energy assessments > Energy performance certificates
Our team of licensed assessors for EcoHomes, BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes are fully aware of cost effective solutions to meet these escalating standards. Our technical knowledge covers specifications for sustainability and high environmental performance. We were one of the first practices to become licensed EcoHomes assessors in 2000 and have developed a detailed understanding of measures for high environmental performance. We offer strategic advice including cost, programme and technical viability for all subject categories. Well established management systems aid delivery of defined BREEAM, EcoHomes, Code for Sustainable Homes and NHER energy standards.
‘At last, a safe pair of hands’ Berkeley Homes
working together Our team of unique leading specialists offer unrivalled levels of expertise and experience to our clients. We have wide experience of the construction and development industry and tailor teams to suit each individual project. We place great emphasis on an open style of management to encourage a real sense of ownership. This ensures success for the practice and excellent relationships with our clients.
assessment Richard Hodkinson Consultancy carry out assessments for: > The Code for Sustainable Homes > EcoHomes > BREEAM > CEEQUAL – Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award scheme > Energy performance certificates
Ropetackle, at Shoreham, West Sussex, for Berkeley Homes. 226 ‘Excellent’ rated Eco Homes which met rigorous sustainability objectives set by SEEDA.
Allerton Bywater Millennium Community, Leeds, for Barratt Homes. A former colliery site with 520 new ‘Excellent’ EcoHomes planned. We assessed the developer’s proposals in relation to Millennium Community and Eco Homes standards and advised on Modern Methods of Construction.
Our clients include all the major developers, key Government agencies such as English Partnerships, as well as local authorities and many smaller developers. We are totally committed to achieving our clients objectives in the most cost effective way. We bring our specialist skills to deliver real commercial advantage.
Greenwich Millennium Village, London for Countryside Properties and Taylor Wimpey in collaboration with English Partnerships. The first Millennium Community and our first project, now home to over 2,000 residents. We have worked on the sustainable elements of this project for over 10 years.
The Green Building, Manchester, for Taylor Wimpey. 36 apartments are contained within an energy conscious circular building built over a children’s nursery and doctor’s surgery. We advised on the energy innovation and environmental aspects of the building’s design and construction.
what we achieve for our
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East Devon New Community, Cranbrook, Exeter. A mixed use scheme with 3,000 homes to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, and commercial and retail space. We prepared the sustainability report to support the outline planning application.
> Winning planning consents > Winning development competitions > Undertaking complex research to advise on cost and delivery issues > Carrying out detailed assessments obtaining environmental certification > Cost effectively delivering projects > Using emerging technologies successfully > Meeting high environmental standards