2 minute read
Voice of Eve Issue One Sample
Voice of EveIssue One (September/October 2018)


By Diana Rosen
Sensuous, pear-shaped, full of rhythm so fascinating to Jasper Johns drawing, painting, sculpting them into dull silvery statements deep black matte remarks full-bodied, slim on top, a woman. Six is a woman, pregnant with, not life, something more, the sum of the earth.
About Diana Rosen
Diana Rosen has published essays, flash fiction, and poems in more than sixty publications including RATTLE, Tiferet Journal, and Soft Cartel, plus a half-dozen anthologies including Altadena Poetry Review, Those Who Can ...TEACH, and the award-winning, Kiss Me Goodnight. She lives and writes in Los Angeles where she also provides online content for food and beverage web sites.

The House Wrapped Around
By Carol Smallwood
as if I’d never left, my feet automatically adapting to the spot that dipped, and without looking I knew the exact distance between the windows even without the television or stereo.
The heavy doors did provide a feeling of solidity until one stuck—and the panic only calmed by the window above the kitchen sink where I’d studied clouds.
Despite the happiness being with the kids, I remembered: “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cheshire Cat,” or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Brylcreem, cigarettes, and antiseptic clung to the bedroom once shared with Cal; only two mirrors remained arranged so they endlessly repeated me till I disappeared.
There’d been a mirror the night before I married that’d given wavy reflections while packing away girlhood diaries.
Now the stripes in the yellow wallpaper mocked, “So you thought you’d get away? Cal said you never would.”
The yellow wallpaper became that in the story about a wife who peels it to free the woman she thinks trapped. Her husband called her, little girl; So did mine.
About Carol Smallwood
Carol Smallwood’s most recent poetry collections include In Hubble’s Shadow (Shanti Arts 2017); Prisms, Particles, and Refractions (Finishing Line Press, 2017); A Matter of Selection (Poetic Matrix Press, 2018). A multi-Pushcart nominee, she’s founded, supports humane societies.