Aug 15, orange liberalization

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to 7t-, '/,4.22 -J


I sould lihe !o ackno{Iedge and tharJr you fo! your AugusE tl lelte! to de 'resident qrorin beha-tt oI tne Soutnve.rem ciEfl6 Eresi@ ca.t-t ll^e ers, ' kill be pleased dent,6 attention to you! suqsestion that {hen he meets vitn ?!iEe r4inistâ‚Ź! Tdaka that he conside! atisossing with him tire @ssibitity of !â‚Ź@vinq rhe quotas on ;resh olahges irpolted lnto rapd froa tne Uniled state. durlnq the peliott of april thrcugh october, $it]l am reqalds,

sonorable Balry 6tdwate!

Ulited states


riashington, D. c.


i/ co o!. l(issinqe! - ror considelation r?il (in "/r_c@inq coordioation ,ith peter llaigan) Iocc



l! '\t*iteb .$later:



In c.mectlon ,1tn yon! ne Japan in $a,a11 larer thls rcnth, r qould apl)Ieciate tt sreatly rf yor mnf! n!B!:4!!:ar.trs.U:e-_s!t.iee!g tr!!ter.eqt._!r our sonthuesteln cl !i! er{)@rad jndtrstry ! n+*ns tiP qu.tas in-Ir; frlortatton .f flesl .lanEes i.t IqrELfsaIgd dLr@:lrr peiiad o? x!i11 thrcxar_arrolE, }Jov, the xntted states cttris indrstry !s s leltnE .dere duaae o. the nuepeatr ,af,ket due t. th. lrefercltta1 tarir'f si?en to certaln n.tiohs btrt not us, and ihe opeltrs .r tne on o .tzable bnris *.D1d â‚Źnat1. oE fmers yJ1

ldrstrlr t. .oulier th.t} falltns not t. io!1y thst the

calair1ltJ to 6nE1y toth !@keis .n.e the bu! iut rqthe! t. pollt @t thqt or! ctttus !eo!l. hare a bai sitnatr.n or rhelr hsde rhlch leeds Ie1! ncv-

I *!o{ that Ano.edid., nbelry has Eesscd th. cncdca case harrl s ,h1ch he held it nlshi te q!)llopr1ste to blihg n! this hattâ‚Źr slta ?!tue :r:lrt5te! laEla vtu1d be er-ureely qeI! rccelved ny s. filor-rot ly the cltns {ldlstdes 1r TEae6 sd nortd: rhich, of coDrse, o?arees so

tnto e*Ibrt.

vhen Arizona,califoxhia

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