(Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) Model Release Adult & Child (if model under 18 or 21 parent/guardian page 2 is required to be filled out) I hereby give permission to (Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) to use the photographs taken. The photographs taken will be used 1. On our Website (Change to suit add and remove as needed) 2. In our calendar 3. On our postcards 4. In our screensaver 5. Others Print Name:__________________________________________________________
Age: _____________________________ ** Required if under 18 or 21
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________________ **
Signature: __________________________________________________________ **
Date: ___________________ ** Place: ____________________________________ ** By signing this agreement you are giving all right to the photographs taken to (Photographer ´s Name Or Company´s Name) . All photographs are property of (Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) ** Required
(Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) Model Release If model is under 18 or 21 : I, Parent/Guardian_________________________________________________________ ** Am the parent/legal guardian of the individual named above, I have read this release and approve of its terms. Parent/Guardian Print Name:________________________________________________________ **
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________ **
Telephone: _________________________________________________________ **
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________ Place: ______________________________________ By signing this agreement you are giving all right to the photograph taken to (Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) All photographs are property of (Photographer´s Name Or Company´s Name) ** Required