Memorandum for the President from Frank Carlucci

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膿感動過S工閲Ⅲ嘗孤S S圏軸・ ・ ・ SEP甘露MBER 9 MEMORANDUM FO慮. THE PRESIDENT FROM: Honorable Framk Carlucci Deputy Director Office of Management and Bud9俳 SUBJECT: Report on AgneB Recov During our meeting before you sent flooded area9 Of Penn9ylvaLniaL a8 yOur you 8Pelled out dofinitive instruction8 且ff° n.Wyoming August 12 重ePre 讐our areas. ntative, l. Work cIo8ely with the fl∞d victims themselves・ 商売「専一元日暗記÷‾マテ高書龍疎富士口証すき‾‾尋七㌔もここうe 8 ・ Li8ten. Seek their ideaa and critici8m8 ae my guide to actions. 乙・ ‡諾意霊器器詫話芸詩誌慧詫 into one effective, the immediatewell-COOrdinated team geare and long-term need8 Of the people. 3. Withinthe law, Change help or dis any rule if it wi11 4. Steer clear of politics. Concentrate On reSults・ Now, about four week8 laterl I report tO yOu a8 yOur Pe repre8entative about our accompli8hments and remaining goa concentrating on Wyoming Va11eyJ by faLr the hardest hit area But a.lso, Mr. Presidentl I report to you aLS a native of the valley who ha8∴8een Childhood friends in despair’neighborhood landmarks crushed aLnd former homes in Forty Fort and King8tOn in aL Pile of rubbi8h. I've walked acro的the Bquare in WilkeB-Barre back to my office from a meeting three blocks away・ It took 4らminutes. Friend8 0f my family would stop me. Others would 8hake my hand and 8aLy I-Tell the President he's doing great." Some would say thanks. Then● there were many Who would a8k for の  help・ 二二〇- う

worked and who wa8 eligible・

At first’there was a wide misunderstanding of what Federal programs Were aLVaLilaLble’howぬey

Almo8t eVery day’aS yOu inB[ructed′ IIve walked through the streets Where the wor8C damage occurred. IIve also vi8ited fa.rme and smaller Cities both downriver and upstream. AIway8' the people were very friendly・ They needed re8OurCe8′ and these are now coming in・ But in.the squarel On the stree露, 1n their homes’in their stores and on their farm8 I have found something more imporCan=han re80urCeS. That i8 a firm determinaCionto come back. . . . better than ever. AIso on your instructions重have held open house at my o鍋ce in ScaLnlon field each day from 4 to 5. Ombudsmen have been appointed from each agency. I have persona'lly met with almost 600 persons and di8Cu8Sed their problem8 individually. Where complaints were justified, PrOmPt COrreCtive actlon wa.sぬken. While I whs helping I wa8 also able to lisCen’tO learn and to chart new directlorlg for Federal programs.

The people Bti11書e寄red that major portion8 0f the Va11ey might 8ubside into the depths of worked-Out COaLl rnines that honeycomb the subsurface. They feaL富ed thaL=heir levees had been penetrated and would burst agaln With the next heavy rainfall. Reassurance has been provided on these p°inき魯. But most of a111 my former neighbor8 feared tha=he Federal Government - the only en鎚y withぬe funds amd people capable of doing the jobcould not meet their needs and would a,bandon Chem. This anxiety had been feared a11 too often by tho8e Who have not verified the fact8 flrst・ 富o allay this fear' tO anSWer their need and right to know’I s書arted an 一一〇pen inform種とi°n all available to an individual'6 Privacy, is 書o the Public as∴SOOnl aS it-予示ailable. 富he main focua of this effort is my daily "Repor=o the People, il a news conference to explain events ta'king place aLnd to answer any queStion8 from the press.

Others include John Veneman' Under Secretary of Health, Educa震on, and Welfare; J・ Phil Campbell' Under Secretary of Agricul血re; Dr. Sidney Marland, CommisBioner of Education; Lt. GeneraLI Fred Clarke, Chief of Engineers; Robert Podesta' Assistant Secretary of Commerce; and Norman Watson′ As魯istaut Secretary of Housing and Urban Development・

To date, mOre than 9, 000 families have been housed in Wyorring Valley. This con3titute8 OVerらO percent of those families eligible for housing assistance. HUD has provided an unprecedented array of houBing assistance ranging fromprivate rentals to temporary camper trailers to fu11y equipped mobile homes on individual and park魯ites. Some 30 mobile home parks are now either under construction or have been a章。書芸灘霊諾ed 2らタ000 elderly were uprooted by the flood・ The first g章OuP Site I dedicated was for the elderly.冒he first personal assista調t I named wa8 for the elderly・ We haLVe Created our own Presidentis曹ask Force on the Aging for Wyoming Valley with a special office. "life linel' telePhone service and outrea,Ch services. Through this effort’We have put the Luzeme County Bureau for the Aging back in operation by providing Office space' equipment and addi慣ona1 8ta鱒・ We have developed a coOrdinated comr関mity effort, utilizing the elderly as both staff me調bers 急nd young caseworkers, tO meet the needs of the elderly. There has been a major e蹄ort in removal of debris and工have Observed a distinct improvement in the appearance of the Wyoming Valley Since my arrival. Approxirmtely $16, 309,ら98 of Federal funds have been expended for this program and over 16 million cubic yards of debris have been removed from the commm田ities in the Va11ey since the June組ood.

In addition’tOP rePr粥ejitatives of man∫ gOVerameat agenCies have COme tO Wilkes-Barre' taking paLrt in the IReport to the PeopleJ II to explain their programs and to answer que8tions. These have inc王uded Secretary of TramSPOrtation Joha VoIpe; Director of AC調ON JoseI血Blatchford; yOur Consumer Advi魯Or Virginia Knauer; and Dr. Arthur Flemming, $pecial Consulぬnt to the P奮e3i鵬nC On the Aging.

I can now report a greater confidence in the Federal Govemment a縄d in its ability to deliver. Your personal interes七has broug耽about results Which the people can measure. Here are a few: Resources are pouring in.曹wice as rmch Federal money will be SPent On the total Agnes∴reCOVery effort than on the Camille hurricane the Califomia earthquake' the Alagka earthquake' the West Virginia BuffaLIo Creek租oodタand the Rapid City● South DakotaL?組ood combine Here in Wyoming Va11ey over $2‘25 million in been Federal丸mds ObligatedタmOSt Of it in SBA Ioans to individuals. have jumped indicating that economic stimulus is have already ;kinどaCCOunt魯

m〇着e (○V日東)


An intensive effort is underway to meet the everyday needs Of the flood victims. I have established a taLSk force to create a quality living environment inぬe trailer camps and flood aLffected areaLS. We intend to provide a fu11 range of serviceさ, from site management to day care● healthl tranSPortaCionI law enforcement, COmmunity organization and many other8 ● We are seeking the cooperation of the State of Pennsylvania in thi8 effo重t.

Priority ha8 been given to restoring the 8ChooI system. Local 3Chool districts have received $12 mi11ion in Federal fund8. This PrOgram Should enable all schooIs to reopen by September 19.

For the first time concentrated efforts are being made to develop a viable mas8 transit 9yStem for the Wilke8-Barre area・ Thi8 iB a COoPerative undertaking invoIving Federall StaLte and local participation・ In the interim period the Office Of Emergency P章eparedne8S’uSing your disa8ter PrOgram authorityI has assumed operating respo耽ibility for the bus∴8ervice. An action program i8 aLIso underway to speed the traffic flow in Wilkes-Barre.

The Corps of Engineer8 has maLde a s血dy of the Susquehanna River basin and the people of the Valley have been informed of the program for providing greater flood protection. Tbe levees have aLlready been re8tOred to pre-flood condition. Further COnStruCtion will taLke plaLCe in two stag鈎・- An immediate contract Will be let to restore them to their authorized heightl SeVeral feet above pre-flood conditions● PrOViding protection against aL 10O year flood. Then three more feetwill be added. These improvements coupled with the acceleration of the Tioga Hammond and CowaLneSque PrOjects contained in your appropriation request approved by Congress shouldl uPOn COmPletion’PrOteCt the VaLlley against another storm of the super PrOPOrtions of Agnes. The BureaLu Of Mines has studied the situation carefully and has a8Sured me that stLb8idence has not increased as a再eSult Of the flood.

Extensive aid has been provided for the restoration of the health care delivery system. All hospitals are in full operation. Aid has been provided to doctors章dentists and phaLrmaCi8t9● To my knowledge’nOne haLS abandoned his community.

Prompt action was taken to implement aLid to privaLte 8ChooIs ag proposed in your special meesage to Congress and incorporated in the approved legislation・ Most private schooIs have been 8urVeyed and checks aLre On the way.冒he 8ame is true for inetitutions Of higher learring● Highways are being restored● Secretary VoIpe ha8 aCCelerated funding for aL temPOrary North Street bridge● A8 a regult this critical artery should be reconstructed by Ja調合ry・ The PennsylvaLnia Department of Transportation is developing plan8 for a permaLnent bridgel and Secretary VoIpe will move on them as∴8OOn aLS they are received.

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Strong emphasis has been given to Iong-range recon8truCtion. The key is to auocate the just back where it a total e鮎ort with the Federal, State and local gove糊meuts working COOPeratively with local citizens. To facilitate the pla調血g process the Feder導Regi哩±千l車g_ reached agreement with the State and the local citizens則ood Recoveey Task Force to work through the Economic Developme鵬Council of Northeastern Pemsyivania● The Comcil wm coordimte a11 re耽wal and community developmeut projects to make 8ure the resources are being used as e償icie龍ly aLS POSSible. Some visitors toぬe area have compared the devastation to a battle。 Wa容, but軸at it is a be鏡er place to live. Thi8 req癌r排 エwish to assure the調a,tion that もattle against time. a ba調e to house ere is aba龍Ie here.曹hereIs a 蒜霊霊霊鵜糀霊詰ま慧霊語義盤これ

With a Heart. Il 、二〇〇二一二一書臆   喜 一一一〇ヽ きi。機器霊詩誌言霊艶坤 Mr. Preside鴫We have thou魯ands of dedicated Federal empIoyee鰐I most of them local resideritsl mamy themge討es組ood victims● Who are determined to help the c班ze朋of Wyoming Valley wi穐that ba軸e. Wi組 VOur COntinued suDt)Ort and the∴S調t±afl`摩霊諒l置t`H食t吋で鼻録.轟_寄nf伽h倉t.○○+ _f

The Deparぬent扉Agricu脆ure is providing emergency feed fo雷

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Iivestock at as Iow as ha:騰the market price. Conservation asgista朗e is being given to rehab班tate the famknd8 damaged by tho ficod。

Emerge叫′ loaL租S have been awarded to repface livestock an義q垂me事 Gra加S and loans are available to restore and repair魚rm homes. New and expanded initiatives have beenぬken in the fo虹owing areagr Legal Services are being made avaiぬble to組ood multi-million do調ar rec章eation prog雷a調wm provide a range Of services and faci耽ies to all commu証tie8. person耽l have been brought in to as合ist in handぬg mai耽enance problems on mobile homes. new Federal building ha8 bee種a耽ounced for Wilkes-Barre。 emergency home repaLir progra調has been expanded to e調ble more people to get back in粗eir homes before winter. free food 8tamP PrOgram ha8 been extended. profection of鴇ces - including mobile FDA va種shave been opened. Revenue Service has expanded its∴sta縞to deal w地 Price gouging compぬi耽s. fraud preve競ioかprog章am empIoying the resources of Justice and the FBI has been started.

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