Aug 7, atomic bomb casualty commission

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.\ssasL&t rr1;â‚Ź.tor for.drn.rl .i htcmatioml Ic@omic Potiry otd E\eotive office lluilding, Rom 137

Ndhingtd, D, C.


rncrosed are lapeE nfiicn Ne have prrared in comecrion Nirh P--,'d, - \..on s "-r'r" "_rl J-pa e" . ' .jr. :t ,!-r"r rd J I o. \uEU' r I ud -ept-nbr I I j I.r! D,De,s ar- m rnr\tmic SonI Cdualty Comission,'rrr. ure C]ruent Status of the U.S. prolosar for tle Mvdce S.1e of In ictrd Uraim to Japa ad (bop.'Jr'o. .i!n.,Jrr. tou ml vi,h -o n-Lc Urdih.ri.J 'r

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'n.lrdro liif,on's ,reDarcd for Presidmt

o'r-ru.'tuL..i trin " l.



S. Irie&m. Dlrector D]vElon oI In;nationat hosrm

b s


since Februa4, 1q69 t]1e U.S- Govemnt has becn nr coinroricatiol thc CovFrncnt oI Jape in o eflort t.lmve thc coverm.nt of Japm asslre ! greater trcportioate share of t]re sciertific, adrdnisl_dlrv, md IiLdrial y..por 'b:lrly ro' r\. oI .Jrro.of rhe ,Lon:c lo. csu|t) -orje.i@ ov.. 1 " r^ L Ts ytd-.. (r . onot prsrm is nuded !y t]re U.S. at a relel of approxietery t5,000,000 r-r y^er. Dr_jls rn" e.1l ared /s ) .r p.riod,, 'J d


th.e srud:..', d rorJ o'i. a/(rll I vaD.u'sr"rt,) All of our efforts to date have nct vitl delayin! tactics o! tne parL ol llr J-presc, e,r latc.L.llo.1 occ"ri.d o r"'u-ry'1, a7 , iid.) 'r i lr, pa-.,...i :,r'Jl|,u.-... .- '-.. Ministly tne draft oI a paper conceming tne future of de ArcC. to @.p-(lc


l/ srmrrized t}c


re@gnizcs ure irroltoce of tlese studies @ntinuatioD Io. 25 years;

2) 3)

outlines tne sserat scope of futulc prceratr .ctivities: proloscs t})at tne U,s, vill cdtinue to suppo.t $e plogran

at tle lt





t}le need

lor their


,rcposes tnat futurc cost increasesr ex@pt for tlose arjsirs out of dy nev rsearch pmjects Nhich my be in iated ty lrhe

vil1 le tlr reslmibility of Jalar; a*l s) prcposcs the estruislmnt of ar Executire coucil kith U.S,,

sentatives of the U.S. aC Japo vrho Nould scintific ,magetunt of tne prcsratr,




been re@ived

ftm tle



Japaese 6der:mnt.

stery1y ecomnd tnar President Nixon urge Piire llinister T@aka to aAlee that 1nc Govermcnt of Japar Ni1l enter into earl, hegotia tioE on a goremment to loveomnt b.sis lootnrg t$a!d Jalo 4smins greater overall responsibility for this joint scientific



lMitaaja mdertali4.

onRl['l stflls TID


u.s. l{0}0s\t, mn S{LE 0r Il\nlc Un l]Ilt\lu,l T0 JIJrN 0], Ttla

Tlr rr,s. has lrofoscd to Jr|a th.t tn.I purdr.rc, duljls )T 71 {rc, US\rC's stoc}lii1c, in adr.rnc. oI x.turl !..ds, frclr.d&ed eni.hcd urariu fo, fn.1in! nucl.f lorcr r:a!:tors. ll)c ariou)t oI tlc pro)uscd lurhas. is firc i1ri.r s.[!.tjrc ror]i u rits l)arj.s a cuu.nt Ialu. oI S100 rtri11ion, (l'ire nu$cr o, s.rp!r.tiv. Norh rnits d.t.rrjrrs th. clrdrle ior tlre \llc elt,flicd scricc ol c.ric}in! .rtnral ur,njui in th. isotqr lr-233-l 11,c c.D,,s!.iarinE quturtity of natu{1 urilrjur fe.d, to b. Dloyi{l.d lr) 11j. Jal.ujcs., njght bc eithcr oI U.S. or non.l,,S. orilin.


subject Nas discusscd durint thc rcccnt U.s./ lrade ncsotjatjons md a!r. cnt in princilrc Nrs ,e.drd oir ur. Iurcirasc oI tl'c Ijrc niuion selaraiirc lorli uniis. A Japocs. del.gatjo is currcntly ncgotjatira tiris r{ilh xhc USAliC. l\b arc also discussi.e Nith tne,

ueim orc fao'i the lJ.S.

tlc lossil,lc lur.ha:e oI


I ll{RICInEilI CmlTlLr\IIO\ Mlll


5.b+qL..i 'or...rpr ofl "'l ri, .otrc.:. ,.. .: ))" -.i r a .o..--tar. ,.:l} i-r I ad n. l. J. . J. ' ' o '. lluroF,.n AliC and D.?arinent of Statc notified tlE apprtriate nationsr lrstralia, Canada ed JaDar in July 1971 oI U.S. riiiinjDcss to cocidcr coopcration in the fi€1d of urrdiur .nri.hilg tcchlolog,. ]iralontor, talls ,it} groxtis rcrc h.1d in Nolonber 1971, dd rports of this mctine llus tNo si$ificant ncN docuEDts, ore €ontajnin8 urclassifiea info)natidr alorl l,-S. di{JEjon Dlmt ollerlin, c+e.iencc oa the odEr c,n,injns urclassiljcd iilIo@tjo, on a.{ ilalr constructi.D costs, narie beor )ade ava auc to tlcse coutries. intcrest nr a )u1ti{atioial mrio\tr,t rlrnt invoivils U.S. dilirsion t.dnololy. ,). J,pdcs. h&€ also bccn cr?lorjns s@e fom of partici!.tior on a Litatcral b6is ir a lrivately-oMed pldt in ure u.s, TjE JalaEse ha\e e&less€d great

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