Aug 31, friendship act

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I knov that you ale very seliousry concemed xith relatiors vith Japan and bccause of this I Muld attention a bilr ,hich has been inrroduced in congress, called

Japanese-anerican Friendship



1e72" (House


"Tho HR16rs?, senlte

This bill, very briefry, xould pDvide for the use by the U.s. side of fundt being paid into lhe united stares rreasury by Jalan 6 contror over o*inava. 'lhis birl lroroses that these funds be used to support Anerican studies oE Jpp,- borh ri.,F"n rnd in rhe rnited (!ar"s.

In cffcct, the bill ,oD1d natch the talcn br Jalan in settin! uf the JapM fund. some of thc Ja?ancse fun,is are atready being arrocated in suplort of Anericu sludies on J!!,n ard lrence our actio, would bc rcciprocal and The suns invorved are not 6y large bu! the symbotic effec. could quite sisnificmt. 1 an rure rhat you hlve coltacts ith the Jatanese, that they are very rsponsive to synporic gestures, and ripe for some Anerican initiatile of lhis


are ovemhelned Nith a variety of ?ropsars but

r do hope that you ui11 Sive tine. rlhar i! real1y needs ar this

stase is

I hope re neet before lons and that everylhing toer vetl Nith you. I m rather deDressed b] tne foreign loricv artenatires DenocraticPresidentialcandidate. cufenrlybein8


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