Aug 21 memo, security treaty

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SUBJECT: I,leetirg \dur Prihe Milister Tanata

You meetnrg viih Prime \'linisrer Tanatra ,n3y !rcsart an olporrunity to raise the issue ol our in..easin! corcern over signs rni.I indicata a dc.line nr Japrn's sn!p. and cooporaiion ih rhe condu.! ot US miliiary acrn,iries h Japan. Thi3 nnro(ard Dro!!1ing rr.Dd has reachcd a poinr n+,c!e il, is nnderDriring the p{!po.. ol the tt ral S,. ,ry Tr".ri, !.:."..' !s r" Aturongh !rost Ja?anesc may appreciate the irnportan.c of the ustrapan scctrvity lelariorshil lor pcace i, -Asia and the rvorld, ihey mlsl roi tah. lor Erantcd a co,rrnn,ntion ol su.L Ler.Iits which arc thr€a1-, erea lroir wfthin b}. i!resp.nsiLls oppos i.!-lcd srrilrcs, der.orstratio,s and ibllcdincnti. gorerr,lerts nusi act wiSoroos\,lo overcomc rhose forces ai.lp!es.rve a.oo?clarir. secur y relarjon6hip lhf,l is ria] !o Asjan sccurity.

The UDitea States rernains dcdicaNc.l to tLe .ans€ of Asidn s.curity a,rl Las !]cd!ed t. nphold itl secuity.ormnitm.nis. Etiectil.e ttilizafi.n ol bases in Japar will cortir{lc io play nn jnpcrtanr role i! our lorvard dcploymcni .or.cll {ririch is necess.rr- ro deicr aggrcasion or proyocatior. Re.e.t narassment6 a!.t Nlnic oplosjtior tu Japa, to US Lascs and .cririxics sccn ro rcilecr a serious gap in Ddersta.dnrg about the iDrp. arce ol a contn1tr1ii1t{,Aheri..n prescn.e ro Japancse nnd region3l seclri1y. nrc .ronrd hote dral rh. ne' Tanrka administralio, Titl ukc rtrc necessary initiative o) tlis issuc ro brina abo* a cons€nrus ol suppo* lor a lonE tern: Us presen.e jn Japan

A continued and measrred US ,nilila, y t)rcser.e in JaP3n sholld not preclude gradnn] dcy.lorhc,,t oi Jananrs nrorc anrono.rcus dclerse capability iyiih.nt n.diiic:!ion or tcrlntuation oi tbe Mdrual se.urfty



Trcrty. onr .orn,no) is ro t]r. rvjn spe.icrs ot defi:nsctcss JrDn, ii' ilrc t3ce .r I rh.lcir itrf. j .r.r,.




.on!nrce crrir,a that 1tl! 1rc.r). do.. .ot ..nsiii11{: . fhrrli ro chnrn ...,.. rl,. rr ... p .nd ' 's n... l ro . t .- '',,. Thc lull rnplorl by rhc pcopt. ana !ovcrnmcir .r Jala. oI a.tio,s ruhral otjr..ii!.s ir r\sLa .annor hclp bur sr.cnsthen rhc bond oI Lhe MnrraL So.urii], Trerty.


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