April 15, nssm 122

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The Secrctary ot Slalc The Secrctary ol Defens. Tne Direcrol of cel!!a] lnrelligencc

Policy Tovard Japaa The Presidcrt nas dilecred a rewiew of oE policy rovard Japan. The sludy slould assess Lt€ issnes nr or rctariors viih Jdpan a;d ihe policy options open to tle United SLares,

The study sLould take inro accobl dr€ ,rudy prelared in r.slonse ro NSSM 5 ar(l dewelolme,ls in ou! lelaiiars sirce NSDNT r3 vas issucd

.a May ?8, 1969. In parlicdar il strorld consider:


Charging Japan.se attiin.t!s al,onr Japan s inter U, S.j

ard ils relatiors rvirh thc The e{tcct

o. Ja?an ol lhc Ni:on Do.trine;

Th-c.ii,'q ol J,\.Lopr.,"

in U.S, .hjn" Fotr., on U,S.-lrp3x

CbaEAcs in our .lcfcnse posiure in Asir, our d.tcnse bh p \.ir\ '"p, 1..a a, y.l.-.g.- -,, J per.s, JFL. r. c which '.,ehl aIIcct.ur bilJrerrl rclJiro sj nnd

The €{fecr of

Ir addilion, dr





siudy snouid consm.r



aouovine cconomic issues:

Jnprncse cconoDic and otncr inlcrcsis nr Soultreast



-JrpaD .co,onric rcraliors and llc nlcanr oI drrlnrg vittr nn,rcdiarc !!xril. issuc rvill conlitruc to tr. ncat N b sctrrrrcly, LUL 1'ris study sloul.l, ol .ourse, asscss it5 nntlicr_ tjons ror ov.r!11 u, s, -Jal,an rcr.tio)1 ). U, S-

1le.r ($c


T[c study shonl.1be plepareit !y the IDtcrdcpf,rtmeDlal Croup for Ea51 Asia and be lolwalded 10 ihc assisrarl to thc Presidcnt lol National Sccuri!y Alfai!s for .o.sideration by ur. S€tior Review Croup by July l, l9?1. In consm€ rg ihe economic issucs, the InrerdePf,rhncntal Croup lor Easr Asia shou-Id inctuile !.prcs€nlaiives of the secretaries of Comerce .nil Agricullure/ lhe Spe.ial Rcprcsentative fo! Traac Negotialions, and 1!c Assisl.ant 10 rh. Presid..t tor Internalional

ltr-,7i./i y'

Hen"v A. J<issinser


Tne Sec.elary of Comr.cr.e

TIe Secr.rary of ASticuttu!e The Special Re}res..taiiv€ lor Traiic i.,'r!oiiafius TIe Dirccior, U.S. InJormation Ag.ncy

Tle chai nar, Jonlt Clliefs of Slaff Assislant to tie Presidenr lor Intcr naiio,al E.onomic Affairs


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