Aug 3, agency response to economic sections of nssm 122

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lconomic sections

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DXPARTI.IIiIT OF STATE cornlENfs oN itssrr_122

I! considering tne econoric issues raised in {SS:,r-122. tn6 Deparutnt of sEaEe Lelicves EhaL Lhe LoIloui,g poinE;, not includea l. the Nssi,r, shoutd atso be considerea:' 1. us ifports fron Japan afe six-tenurs of one PelcenL oi orL.rora_ ol our o,o.u. .o- ot roods, _s pc.ce-i. or ouinpolts from al.1 sources. nhile expolts are inpoltant, imports are also. I porEs co,t!ibu-e ro rne s.)c19rn or i.c mE( cdn economy in !-..rar, a.d tne,rct:.(e of.the Axc!icar co.rutre: in p.rEicut.,. jhey rarse r-c] udses


!o eviaeDce ',has been presentcd that inDo.ts I'oo Jrpan jure ,. e Mjrrcar .onon.. in ,\rerr.nn rn.llstrv i. palticula!. -- oder rhan textil;s anc sreet, lhich are hot considered tn tne Nsstl. $hile inports affect enplorfrenr in oarticuld Us irdustliesr the overall 1evel of US enploymeat rand uneaployrenLr .s noL siqnitica.tLy afre.reo Dy 'or".9n rrade. Tn ]t6sr vhen US iroo-rs frm a" sorlc.s lose bv or unprecedenLed 24, L, rjs Jnenolo\ rcnt felt to its Io:es! Iever 1n 15, Us intlation undoubredly has contribured to the trade deficit vith ,rapan. Ore-third o! Japanese exports to rhe United states ale lestlictea by volunrary conrrols. Japah is no lonqer c toH-qaqe rdct Ja6rn's uases dle rouqhty Et,c sime "s those in the U.K.

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J.pan.-a jnport tjbL!attza,ion noL reJJLy begl^ unti1t9o3.. In Ehc -..Iy d:d isrxties Ex-ie w.s. so,ie 1:ber.IiTat_on, moqtlt oDurrrq. the n:d.60 s, v-!rL!_ly 10 lijr-,.tizrrro1 b.q nn:nq rn rp!rI, t963 qe,Japrrosc ha/e reroveJ duora resL;lcLions on an !nc!eâ‚Źslnq -..0be, of iLe7.. Thesa vo-_d hot in rhe.o)Lra,. sraLjsLr.s be-o!::,I:::td:g -e.0. ronseqDe..Lry, no ,Ijsrons .bour rhi ,eltect..eness_ ,oLa oh pr.o! Eo ?:"*"!:: .,"-. :: r:b^, ._:21E_o bcs.q use 1oo3 a.o.969 :-.-


C@men, on NssM 122

- parr Tvo: us -Japan lDrart .t 1/30t1r )

Eco,omic Relations

Ietk",rr aI irJt4 ion is d, obJ," oLLie goverueni, ^ objccriv" .! nas be<n \r .too ro raFe .,;. "r ."sr r.hP,rd.iry, oJ oL'Pu, .iuspd plfar / bv .osr ,.crors and oy r,e upv,.o n.ri n.h .ffi:is rlom pe!sr. nt :nJl:r:on"ry Fap r.-,.on, B n rrred or !... .r e s -ao5_6. ihPorrs DI3. - 51,',t a.'..:nI!"ri.-a'y ,ore. b) p-oq di.5 loair-(os. sood.3nd bv _"*,,s..-p"..r,"" p,"_r;," on doaeB i\ prodJce.s .o hoto ooM .osr. p,..;" , i," ."_p"t ,,". ".a pr'ssure oI mpott. ma[es rrpo.srbie toajiowaror, ..p:d "]pa.s.or oI output arrl emplolaent &an r6!rd orLerrvise be c.nsisien! virh ;!. antir.Jbrrcn oo_-crir*. CMp. ritjv,. :rForre a." no / r ra.Lo|o! !os.rlve

emrro)nenr rn rhe unned sra!es.

orrl.o hiBhprioriryas"-j-ed rob.eaL,az uprhe (o"L . . .tn rhc'ichr dratEn. ,h!..c4r and. rton8 s\ov-n6.I:rJU-y _s nov reqJ:red ro JGrrt any ddioa b d.scoulagc -tre o. hpor s, Thiss\oMrs-s h.'.conr:ined ir rne papc."ld was hoj Bro\1tr co-ra-ncd in,t," di,,.j. sion 1""-.;S ro;r. .a.rhough i\ssv I2z maa"s freouc,t rej-r(rco o rt-^,,probl"n -,, o; the ,djllicullies by rhe gro./.. oI l-p"nc.c.!po!.s ro thc-:r-d "auscd re c ver l-r-tc 11, uat and.artv,jcat supporL r c\e!e rr o--brion .har tnis ?:D:d ;r.Hh .s.;.ccry :l:,::..T.1. b! a sc ode Eobreh ro- rt-e U.s., bdt j-dsnef,rs aboLt .c !c"l.-y El:-rc d be s:ru..o.5hoJd rc, be oa3(,p-ir-!.tv on.he pe,,.p.i"" .-, -.; ", Ih


rhe :nalysis of J,Fan,s esDor s to

inParr ll1 B, is d"-cie in Lvo hpo;,anr re.;e-b.

se'ecL.d qroup or rrdusLLe3





froh Jap:n havc gro\yr ?arti.ularLv rarnit-

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pclceht or ou! imporrs, In tc6? (rhe Iaresr "" ! ror \ rsLI conpr c"^.,:vc dara .re ava, ab,c). ,r,., . *" ; r; ;"-: l;',

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rh'L rlc ov"-"'l r'ngs"s'r srLJi"s vc h've s' 'n

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probibry sirhul.ant


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