Aug 28, kim dae jung

Page 1

Cthurr lltsumnrisrr {:!,NAlL

Chr 1{otsr of flrprrt'rrlatitrcr 4uenst 24,


t'l i3:


,!. llerry A. (issinger

A6slslart to the hesldent the Yhite llouse olfice 1600 lensylvania Ave. lashin8toh !.c., 205o0

,ear Di. {issinge!



I ao rriting ttis letter or behalf of the Afro-AEian Ploblees Research Crou! of the Litela1 lenocratic ?a!ty, inich congists of 104 llberal De4ocretic ?arty nenle.s of Japa!'s Nationat Diet. Is you already knoi, ib. (in lae Jx.€, folner candidate in the llesidentlal electlon in the ielulrllc of &orea in 19?1, lho {on 5,4OO,0OO votes aealnst tle 6,lOO,OOO votes ron by incuDbent hestdent lerk Cluns !ee, ras forcibly kidnalped froD Tokyo botet .oon o, August 6 aDd il1eeaIry splrlted our of Ja!a! and taken to seout. Ihe i-cid-nl ^sde as a CreaL 6,dk ro rh- leopl. End has aroused a storn of itutignatlon a6 a violation ol the Eoverelghtv Ihe Ia@ne.e oov.ruent has, i n acco.dan.e uiLn Lh. urs?es of the Japanese leopfe, conveyed a strohg request to the Oovernnent of the Relublic ol Korea to respect Japan'6 tnteglity and Boveletenty anit to send bac! (iD ,ae Juns to Japan as quickty as posgible, i, orde. ro erable'fhe Jalanese authoritieB to get to the bottoo of this incident. lovever, tlere are 4o indicatiols ,hateve. the GovernEent of the Republic of Xorea vilI accede to thi6 request. Iurthelbo.e. L1e_e a.. nd.-a'.ols Lhc SoD.. Ror6a Cove-a!en! oay 6v.- pur-sL Mr. Xio Dse Jung fo. ,c.ines aaainst the State., luch a stard on the lart of the GovelnEert of the iepubtic of Lorea nust be loearded as losirs a €erious threat to th6 relatlols hetveen Jalan, the United States and the ReDublic of (orea. {hich have roi.l,a:ned lrre.d,t ard -oope-ar:!e -.1a!-ons on the oas_€ of fr€edon and deEoclacy.

MI- Xio Dae JuDg has von the reslect of a laree nuober of !1beral D6mocratic nenhers of Japar'6 Diet, because he has, as a Christian, alvays aairtaired ctean stald o! lo1itics, lecause hs haE alxays teen a fervent !et!iot, bocanse he has aI{ays been a lover of lreedoe and denocracy anil because of his d6ep lhilosophy. Iurther, ve had placed gleat anticilations 1n Mr. I(ib nae Juners future, i, viet of his oriei@l and leelistic lo1itica1 policies based on a lide lntermtio@1 vier!oint.

If Mr. Kio Jung ,ere to be lunlshed by the lresent 'ae the of Repn!1ic of (orea fo. hi6 latriotrc actlons and for hiE just advocacles, such s, acchroltBtic action could b.lne to hear adler6e effects upon th. flture ,elationB betreen ou! th.e. countrles ald the stabilitJ ot Asia. Iurthelnore, ,. believ. thst the eo.ra.rce of such a! aechroDi6n t! south l(o.ea t6 lot unconn.cted rith the -lolicies tak.n to date toxa.d the ie!,lblic of Xorea ny both JapaE and the Ulited States ald ve, ourBelvcs, as .I.cted .cp!es.ntettv.6 of our !.op1e cannot shi.k ou! re6lonsibi11ti.s tor this Governnetrt


lie ieliev. re oust rork to get th. Covernnent of the R.!ub1i.

Xore& to lecoeniz. th. gravity of th€ Mr. t(te Da6 Jurg to Ja!6n erd to resto!.

Bitnation, to r.turn -.-]...the situatio! to that e*istia€ to hi6 tial@pline. lrior This, ,e !.1i.v., rs not slnlty a Ette! of Japaris sov.relgntJ !ut e ques!ion ot bLr-q:ng up a sou.d baEle fo. +ru. Japan-South fri.rd6hrp. U. are, ine;.ror., d.L€roin.d.o contrnu. ou..e.orr. [o p.rsuad. !h. coverno.lL o- th. H.!ub1ic

of Kor.a to


th. I1eht.

,. unilc.6tanil that 6oon &ft.r trlr. I(te ,a. Julg {aE kldnap!.rt, th. U.S. of Stat. ard th. U.S. Anlassador to Soutr! Xo;;a loth slp.oach.d th. South (o.ea! Oov.rn&ert and ask.d fo! ev.!y .lfort be eed. to eua.aut.e th. tif. aDd th. gaJety of ur. xra ia. 1". oroDpL acLjoh te<en by th. U..j. cov.rMcnt on Lnls ba!L.r i,.S, ne6 arouB.d r.. adDrraLion and Lh. grati Luo. of .n. oapan.s. p.o!t.. V. t'.t-.v. rhar rh. p.oDt. ot louLh Kor.a 8.. stso d..o1j Cr.r.aut tor thi6 conc.ln 6ho{n by th. Urit.d Sta1ets. ll. sinc.r.-ty noD..nd olayr vjrh ,h..nLj.. oI Jap8., Oat tn. p.ootc. th. end Lh. Cov.r@.nt of Unit.d Star.s hrlt cohti.u. to sho, conc.rn:n advls..!d aBsist th. cov.fna.nt of thc R.putlic.L:e:n.:d.nt of (or.a to (2)

th.i. error


this natt.r.

D.!.nding upon futur. itev.lolh.lts, our afro-asiatr !.ob1.Ds R.s.arch Group llars to dislatch a eror! of !.!r.s.ntatir. Di.t e.Dbers to your cou.t.y to dis.use rays and D.ans of solving this p.ob1.D and to ask fo! you! coolclation.

Y. b.llcv. thst tn. cooperativc .fforts of Jalan ard thc Unit.d Stat.s itir.ct.d at a solution to this problcn eitl fu!th.!

d.â‚Ź!.! t!!at

and uldelstantting ou! tro coDtri.s,

TokuM Utsu.oEtya

R.!r.6.Dtatlr. Di...tor, {h. Afro-A6tan Prou.ns ReE.alch orou! of th. Libcrsl D.hoc.atic


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