The Christian Sportsman 29e

Page 1


Team Adventures for Your Ultimate Quest

Edition 29e

God’s Man with a Dog! Hank Hough and his Kingdom Dogs Astound Audiences around the Nation! page 6

PAGE 20 Hunt For Unconditional Trust Edgar Pierce

PAGE 23 Build Confidence this Season Hank Parker

Join TEAM CSF: Experience our next Alaska Wilderness Mission (see page 17 for details)

PAGE 28 Summer in a Hummer Part One Skipper Bettis

PAGE 4 Letter From The Publisher 1 Richard Jordan

The Christian Sportsman



Mission: The Christian Sportsman magazine encourages and empowers sportsmen to discover and develop a deep passion for Jesus Christ in the context of outdoor adventure.

Letter From The Publisher Richard Jordan

Staff Publisher — Richard Jordan Managing Editor — Jim Smith Art Director — Dwayne Bassett Graphic Design by — Sprocket,, Inc. Marketing Director — Chris Marley Data Management — Terry Sams

page 4

God’s Man with a Dog Interview with Hank Hough

Business Address: P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 telephone 770.335.1814

page 6

Speculative manuscripts and queries may also be sent via e-mail to:

Hunt For Unconditional Trust Edgar Pierce page 20

Build Confidence This Season Hank Parker page 23

Summer in a Hummer Part One Skipper Bettis page 28

Photo Gallery Page 36

Trijicon Mathews

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Legends Ranch Unico Safaris


CSF Connect

Legends Ranch Cavner & Julian - Stonewood lodge & Peninsula Bear Camps

International Advisory Board Pastor Johnny Hunt Dr. Bob Reccord Dr. John Morgan Dr. Paige Patterson Evg. James Robison Team Advenures Pro Staff National Spokesman — Steve Bartkowski Guiding & Outfitting — Skipper Bettis Alaska Big Game — Jim Brenn Scholastic Shooting Sports — Dr. Bill Christy Dog Training — Joey Hancock Leadership Training — Bruce Witt Ducks Unlimited — Jim Young Bass Fishing — David Swendseid Trophies of Grace — Scott Porter Hunting Devotionals — Tom Naumann Montana Outfitting — Bruce Smetana World Mission Projects — Dave Hall Father/Son Heritage — Brian Molitor God’s Creation — Steve Ponchot Dog Obedience — Hank Hough Outdoors Ministries—Chris Marley African Wilderness Missions—Rowan Lewis The Christian Sportsman magazine endorses the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable corporation under IRS Code 501(c)3. The Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation promotes the Christian message to the outdoors community by securing and maintaining land and facilities made available to assist ministries in effective outreach.

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Copyright 2013 by The Christian Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of whole or part of any material in this magazine without advance written permission is prohibited. TCS magazine is published quarterly by The Christian Sportsman, Inc., P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156; telephone 770.335.1814. Periodical postage paid at Atlanta, GA and additional mailing offices. The staff and management of TCS and the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, representations, or any other content or information presented in the magazine, whether provided by advertisers, magazine staff or contributing consultants. Except as expressly noted, neither TCS, Inc., nor the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation endorses any product advertised or described in the magazine. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the individual writers, and are not necessarily the views of the staff or management of TCS magazine, TCS, Inc., or the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation.

ILDonINg G BU lifel

friendships 2013

Join with other sportsmen in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” as we build a strong foundation for establishing effective outdoors ministries in local churches across the nation. A fun skeet shoot is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Wolf Creek so bring your shotguns (or rent a loaner) and make sure to practice your aim! Round trip airfare into Atlanta from most cities is very affordable. Seating for the Leadership Summit is limited so make sure to confirm your registration today!

Theme: Building Lifelong Friendships Presentations and break-out sessions for training includes:

Airport Marriot Atlanta, Georgia

Early Registration $150 After April 1st $175 Includes lodging & meals.

Seating is limited so make your reservations early for this premiere event for 2013.

• • • • • • •

How to Launch an outdoors ministry in your Home Church How to Start your Centershot father/Son Archery Program How to Plan a Fall Alaska Wilderness Missions Trip How to Host a Multi-Chapter Special Youth Challenge for your State How to Host a Father/Son Shoot-a-thon Friendraiser How to Host Innovative Chapter Workshops & Clinics for Effective Outreach How to Coordinate EQUIPPING Camps for the CSF X-Treme Discipling Series

OCToBER 11th 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CSF Ministry Presentations OCTOBER 12th

8:00 am - Noon* CSF Ministry Presentations

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fun Clay Target Shoot

* BBQ Lunch and Special Guest Speaker

Call 770.772.6749 for more information.


Letter from Publisher

Unconditional Trust in Building Lifelong Friendships (DEF) Trust – Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of another; a condition to building a mutually accepted relationship prior to becoming lifelong friends. On a recent turkey hunt in Georgia I invited a friend to join me on a climb toward the peak of Bear Mountain where some Eastern gobblers had been known to frequent. The Discipleship Pastor at First Baptist Atlanta, Brian Hatcher, was in passionate pursuit of a Spring turkey at the very moment that I mentioned the hunting opportunity. He and I made the connection to become lifelong friends. I had become very familiar with the terrain of the mountain and knew where to set up for our first stalk of the morning away from the North winds coming in from the Salacoa Valley as the sun began to rise causing a shift in the wind currents. Windy conditions prevent the hunter from hearing the sometime faint sound of the turkey’s gobble so I knew that we needed to position ourselves on the South side of the mountain peak. Within fifteen minutes of our stalk we located a bird ready for dialog with my box call, custom designed by the late Dick Kirby of Quaker Boy Game Calls. As the two Toms approached our decoys both Brian and I were zeroed in on the targets. I shot the turkey closest to me with my Weatherby Orion Sporting Shotgun and then Brian made a calculated shot on the other retreating bird. As if curiosity had gotten the best of the second gobbler he must have wondered “What happened to my buddy!” and “What was that loud blast!” He circled around and came within thirty five yards of us when


Brian took his shot and clocked his quarry dead. Two hunters and two mature gobblers by 8:22 am on the early morning hunt! Brian was forever branded with the nickname “Dead-eye Brian”. He not only trusted his ready shotgun and high brass loads but also knew that he could count on me as a friend in selecting a good spot for our morning stalk and the perfect timing when the gobblers were beginning to strut. We then threw the gobblers over our shoulder and made the descending hike of almost two miles back down the mountain after we bowed our knees before God in gratitude for nourishing bounty from the wild. This current edition of The Christian Sportsman social media magazine has been redesigned to fit the “Technology Accelerators” of our modern day now replete with new ways of viewing magazine periodicals. We must trust in the design of our God-given “Technology Accelerators” known as Laptops, Smart Phones, I pads, and Internet Television, which are forever changing the magazine world in providing reading pleasure for sportsmen. The Christian Sportsman creative team is to be credited for their insight into relating to the next generation of sportsmen. One printed edition will continue to be released annually with six to nine Online Digital Editions to follow. Our creative team can be trusted as you, our faithful readers, help by supporting our new magazine design and distribution. Thanks to the generous support of our National Sponsors and CSF Support Members we are now able to provide to local churches for their website a

complimentary ICON application for viewing the publication. Please send us an email and let us know how you enjoy reading our cover story about Hank Hough and his Kingdom Dogs. Other features highlight God’s work in the lives of sportsmen and their interaction together as well as their pursuit of His creation among game, fish and fowl. Contact our CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to secure a complimentary subscription for your church. Men’s Ministry in local churches may very well be the next great move of God’s Spirit across our nation and around the world. God can be trusted as a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Are we committed to trusting Him as a lifelong friend? Richard Jordan



God’s Man with a Dog! Hank Hough and his Kingdom Dogs Astound Audiences around the Nation!


Tell me about how your passion for dogs began. Richard, my passion for dogs began in my youth. I was raised in a hunting community, and in a hunting family. All my relatives hunted, and what comes with a good hunting family? Naturally, a good hunting dog. To put it into perspective, we said hello to the Lord every Christmas morning from a duck blind, and then went home to have our Christmas. In almost every family picture, that’s right, there was a dog in it. Does your family participate and support your raising and training retrievers?

bible says in “ The Job 12: 7, that if

you want to know who God is “ask the beast of the field and they will teach you.”

My family is great, however my sons are not drawn to dogs as I am. Once I left home for college I lost contact with hunting dogs, and my children were not raised with them around the house. We lived in the city and sports became our bonding ground. It wasn’t until my boys were in college that dogs were brought back into my life. So the family support all comes from my wife, Jayne. I am sure she is up for Sainthood in heaven for all she does for the ministry. Tell me about your family and professional life. We, as a family, have been

greatly blessed with health, talent, and success. We have had some major battles and trials, but God’s hand has always remained on us. I ran a business successful enough to provide for the family and to allow Jayne to stay at home. She is an exceptional cook, a gardener, and a gifted musician. She uses her musical gift playing for our church. The boys were great athletes growing up and have all survived those youthful trials to reach high levels of success professionally. Two of them are medical doctors, one is a pastor, and the youngest just graduated form a major music school here in Texas. Why do you use labrador retrievers and not other breeds? Well, if you don’t mind, let’s answer why use dogs at all. The bible says in Job 12: 7, that if you want to know who God is “ask the BEAST of the field and they will TEACH you.” I found that verse challenging, but today I believe it. So, why labs? I guess you could use almost any breed of dog, but labradors have some unique characteristics that I love. First of all, they have a great passion about what they do. They wake up every morning ready to be of service to someone other than themselves. Secondly, I find it interesting that they have the same job description in life that God gave us. I tell


are not even “ Dogs expected to be in

a church let alone preaching the sermon. A dog being in our church so goes against our principles that only God could be making this happen, and if God wants it to happen we need to get our logic out of the way.


God’s Man with a Dog!

them to “Go” (leave my duck blind). “Go”, even unto the ends of the swamp, find those that are lost and bring them back to me. God tells us to “GO”, even unto the ends of the earth, to find those that are lost, and to bring them back to Him. And thirdly, they have a servant’s heart. They are one of God’s warriors for the weak, the hurting, and the lost. There are only a few things that are always willing to run towards trouble in life. A fireman will, a policeman will, a pastor will, an American soldier will, and so will a labrador retriever. As an interesting note, it is difficult to use a dog or a man that wants to stay safe, soft, and comfortable on the back porch of life, and only wants to please itself. How and when did Kingdom Dog Ministries get started? Richard, it was more like it evolved than started. I don’t have a moment in my mind of when I first saw the vision of what KDM is today. I do have memories of watching it unfold in front of me. I believe it started in a duck blind in south Texas when I was hunting alone with my dog. I was talking perhaps even crying out to God to use me in some way for His Glory. I could not sing, or dance, or talk in public, I was a hunter with an empty heart that wanted to serve something bigger than himself. You might say that I was successful, but not satisfied. We offi-

cially became a 501c3 non-profit organization in 2003, however it had started years before that in the back yard without a name, or a vision, or even the awareness of its birth. As I trained my Beast of the field (my dog) I watched the bible unfold and come alive before my eyes. I began to show and share with others what the dog was teaching me. We went from hunting in rice fields on Saturday to hunting in churches on Sunday. We went from mud flats to church carpets. We went from duck blinds to cathedrals,and from rugged camo shirts to church robes. We went from the sound of duck calls to organ music, and instead of searching for the fallen birds of the air, my dog began to hunt for those that were lost and hungry for the Word of God. That beginning was ten years ago and since that date the good Lord has used the dogs to bring over 20,000 individuals into His kingdom. Wow! That was not even in my wildest dreams. Thank you Lord for using us.

ing from one of the last things you would expect to see in your church --- a dog. Dogs are not even expected to be in a church let alone preaching the sermon. A dog being in our church so goes against our principles that only God could be making this happen, and if God wants it to happen we need to get our logic out of the way. I don’t even question why it happens any more, I just show up with a dog and watch it happen before my eyes. I have watched thousands give their lives to the Lord at the end of the presentation. And my prayer is that the glory stay where it belongs -- in the powerful hands of our Lord. Sit, and keep your eyes fixed on me, and I will keep you in perfect peace. That is what I am going to do, Richard... I am going to sit, and keep my eyes fixed on HIM.

What is the basic message behind Kingdom Dog Ministries and why is it so appealing to audiences?

Well, first of all, I believe it is because GOD WANTS HIS MEN BACK. Secondly, I believe it is because God tells us that the outdoors is one of His greatest tools for showing men (the World) who He is. We were given the great outdoors ( His Creation ) long before we were given the bible. God says that He will reveal Himself to us through His Creation. So it does not surprise me that God is using dogs,

Richard, I believe it is so appealing, because even though it is the same message that the bible has been teaching us forever it catches us off guard. It is presented not only in a most unusual way, and by some of the most unique presenters, but it is com-

Why does Kingdom Dog Ministries most resonate with sportsmen. Is it because of their close association with the outdoors?


God’s Man with a Dog!

(one of His great creations) to talk to us. He just needed a few generations to get a dog into almost every home in America before He presented to us His truth through them. We actually call him man’s best friend. Every time you look down at him and think about his name D.O.G. it should remind you to (D)epend (O)n (G)od. What type of venues do you speak to, and what has been the largest and smallest group that you have addressed? I have taught my dogs not to challenge the direction nor the distance that I am sending them, and I try to honor that wish with my Master. We try not to look at who or how many. We focus on being thankful for the opportunity to go and serve. We give hundreds of talks every year. They range from (where two or more have gathered) to millions through television. We love to talk to everyone, but my three top favorite arenas are wild game dinners, churches, and men’s groups. However, the dogs are in great demand in public schools, correction institutions, conventions, seminaries, business organizations, youth groups, senior groups, home schools, Christian schools, and juvenile detention centers. It is endless and so exciting. These dogs will lick the face of a small child and the face of a


hardened criminal with the same compassion and love, and I am trying to incorporate that lesson in my own life. All of the events are truly exciting to us. We have talked at the Crystal Cathedral with over one and half million people watching, we have been on the 700 club, talked with James Robison, Focus on the Family, and numerous churches with congregations in the thousands, but we have also driven for hours to speak with groups and/or congregations numbering less than a hundred. It is about the honor that comes with God trusting us with His Word, not our fame and fortune. Why are Americans so enamored with dogs as pets and why? Well, there are a thousand reasons to love a dog. Let’s start with the most obvious. A dog’s love is unconditional. He does not have to be fed to show up with his tail wagging when you come home every day; he just loves you for who who you are. People are drawn to that kind of passion. I am the last thing my dog wants to see at night, and I am the first thing he wants to see in the morning. How can you not love something that loves you like that? We don’t have to pretend to be something we are not. He loves us just like we are ( old clothes, no make up, bad hair days, bad moods, and so on). One of my young dogs won

an event with straight 10’s from the judges last month. A competitor came up later and ask me how did he do it being so young. I answered him saying, “you are asking me the wrong question. It is not HOW did he win, but WHY did he win? He won today because he DID NOT COME HERE TO WIN. He CAME TO SERVE ME”. Wow! what a lesson for us all. It is not about us winning in life, it is about us telling the world who our master is. I know you use mostly black labrador retrievers, why? Are there any other dog species that you enjoy training? Richard, I love a well trained obedient, friendly, loyal anything, including a child and/ or an adult with those qualities. There aren’t enough of them around anymore. In todays world it is take what you can, the big dog wins, and don’t tell me what to do...I am free. Well, to me freedom is not the opportunity to just do what you want. It is the opportunity to do what is RIGHT . But as far as training other breeds of dogs, almost any dog can be trained. I just love to train labradors because they have such a servants heart. They love to please others. Their basic nature is one of a pastor, or of an evangelist, or of a marine. If

Continued on page 14

Well, there are a thousand reasons to love a dog. Let’s start with the most obvious. A dog’s love is unconditional.


Leaving a Legacy Through Estate Planning Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The foundation is supported by the prayers and generosity of Christian sportsmen and corporate sponsors. One way that you can ensure that outreach to sportsmen continues is to consider including the foundation in your estate plan.

If you are interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity for the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, please contact Richard Jordan at 770.335.1814 or speak with your estate planning attorney. Your financial support has helped launch over 350 church based chapters across the nation since 1994 to impact thousands of sportsmen for eternity, along their sons and daughters.

CSF Camouflaged

Sportsmen’s Bible Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or 12

Is Your Name in God’s Record Book of Life?

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Did you know that you can have your name permanently recorded in God’s book of life today?

HERE’S HOW: A) Admit that you need him - Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death...”, B) Believe that Jesus died to save you - Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” C) Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord by turning from your sin and calling on his name - Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out...” Our response is to receive Jesus Christ.

Does this prayer say what you want to say to God? Dear God, I believe that your son died for my sins and ask your forgiveness. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Savior and invite him to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please contact us about your eternal decision: CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156


God’s Man with a Dog!

something has fallen, if something is lost, or if something needs help they don’t care what the other dogs think about them. They are GOING to help it. They will search for it until they find it, and then they will bring it back and place it into their masters hands. Why black labs? Color is not a factor at all, nor is gender. The only thing that matters is attitude, desire, and a willingness to learn. I actually have all three colors of labs: black, yellow, and chocolate, and I love them all. As for training other dogs, my son had a chihuahua, and I have a pekinese that sits, retrieves, and loves to please. Why, because someone loved them enough to train them, and we trained them because we know that obedience sets them free. Obedience allows them to play in the park without a leash or control collar. That is why God says to discipline those you love. Prophet dog says it well when he tells all the new puppies, “SIT because ......the more I learned to stay - the more I got to go”. There are two major cross roads to learning obedience in a labrador’s life. One is in the beginning of our relationship with them. They believe that life is all about them. Therefore, it is our loving job to inform them that it is not about them. It is about them serving others. That is what separates champions from all other dogs. The other


challenge comes at about nine months when suddenly they start looking past you to other dogs. Instead of looking to you for who they are they start to compare themselves to the other dogs. I think I can outrun that dog. I think I am smarter, faster, and can smell better than all those other dogs. This is the first time PRIDE enters their world, and pride always comes before a fall. They must keep their focus on you if they are to ever be free. I believe the same thing happens to us. It is when we take our eyes and focus off of God and start to compare ourselves to other men that PRIDE comes into our lives and every thing changes. The bible says that, “he who keeps his eyes fixed on me, I will keep in perfect peace”. Are you in perfect peace? Who are your eyes on - God, your neighbor, or the mirror? What are some of the variety of speaking topics that you have addressed? We always try to align our talks with the audience we are speaking to, regardless of the topic. What separates us from other speakers is that we just don’t tell them...we show them what it looks like. Two themes that are always present in our talks are the power of truth, and the freedom that comes with obedience. We are not about hightech, extravagance, elaborate displays, nor elegant speech. We

are about the simplicity of God’s timeless truths, not just spoken, but revealed through live-moving illustrations. Here are just some of the topics we address: raising children, temptations, diversions, and the power of obedience. Others are not taking the easy path of life, not dropping what God has placed in our mouths, patience wins, and keeping our eyes on the Master. I, personally, love the talks on - “who is going to carry the torch when you are gone?”, and “when it is your turn to die, make sure that is all you have to do”. We have over four hours of topics and talks. When I first started I only had fifteen minutes of topics, and that was if I talked real slow. What is the future for Kingdom Dog Ministries and what legacy do you want to leave behind? Richard, what I would have told you five years ago is still true today. We are just grateful that God is trusting us with His Word. We want to serve. We are trying to be good labradors, throw it short or throw it long, and we will try get it for you. Just send us. However, after seeing what God has done through these dogs in bringing people to Christ (over 20,000 commitments in writing) in the last five years, God may have another plan. What would ten men and/

God’s Man with a Dog!

or women be able to accomplish, or a hundred? Our vision is to purchase some property, to build a facility so we can train Kingdom Dogs, and then place those trained dogs (21st century weapons for the Lord) into the hands of trained speakers across the country. We have plenty of men and women who have a love for God, a love for animals, and a desire to go, but what we do not have is a ready supply of trained dogs. We are waiting for God to place this vision on the heart of others to help us make this a reality. If we can build a training facility we can duplicate what we are doing. If we can duplicate what we are doing, then long after we are gone from this earth this ministry will continue to send dogs and speakers (even onto the ends of the earth). Boldly, walking into every school, church, and correction institution in America leaving a sea of changed lives behind all living for our Lord. I believe that the concept of Kingdom Dog Ministries can change the course of this nation, and have a major impact on the next generation of Americans being faithful to their Master. Hank Hough, I again want to thank you on behalf of The Christian Sportsman magazine staff and readership for your generosity in extending to us your time and probing insights into the fascination that dogs can bring into our lives and the culture of this nation. The preparation and thoughtful responses to our questions have allowed us to see God’s vision for communicating eternal truths through the eyes of a black Labrador retriever. What an exciting and vibrant ministry you are bringing into the lives of sportsmen across the nation.




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The Hunt for Unconditional Trust and a Safe Zone of Fire By Edgar Pierce

Never in a million years could he have believed it could happen. He had always prided himself in being a safe gun handler. He had made it a habit to check to make sure every gun he handled was unloaded and always pointed the muzzle in a safe direction. Now his buddy was bleeding from a shot inflicted by the gun in his hands. As a hunter safety instructor he had hammered the Ten Commandment of firearm safety into his students to make them safe. He could still hear the echo’s as the student repeated them numerous times. “Number One, watch that muzzle.” He heard the voices cry, “Number three, be sure of the target and what is


in front of it and beyond it.” He knew the axiom of shooting as well; once you pull the trigger you can never call that bullet back. Now his friend had been shot by the hands that held his gun. His hands were trembling worse than from any buck fever when hunting. Fortunately, this scenario in the first two paragraphs is fiction. However, it is a true to life event. I am a hunter safety instructor and I have been blessed to have never shot anyone in a hunting accident. I chose to tell this story with a safety instructor angle to show that it could happen to anyone. Just ask former VicePresident Dick Chaney who shot a friend, Harry Whittington,

while quail hunting. One of the pellets lodged in or near the heart while others were in his right cheek, neck and chest. These types of hunting accidents happen far too often. What does this have to do with unconditional trust and trusting someone with our life? It has to do greatly with it because anytime you hunt with someone who is carrying a firearm, you literally trust your life to them. If they are a safe and responsible hunter we feel safe when handling firearms around them. If they are reckless then chances are we will not hunt with them again for safety reasons. Hunting can be a great builder of friendships but these friendships must be

built on mutual trust. This is not only while bird hunting, but also rabbit hunting, deer hunting, duck or almost any other type. Friendships that are based on unconditional trust are necessary when we hunt together. When we teach young hunters to be safe we often talk about the different ways to carry the firearm. We talk about the proper ways of carrying a gun when hunting with others in their party. The trail carry, that points the muzzle to the front and down, leaves a hand free to balance. Someone who carries their gun this way when someone is in front of them is unsafe. The “elbow or side carry� is similar because the gun is pointed down and to the front but it not as safe

because there is less control of the muzzle when our hands are not gripping the gun. When you are bird or rabbit hunting you will often find that a cradle or shoulder carry is necessary. As we walk along enjoying the time together we often have lulls in the shooting action as the dogs work to find the birds or rabbit. So which one do you use to carry the gun?

It depends on which direction your friend who trusts you with his life (remember that unconditional trust that you are building) is located. The main thing is to never point the gun in their direction. The Bible tells us to look out for each other. Philippians 2:4 HCSB Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.


and unwilling to share. Many times the mentor must become vulnerable to the other to instill reciprocal, unconditionally trust. This type of friendship does not develop in a short period of time in most cases but over an extended length of time.

The bird dog was on point. The two hunters were sure that the covey of quail was hiding in the grass in front of the dog’s nose. Slowly the hunters edged up closer as the dog quivered with anticipation of the flush. The third man in the party was about a 100 yards behind them picking up a bird from the last flush. The hunter circled to the right of the dog and motioned for his friend to circle to the left and be ready. The flush came with a rush of adrenaline that only a good covey can induce. His friend shot at the birds that moved to the left and he heard the whoop of the friend indicate a hit bird. The dog darted off to retrieve the down bird. Some of the covey flushed and rose directly toward the man. He turned and followed the birds to the rear. He pulled the trigger just as he realized that the third man had moved up to within 40 yards and was in the zone of fire. The shot left the barrel and could not be called back. Again this could be part of the scenario that we began with. The safe zone of fire is another thing that comes into play when hunting with friends. You trust


that your friends will abide by the rules of safe shooting as they swing on the birds or other animals. The safe zone is the area a hunter can safely shoot. This can change with each step. What about a safe zone for unconditional trust in friendships. A safe zone is one in which we can share with friends and not feel threatened or expect to be betrayed. Unfortunately in the church we are guilty of shooting our wounded. We do not practice a safe zone where we can feel safe. The Bible says in, James 5:16 HCSB Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. The confessing of sins and failures can only happen as we develop unconditional trust in our friendships. How do we develop unconditional trust? There are many factors. One is to be transparent on both parts. When we are developing trust it cannot be one sided. Simply put, it cannot be one person sharing while the other remains reserved

Another factor is that we learn to not judge, jump and kill the wounded. Some armies in history would kill their wounded because they did not want the enemy to torture them. They could not evacuate them so the warrior’s friend was given the task of killing his friend. However, we do not crucify our wounded as part of the brotherhood of Christ! Building unconditional trust may involve knowing certain weaknesses about another, not betraying an area of trust and yet committed to sharing life together where even more trust can evolve. What about the most important part of our true identity and our possession of eternal life? Paul teaches us that we can unconditionally trust the Lord Jesus in this matter. He said in 2 Timothy 1:12 HCSB ‌I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day. This hunt for eternal life is over for those who trust Him!

Edgar Pierce can be reached at:



this season By Hank Parker 23

If you look at the most consistently successful anglers on professional bass circuits, they all have one valuable trait: they ooze with confidence. Unfortunately, everyday anglers read that wrong. They assume the top fishermen are cocky, confident, or that their self-confidence came as God’s gift. That’s not so. Their confidence comes from their intricate knowledge of all lures and their ability to use each with a high percentage of success. And that’s how you can become a more confident, successful angler this season. Most weekend anglers tie on lures because of recent success, or because they fit in the latest trends, without taking the time to learn all of nuances of each lure. When you have full knowledge of a lure’s performance and characteristics, you become more versatile and armed with the knowledge – and confidence – in selecting the right one and making it work. I discovered that the hard way early in my pro career. My inability to be versatile and have confidence in all of the tools led to my demise at times. I used to think that, because I fished on tough lakes, I was mentally stronger than the guys on Toledo Bend, Texas where there were a lot of fish and limits came easy. I was wrong. Those guys fished a lot of lures and gained confidence in them because they had an abundance of fish with which they could experiment.


Remember, there’s usually more than one way to catch fish, but there’s always an optimum method. Being able to lay down your favorite lure that catches a few in favor of one that’s going to work better requires experience and confidence in that other lure. How do you get it? Visit the best bass lake you know, even if it’s a pay-to-fish lake chocked full of bass, and use those lures you don’t have confidence in and experiment with them. Learn what presentations catch fish and study what that bait does in the water. Several years ago I fished a redhot lake in Cuba and made it my goal to learn how to fish a Johnson Spoon while I was there. It was a great bait for Florida at that time but I had problems catching fish on it in Cuba. But, when I came home, I felt like the best spoon fisherman in the world. In another situation, I went to an Alabama lake and fished with a local. I told him I was going to use a jig and he said it wasn’t a good jig lake, yet I caught 50 on a jig that day, including two over nine pounds. My partner struggled because all he did was drag that jig through the silted bottom. I was swimming and hopping it above where the bass could see it. He eventually caught on and caught some, too. He has since learned that you have to apply each lure to what the structure or bottom allows. You can learn a lot by taking your lures to a swimming pool and studying how each lure performs. Work each one differently and note how it moves with different applications and rods. You may

discover that your previous method wasn’t keeping the bait in contact with the bottom or moving the lure realistically. You’ll discover that each crankbait has a different wobble, or that some baits respond differently with different sizes and types of line. You may see how one bait deflects from cover better than another, or one brand of a plastic worm falls differently than another that looks the same. Once you gain more knowledge, you’ll reach for the lure that most effectively fishes the cover and the conditions you face on a given day rather than the one or two baits you like to fish. I guarantee you will gain confidence, because you’re going to catch more fish. Nothing breeds confidence like catching fish! Check out Hank Parker’s Website at:

I discovered that the hard way early in my pro career. My inability to be versatile and have confidence in all of the tools led to my demise at times.


Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship

Needs Your Help in Casting the Net!

Social Media Integration In Life there are three types of people: Those that “make things happen”, “watch what happens”, and those that wonder, “what just happened”. And no one wants to get caught in this last category! “Sometimes it’s very challenging to adapt to change, especially when it comes to the unfamiliar technology accelerators that are now driving our outdoor communities. Over the past few months several cutting edge applications have been developed for web surfers using computers, smart phones, Ipods, etc. Efficiency helps in finding success when living in an over-communicated culture”, — Richard Jordan, CSF President Each strand of the “web” leads to another line of communication. The World-Wide-Web (www) connects us all together. But within the web there are great ways to inform and entertain like Flikr for sharing photographs or Youtube for sharing video experiences. Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship’s (CSF) goal is to keep you inform so that lifelong friendships can be built with other like-minded sportsmen!

Consider “the web” as more of a net, a fisherman’s net. Jesus stated: “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19) Call CSF headquarters with your questions, to obtain links, or for technical assistance at 770.772.6749 26

Send Your Church Mission Group to Alaska! Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Church Group Friendraiser Campaign 100% of Net Proceeds Invested in Alaska Wilderness Missions



CSF needs your help in …Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Finally, a very simple and streamlined approach to funding your father/son mission trip to Alaska has arrived! How does it work? Enter Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship with a fourteen year proven success record in accommodating church groups in planning, preparation and participation for the purpose of helping sportsmen and their family members travel to Alaska on a mission/construction trip. What is the plan?

The answer … Wild Gourmet Alaskan Smoked Salmon! That’s right! Delivered directly to your church address securely packaged and preserved to require minimum handling with excellent potential in funding your entire mission project. Who do we send to Alaska? Imagine … A dad and his son sharing this mission trip opportunity with friends, neighbors and extended family members who would like to support their vision by purchasing a packaged quantity of the absolute best smoked salmon on the face of the earth.

Great for seasonal gifts! A personal letter from your church’s Alaska Mission team inserted into each box shares the vision for … Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Adventure to a Higher Level!

* Suggested Contribution $59.90 per Sampler Gift Package (Delivered) Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Coho (Silver) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Chinook (King) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Sockeye (Reds) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Pacific (Pinks) Salmon Filet ¼ lb.


Summer in the Hummer By Skipper Bettis (1st part of a 2 part series)


Some of these giant trees were just seedlings when Christ walked the earth.


Forty Days and nine thousand miles, there are not many opportunities for a man to retrace the adventures of his youth but in the summer of 2012 we did just that and more. Going back some 37 years in July of 1975, Uncle Dave and myself set off on an adventure that started me in the hunting business. Uncle Dave is my brother-in-law married to my oldest sister. We had been on many hunting adventures for our professions at the time. He was a Houston Fireman and myself a Texas State Trooper. In 1975, we left the Gulf Coast and drove to Ft Simpson NWT; I had one thing in mind to get into the hunting business and that I did. But in the year 2012 it was summer in the Hummer. We started planning the trip well over 2 years in advance and decided we would see the entire western US and Canada that piqued our interest. We set aside 40 days to make the trip and would start in Galveston Texas and go to Prudhoe Bay Alaska and beyond. You can’t go on a 40-day vacation without including sometime with the wives so Uncle Dave thought it best to include the gals in the part of the trip that took us up the coast Highway’s 1 and 101 from San Francisco to Seattle. That would be about eight days worth of shopping the way we saw it. So the trip was set. Leaving from Galveston June 23, 2012, Uncle Dave and I in the hummer and Trey, he’s finding someone to go with him in the



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From there it was Angel Fire, New Mexico to do a little prairie dog hunting and well worth the time.


Chevy diesel double cab. He didn’t get anyone for the first leg. Trey is a long-time friend from high school. The great thing about a journey like this you go where you want and stop whenever you want. All you do have to do is convince the person driving at the time to stop. First stop, The Big Texan in Amarillo Texas. Trey had always heard of the Big Texan Restaurant but never been there. The Big Texan gets its name from the legendary 72 oz steak. Eat the steak, salad, bake potato and green beans in an hour and you get it free. From there it was Angel Fire,

New Mexico to do a little prairie dog hunting and well worth the time. The little varmints are a nuisance and very destructive. It’s great for practice for your shooting skills and spotting ability. From there, on to Durango, Silverton and Ouray Colorado. A side road took us through a little know area called Gateway Canyon. Having lunch at the Gateway Canyon Resort, one of the locals told us about a shortcut, the John Brown Road. This is a dirt road over the mountains to Moab, Utah, like many of the roads we traveled there was not much traffic. We ended up where they filmed a lot of John Wayne and other western

movies. This area is in and around the Arches National Park. Everywhere we traveled we tried to eat at the local cafés and get to know the folks in that area. Monday thru Saturday we were on the move. Sunday was our day of rest and we would attend a local church. Next stop, the Grand Canyon, which is one incredible place. We visited the North Rim where the Grand Canyon Lodge is located. We walked two miles down into the canyon to a place where the early prospectors and explorers knocked a hole thru the solid rock wall to be able to continue down to the bottom. There were CONTINUED P. 36



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Team Adventures for your Ultimate Quest

Start Your

Personal Magazine Ministry Today!

CSF’s new Gift Subscription Magazine Ministry now enhances your direct involvement in the lives of fellow sportsmen as a ministry supporter who wants other sportsmen to discover a new life in Christ.

SUPPORT LEVELS Gift Magazine Subscriptions: 3 Ways to Join in Support of CSF and to Launch your Own Personal Ministry: Founder, Life and Supporting Member 36 subscriptions, 24 subscriptions, and 12 subscriptions Fill out the membership form found at the centerfold of the magazine or call CSF headquarters at 770-772-6749 to join as a Support Level member. You can also go online at and use your credit/debit card.

•U tilize CSF’s professional magazine subscriptions to fulfill the Great Commission •D eliver each edition directly to the doorstep of fellow sportsmen who need the gospel message •B ecome a positive influence to encourage family members and friends to accept Christ •C onnect with the passions of sportsmen who like hunting, fishing and target shooting •S upport the goals and ideals of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship Your personal phone call of encouragement or even extending an invitation to attend a CSF event could very well become the decisive point in a fellow sportsman’s acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord.


great views of God’s creation and wildlife in abundance. What a sight to behold as we drove over the new bridge that was built across the canyon and Hoover Dam. Thru Death Valley National Park, we were surprised to see how many people lived in and around this area. The temperature got up to 121 degrees thru one area of the desert. Then it was over the Sierra Nevada Mountains into the Giant Sequoias National Forest. The trees are as impressive as the Grand Canyon. There is no doubt that man can build some incredible things but nothing even compares to what God has created. Some of these giant trees were just seedlings when Christ walked the earth.

On to San Francisco where we picked up the wives and toured the city, then traveled up Highway’s 1 and 101. We visited places like Eureka, California, Florence and Astoria, Oregon at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River and the graveyard of the Pacific. There are over 2,000 ships that have sunk trying to get in or out of the Columbia River. At one time there were over 40 fishing companies around Astoria but those days are gone. There are so many neat and beautiful places to see in the west. Everyone should take a road trip with the wives, children or friends to experience the people and the beauty God has created for us to see.

Seattle came quickly and we dropped off the wives. Trey picked up his riding partners Mo and Howard who flew in from Texas and from there we headed into the wilds of Canada and Alaska. Read about it in the next issue of the Christian Sportsmen’s Magazine. Skipper Bettis and his family operate Legends Ranch in Bitely, Michigan where legendary stories about trophy whitetail have been documented and passed down to each successive generation of client sportsmen who appreciate the professional guide services provided and warm family atmosphere of the ranch. Contact Legends Ranch today at legacyhsa@ for your next trophy whitetail hunt. Continued in the Next Edition #30e of The Christian Sportsman


Preston Cavner Guides Clients AK


Big Daddy Moody and Grandaghter Candance (TN)


Special Youth Challenge at Legends Ranch

Gary Miller’s Hog (MS)

Lonnie White Alaska Wilderness Missions

Richard, Bob & Wayne at Honeylake Plantation



Church Leaders! Order Your Chapter Chartering Package Today!

Launch an effective outdoors ministry today by chartering your own church-based chapter of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship! Individual Charter Membership Kit includes: For a suggested minimum contribution of

All this for only


1. Charter Sportsmen’s Cap 2. Window Decal 3. Magazine Subscription 4. F.I.R.E. Publications

5. Camouflaged Bible 6. CSF Pocket Knife 7. Exclusive web content

Just as Jesus modeled leadership by investing time with ordinary men in establishing the first century church, today’s leaders can also encourage and empower others to serve with a lifestyle of passion. Become a core member in your outdoors ministry in your church community by launching a CSF Chapter. Your local church can order a Chapter Chartering Package to receive essential tools for launching an effective outdoors ministry. The Package will include 12 Charter Membership kits for twelve men who have been called to serve by joining your chapter. Each Charter Membership is valued at $74.50 if ordered individually! (See centerfold for registering additional Charter members).

Contact CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to order your Chapter Chartering Package and join as a CSF Charter Member 38

CLICK TO LEARN MORE Chapter Charter Package includes: • Twelve Charter Membership Kits • Facebook Website for Personalized Member Communication • Box of Fifty of the Printed Edition of The Christian Sportsman magazine plus the NEW digital editions • Directors Resource Notebook • Chapter Ministry Planning Template for Customization • Digital Files for Designing CSF Logo Sportswear and Promotional Materials • Regional Director Assistance in Planning Your Annual Outreach Agenda • Registration for Chapter Director to Participate in the CSF National Leadership Summit * Bonus CSF Display Banner for Event Promotion * Bonus Book: The Perfect Leader, by Ken Boa




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