Aug 7, critical of japan

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t@ r.c.!t lctt t .o@!tt!B o! t6. P!..litatl. @.ilr8 lat ! tli. doif, tlth J.!.sE PdE Mtnt.t t X.!rr.. toot Lt.t.!t h ihi. isport d o6!t t. i!erer*.d. Pla.. b. .!.E.d tb.t ,.a nlll b. btouSht to tt .ttatl6 oa D!. I,I.E, tal.dlad" tt !l .o y.s c@.Er rtu bc et il, Thrnl you ld


t[. Prdld6t

M.. Wlllie D. u!u6

s!cr.66t , c.lil4DL



.rutr 2<. 1o7,

|lr. ioneld Zterler, l'!e3td€nt nlcb.rl 1.1.

to lr,Ij 6ur P-e" ir' l.rste, I.qklel Tenaka ot Janan ar a 4eetlrP in E4,att oh alPust 11, 1q72, an. I vonld ltke t6 lnDose on y,.! tn subhtt nY hunble trlresslon of t ils aeettnc: a) Tho locatlo! ts c.nsiaered bv s3 'rTh€ sreweYe.d .f ou! fleet End innCreds of !i6!1..n .av. nenrr rel, narlierl ]1I tbe Arlzona Dqrtlalr.r. subnor.ed ln the troubred,-t-".. or the p!.J ric t-he slbiect oi tb€ reet1n. Js ltsted as e stratepa ses:ton. !-d lhd ,llctJonery ilefines str.t6eI 1n a lerre !-rt a3. rrTtre i.r6..e ol art ol ..rtihins and ein]oainq the Ee".s.ihl.h ihe drrterrrt bren.hes of the,ar afford, for the sDrnos6 of.lan.inp ara .lJ!ecttnE g.eet dtl'tta.v ore.rtJors, etc." Obvlo,_,srv the l.catlon a.d tho r6alvdl .t ie1r1 gsrbo, d1t rhe D6n'indre.rr"recv ocrattc flresj end enhenco the strehfth .f thelr votlnE Acco-dJ!p

b) I underst:n. thlt e Droiect to tral; Ja.r.ese aJr D1'lots ro d,rP. 6ro .u- t,ir,orro.oe-atroa 's oel..6""o-d-d Lo a.a!6lar buI t"eard rEr.u_ verlng abllJta on terralns. sme of tho". Dlan.s ,rr1 .robablv bo :urch,sed tv J!!an, ho,eve! tt srDelrs uEusual to brenare a s. ecril lt6lld sna for the"e rllots lhen 1161r Dilots l1 v€ars rao rere able to locare a.d kl I ou" .avir bersonnel and st nk end .rest.or sblns ana eo'rri, re.t resultln4 tn o.e o" ttre t"e.t. d1s!.te.s 1n tbe r!st c) our Fonor1b16 P.eeinetr Rt.L,rd Nlrob hsi cl-o"er tro o. the nost closble ?.d b.bxt3r statesne, 1. loria strelrs, rles.,s. rtoce-s secretu.r.f stlte q.d D'. 11s:ln.e-, F.-c1.h Itfei.s !rvJ..r. t. ac.onDe.r hra, a!d rt uouln he ? vsruarle ssJer jf. ,.rr_.- rie snb_ jecr of trqie 3.Jse:, tfen,ioxrd yee. rn,r.d the frcr trrt a r'.ne.€rce.tdle of rhe unelnroled rn rlchttron .^-6r-l-,'.Eo.ron .e.clrs, h.t n..ts, .f.r.e edrrnxert and Jt.-s t.o.! _qrro- q.C i".v t. .enl-lcr, A:lr j. rorlopnrh


lonlr'i Ziesl er,

thls slt!stlor ,s not .n1y relatod to llichtsan, 1t arsr elfe.ts .v:ry stlte 1. the lrron. The 1n.ortlnce.l r,lrs f3cr.r 13 thai eeoree reany ard othe? rab."'.1der6 are ox-ntne tbis dar! irto tleir nenie.s esrs arcwho, In turn, ar. .o.tns4d, End rrJrr rena' c.hlxsdd untll thew,.r' rrto tr^e b!1t.t rtatr 1! lioveaber unles< s.netbLng lnn.italt ,.c ,r-I1t1. is done ro-. lull !.re adve!fJsene-t sinillr to beer and clea'6t16 rftes, ?!g incoae llcts and..r.erls.ns .f rhrt the vEpâ‚Źs were;rf,er Pr6sice.t l,llioE -L.t it ,s r.,rar, 1.e. .1

l)!:! i,l1!ba.e c.r r6.ror !6r i6,,i

senator l,licc.vdn

!r.75 4,2a



r^ r...1see,

tle ilr..itle3 l.c:rrdln. 11a.Ls thd r8-.16ar or-ls r,ro nari:ra11w bell.vlnF hin, I l'..F he is sbreedrre ]1re )o, tors k.orj Jt, bor,6ve. the Eu1ljnle ores nade Bsr.,m tro "r.r1as I served nnder senat.r cA,l.., ?airro.d rldil.istralt.n,rd !5 .r. .d ro -6r I, jb.-d.o,. .,tinfton, .1r s other ^ I s.lic.'t IoDr J.d,, on thJs lerrth:i..a-!n1.et1.n a-d I trust tlrat b,T Nhls tJne rc! realj2e th^t I hq'e .onltd.nce ln .e bor fror,\rlilttler a.d nts .a.ebte st3ft. pleq:e d. not-:e cnnr1ace.t, dnerl.a 1s.ha."tne. Succesi.

s4^, /r-t J!6r.r! .r.rL !lfe i:enrer 8.F.0. r. #<1, cunherla.i, i{d. l!e-re. !.c i sl recu.ltv + Inc',rndtn. frj.p6 benâ‚Źi1ts

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