Dec 12, supportive articles

Page 1




sTâ‚Ź/ -3 THD \,\lHlT! IIOUS!

Thanks very hnch for senaing rhe articles which you have wlitten forAsahi. TIey are a mo8t persuasive presentatio. of th. ihPortan.e to Japan itself of moving into a more Dqual and positive alLiance relationship witn dre United Staies, I a3sume that they wiII be widely read in Japan. They shorld be uselul in helPing the Us/Japan relationslip ewolwe in a nuhally

bcnefi.ial direction.

n.""."tr. ra*i" oJn.i""r'.... f,Harvard Universily l?3? cambriage Shee! Cambridge, Massachusetts 02133

t- )--7 t"








r.r H HoLd ds. lk,


SITBJEcT: Reischau€r's AIti.les

,' ./-


Under a briel note, Ed Reischauer las .ent yot .opies ol three articles vhi.h wirL appear in A3ahi Srlimbln iTab B),

In the Jirst ariicL€, Ed praiBes the N.vember bcst soLution. In fact, it is thc only solution. .. I In the second and third aiticles, h€ presents a brilliantly written argument as to vhy Japan slould nov move tovard a greater economi. and Political military rol. in Asia, in cLo3e .o.peralion viih thc US. I1 y.u .an litrd the time, y.u sholld rcad the second and ihird ariicles. They prowide a rseluL outLine .f the points which se ehouLd be maki.C io lhe Japanese in the

Bielly, Rei3.hauer arsues that the Clam docliine brines American policy into Line vith ihe Japanese policy predispositions. He argueE that Japa., with a veto'r pover (s.hevhai oversiated) ovcr US mililary

examine its o{n !olicy i.tere3ls and that it cannot affoid tle Lunry ol situply pLaying negative r.Ie c.n.erning the exercise or Us povei. In Jdct, sin.e its a interests are mor€ vitally arre.ted than ours, it will need to take tn€ lead in shaping thc US/Japan miliiary and .conomic role in tle area,

a.iions in East Asia, will no* Lave


rle s.ys that Japan's choice viLl be betveen

,- a''o l-'t !' h .h. US. "' -rI- 'ir" d" --s.


- large ..are dnilaieral rcarmamcnt. tte demonBt.ates {hy Japan, lor .lomesric and roreign poli.y reas.n6, should eschew the r:tier aLteinative, and hc ..gues that Japan vouLd he missuided to wealen its US relationship i! pursuit 6I the .lim€ra of


rhat you sign ire brier note of acknowredgm€nt 8qc!l4l:!!!!4!9\ Reirchaner at Tab A. to Ahbassador




'Ihc reslonsc ]ou nsde to Plul ooty alrout t[. rcrter fron )rin, Yarmlilsry fer or|eE ot ns mics N realize rl,xt I Lras te*afs der.rict in ny duties i ot havir: t,rittpr rox aatDr t:,o Pr.sjdci!,r e+lessing ny l,.a r suplo.t for tl,e dircction hc n|)cared ro re !oi.g or future lsian toricy, To nrre rrl) for tl)ir cldrsisht, I m scnding you a series of tlrrce artieles I have jus. ro rhc rsali, Jafan,s rarScst 3nd nost influenti.l nersraper, at irs !.qnes!, 1]re second artrcle as re1l as the Nov.mber 3 sfecch, ana lhc .iree loscthc! ale my evaluatioa of lhe orina,a solution ver/ hish, and ny concepts of holr fulure Jatanosc-anLerican rerotions should !o, and a



'iiJ s01*iou oI ilr. olirJra fr.Li.r, r:,rou,,..i Lr P.i:tc :linis!.r Saro .;:d Pr.ridcrt! \ixort i,r rirci, conx i,lr. ol Novc Licr ?1, is to r.7 r,j .l Lhc Lcst solu.ion. In lrd, ir is rhe only solutioi, Ii.c.usc anyt5iilt clsc !ould itrvc Lcci no solu.ion ar atl anC $oLJd i;rlcid h.vo l,c.n rhc aourcc oI auturc tmulilct, l'o: :nc -r:!el 5r1L to:-r'!..ti!. . nrrol o\.- 'lo. J'.jr. .. is 1 -'J,,

i l.o.'..'.o tur' .,:ru.t:oi .. l'-'. rLc altlicn!ion ot trrc sccuriiy 1rcary ,inr.r.".' - *r*. ',]1,


sov.rcirriry or Jafan,

r lioL.l'rj"( ,(




tl,c ti:iil stronscst xatior in ilic torli,


..v. co'(r.l ov

siruaLio,, rLo,,ld bleca ,cscnL.,r)!. nistrusL.

't. r..r:loD.rcL\..1, anC



evcntunlly cnnity,

ri;r 12in ri;tc ! aanrercus rock in rirc couis. oi J.irancsc-lncrican rclstions, It ras in a scns. a sul,icrlcd rncl, for ;l..cricrns lil it, nut in this nodcri agc, no on. coulC exicct tt. ircotlc on oki! ra to be satisficd forci$ Nlc, or rici! co.+firiois 'Liti, i. Jatan ro conrinue to tolcra.c it for 1oi8. As thc coMi'niquc siys, tlc r.tun: ol ol.i.!(a rcnaincd ".he last of the mjor issues bctrecr rlic nio c.untri.s lrisirir froii Liorld r'iar Il.'! NoL( ilrat a slfc.!i q:icr lassnlc hrs Lc.) clit.r.J t:sr tl,is donlcrous rock tlc oroa,lcr s3.s bcyond rhe nazarJoL's s:mi:s of rhcrrfos.(.r i,criodj' a1r lj,c!i.adi 3nJ J.lxncsc si:ould L,rcatl,c a si!]r o::.licf. orinava hns tur a lorg


i.ys it is a pir/ tiat the !assa!. c.rno! Ic nrcc rrrc,tL,icily. lr rould 5c l3si.ajl. if r.vcrsion corld bc achicvcJ hclorc 1$71. In vi.,, oa r:,e naiy co:fl.x rcchrical proslcns iryo]vcC, no(c1.r, a.d lhc !r.u .hnnlc in arriLu:cs rofiis sccurity proitlcir in !l,c r.i .1,1i rc!.rsior rilt cnrsil ir; Dotlr Jnirrn ard thc Unticd Sra!.s, tlic chrngc irrobrhly courd nor bc hldc frsicr. sonc

I or.c rf,:voc:.cLl rcvcriion rs o( J:.urrl 1, 197u, (ith tlrc thoushr tlat thc Jcr:ils couid ic rcat for 1!.c! scrrlcnc.l. that tould hccn lossiblc !.ri:!s fo! rhu d.r.i:s, Lut ror fo, t:,c chanliis of.rtituC.e. Cncc orinalra itrr rov$rcJ, tirc,\riricar.l,ility !o fLlfill co ,:itn.its i tlrc l.r lias. or ) a s nili:ina nilitery ?rcsercc in tle P.cifi.,ilr dcpcnd l.r3cly o. dccisions. I. !il] r.ic tlrc lor 6orit Jalaicsc .nd,V'ot;cans !o mJJrs.:.3 ard accafL ttis silualiox.

ti[t L::c dccisio on lcvcrsioi has ])ccn nad., I can adnir tlai, frcn Lnc slar of n\, t,liiss.(!o!-r\ii, in Tol.yo, (i,:. lorricd m tus! i:t tlr. Jututa n: J::trncsc-Amricar r.lations (ri tho okir.tiA lrollcri. 11, fiEt tri) to ol:inn:. No'L

ir the so,rcr or 1961 conlimcd;,) fcars. llhilc ticrc,J.s xt rlrlt rirc s.ill v.rlj lirllc conccrn sirou! okira!. tn Jq'::r its.lf, i. 'ras c1elr r\xt lhc otinar:rs icre bcconiig incrcasingly dissatisfied Nith ihei! scparation froD JaPan. Givcn the nalun] n.tionalisilc feclinrs of our aEc, thei! unhallincss could oir:. rro: or:.r irrcr tncr. L,s 'cstorse ,\t rhit tinc, !neri..n iLilirary rcr fro" 0:\$, ,;lpr tl,q fclt

by.h. staica


tnat nothinE lae !o Lc fc::.d



th.t olinrlr.

;:ust bc

losilioi itr thc closc ana irioidll r.l.tioislri! lith Jai2ln vcre cvcr losr, ftis sc.iicd to xie cor.irlcielji iat5o lo3ic. 0rr lroldtn! on io 0hiDn,: too 1one, I fcl!, rroulJ lrc r:rc ra/ ro ruin J.:).rcsc,\rclican frlc shiD, i'hich uas far norc ii:.irotart to us t::1 'rs.. i,'-,-, -rJ in ciy c..).. 'f r',. .-:,, .r-!..rric.n r,1.,:'o'.1 : sourcJ, an lifricndty civili.n Ioi,Lra.ton ix okin rl (ou1d n.l. nainiaiD.d


. Iic ess.


as a


of di)lonacy stouli bc to dis.crr !t.l]].ns ii rCvaac. .nJ l}oi to forc. n!.ivili)tr

r.ilir!q'collcrtrcs iD tir. ru:crican tovc:ni,etrt to facc t5c 0i:ixrsa i)rol)lcn fiJ idr slcl)s !o solvo ir Lcforc i! ruri.d iilo. !r.3cdy for l)o.h thc si!..s .rd J.lan, I starlcd rilh . coDvcrs.lion rirl nor.rr xcnncd, du.ina .tr!i

iris visir ro J.!an in Ja:!e4 1962- llc ro.k


oi ihat I srid, arC, sho*ly

aftc: ais rctun to liasrrineto), rlis Lrotircr, LIc Prosidcnr, sr.rcd ro rali. s.cfs to ir)lovc .hc naturc of our'aaninist4tion in okinai., Proilcss rar no. as bL

. ... L .. Lt '. ! .' ri.J

! lnd srxr(i



tr.rc nrri. l\rorin! tosalj a norc tcr .non! soluti.n, Durine tl'e Dcxt scvcral ycars, I took cvcry optorturi.y to rccrurc

influcn.ill .ollcrru.s on ,c cnor of thc r\nrcrican xssu4riions al,olL olia2na oi rhc necd to rcturn thc islanCs ar an c.rly ,\n incidanr in ranan. th3t 6ro'ic out in Janlary lqri3, ((01s.hi Shinl,un: plenrc clrccr rhe datc))l involvins .i$crican hign school stuJcnts in th. C.nr1


pride, hcliEd rhcrican lcadc:s sc. thc danlcrs of t). olinrm situatior, aid

lisc of conccm in Japnn ovcr okiENa nadc tltc unsoutrdncss of tnc situatton ov.i clerrcr. By dr tinc I rcsilncd as txlassodo! ir luirlst 1966, I -" :..,.,/ !o oc r... Llc A, r:(1.. Eo/.'n... rr. .;in-.' ?-obl tho suns.o.ueit


vcry scrioLrl, and .crlisiic.lty,


seciod to nc tna. the lecd for n slced, ievcrsior

ol Cl:i,t3ia t. Jalai

,'.r so ob\:o.. r:ur lo'r !! i1.l Jr. -1c.. s.\. n:.. ..5 Lo ^,:ri(.^ to,e.i!aidrcvc.L!ick1/tosotve.hcDI.b1cn,ofcou-.,thcr.


b! r' lc

soia t| iigl, tosirions, \'hosc tcrsrc*ivc or oliii ra vt

.iilc ro

lrol1cf,.s a vho1c, Thcrc xas also.he il.n!c! lhxt rhc oli::aiz ?r.!lc ii3ht sct caugh! ut in lolitical nassions arisins fron o!h.r ,\..:cr, rriir-I'o1 or.'V'c'' ,.,r,1 r! .,1 jr.i Jjol rl !:. sloli,r:ss oa iii,a in oranins its ro us .s dlc .s xc lo ro J:,,. r. / co..,..!tl bc

scc Lhc

:: r,.:. r.'r., ri 1r nr (..rtio:.-l r:,i..J ..a'..:. .',':r .'.j j L . o., ':.. :., .r!o lou.. !)oLlcn 'i.r corr.*ly crpraincd .o rhcni r..' r,.ji- i....., to

t- :/ r / (.,r'.',..aor..,r:vl.i .... .:ri7ens.,n.1r:.t could Lndclst.rd 1J:. HisCom oi

tc; s:ro

and Prcsidcnt



rcv.Nioi of oiinnlr. L, l97t inLt tlc ttncir!: of tjtc ,{r..icin |asos !i:cr. u,rlcr !:r. sn,;c ri;i.:riors rtrri airtly ro trscs ir Jitr) Drorcr ii!trli:tit 1-r'.



cr.,: t.-. I


]lrciic.i tosirion in Isi3. ucforc long it u^ir-ds cros cJ..:r\. nr ullrrry comrtncntl or pray

tnlitng t1a.c


ary s.abili3irs rclc in lhc Fa Iinst !itt,ou. lllc urderstnncinS and surirort of Jtr?ar. Thc r..son for rhis is tnar Japnn has Lccorc 50 i:urc ar



rcoiJric ror.r !iar, virtro!!

its sull)ort, tlio unircd star.s .anio. rafeL,,rray anr 5orr ol r:ilit.ry.clc ir arens llar frori !n. tu..ican g.o3r:jrni. loinr of vic,r lic scyor:d Jat!). itor.ovcl, JaJanis jnrcrcsis ii LIe safcty oi r:tc scas pscific, ii ! in liolca, and in i lcnrtjox.l srat,jlrry in soLtlreast lsi. a& far rjicnt.r rnan ]!i.!iq,s, .id ir is .hcrcfore footist for rh. Urircd starcs to atlortt to dear id: suci) uitcas ir is blckc:l ,/ I,;.:. 'i',c ]l of !ori..1,,.,.. '.t.rsron o.O:i.,-,,..:.t rjllftd. i,n)on.nt sarcs in thc r:r Easr hecr. J3Fn.;e vct(ui1t ncrcry.t. . to cI1'.:,. (... :. i.)r 1l,is Lrixls us to s colsi\tcuiion of {ttxt tl:c rotc in Isis rirl .., r,.c::.j..,r o,. . r:.c .-.. )r rc, .t .o:.1:,.a..: :. < or

n6:otia!.d s..tlcrdri oa r:rc Vtc.ntrn ir.r, hc has n c

:.lo.r.{llor---o-.:s. ?r..i,r.ri



jris nind ro a l;adrcl

:.. .reo. ..r(- ".. tc..r. js no! -ct v.t. ..0s. ofrJ.:r n-,. oi.d toir(!. , : c

..!, tt..i'c:r5...t,:.



.o...... tr(r..: ,otr,




lolicy ot,\icrnnhiirtion,,'yhich vrs his t.Lcl for a graiuat bur iotnl, 1:s ni n ..!'.,, L (.,..o,.t,.



s.|..jrr. ii rccor inc. riit\ ou: lrojran., 'nre :rcsiticn! sccrs to tlvc rchicvcd ihi irir tnrl)or. oi his st) consc.vd:v. .hcric.ns rcslonrlcn ritn stlr.irots ol sL.o..t fo. .'5 t.o.:c.. 1..'. I r.i- \crJ ,',.olr.-:..", Pcri:aj:s tl,c nosr siBnificani talr ol th. stccclt lns ti:c prusidcn!is slccifi. rinLins of llis "vieti.rila!ionr poricy to tIc ,ilixon Doc!rinc,,, .s hc callcd thc ldnciprca for a pos!-victnan lolicy in lsi. rl:ich hc clalroralcd in a press in.cavicu on Cuan or Jury ?s, I found this roo vc./ cncouragin3, loint to a tuch {iscr lotic, rhan nc havc hid in the aad one roug[ly in iir]. uirh rirar I havc b..r advoca:int Sccausc t:)csc


3 stccch ihe Prcsi{ien! rcpcrr.d

his ,iDocdinc in sonejtEt

sii:Ilcr aid norc forn ri.n .i 6uaii, _ ttc boi1.d ir dori ro rtrce toirtr thit .h. s!a!G livc ut to its comitnrrts trhict is a s1at;r;it 'oxrd any narionat 1ead.i rust n31,.); that it Nilt hold riro nuclcar unbrtla oyc_: others {fhi.h it nus. do in aiy c,jc); ,rd r}.r Asirn courtrics strorrd he r!r.0.,::Ll. for dor 1 ., io,.,, of.".r1 -:o.1 ard thar


uni.ed statcr Ni11 hcrcry rrovi(te thch


econonlc and 0jitirary

-rLi o'.\J..,'"y r.c'nj." Lr -or. T..i oa,olr:c, I hcj,.. of tne Niron 1\t cuan he stccifically Lhat ive nusr avoid ihat

ol loric, tlrat vi11 Nc.rd drrg:tcd into conflic.s rtiDd



ol avoidin!


couftrto3 ir asia so cnt ulon $ thai

such as



onc .jrat \,c havc

in victx:n,[

and ]tc

rc:rctition of that sorr of rar anlnhcrc tn


Ar the sr:c tine, tltc PrssidcnL mdc i. dni)ly cl.a! rtar th.


"con.inl. to pray a ro1e,i in Asia, $ici, of coLrEe, is incvitatrc lor a coutqr lhar h.s virlu.lly one ttti.d oi th. (orrdis lc.rt[. rcndc.i ro


ii. iiJ..r cIc$1I sncll oui !:r.r rl,c losirirc sjdc of his tolic, 'roulC r,e, but ir cai 5r iirfdic.l fron his rc;i.rrs inJ l,is 36io:s, llc s.c:. to risI ro i]nr iior. ci,:rL).sis aid for thc lcss dcvclo!cn .outrics or nsir r),xn on litxl.Jcfcisc. lf ihis is truc, it is cxtr.r.l, .|icolnlinclt]ccJnscolrvious1ythcJcvc1olrcitof

crJcisl !!er for th. ro1. rcr]d t.".i tlci. sho.t-nn slatitity .id difcnsc. lic .lso alIclls to be lcnn e tovard a norc fiexiLrc and concilialory ?oli.y ro,rards Chin., In his Cuan intcdicH, hc coarcctly to its nci:I5ors, .nd orty 3 fcu days hc too:' cninr- I srs)cct rl)a!, .s r fcli si.l] aciiors h lry h Lrcatkn tlc crisis bcgins to rcccdc, rc Nill nalc cv.n clearcr stcts torud

Jis.ountcd chitu's

Ir is .lso obvious .nat tl,c Prcsilcit intcr:ds to!.ii . rcsl.lual, ovcn if.rci norc rodcs.l, ncfircJ, nilitary rolti foa t[e iinircd Sralcs i. tlc Far, Clclrly hc beltcv.s ilit t\c srarirg of dcrinsa lrolleis is as Ntuall)r hcncficial


ialuEl t,ctve.n tlc Unitld statcs

lrc.tso s.cis to b.ricvc rh.t .ho of in tic Ilcstcr Pnciaic ssain


and Jalan a3

soiic /,rcrican


senc tltc caus. of korld }.rcc in a 5roadcr rourd 3gree, Ilroulj, ttc Sevcnth Frcc!, rhc rJnircC Statcs crn

.hc s.fcry of lhe sc"s


ir rhat aroa aor .ho bc cfir of Jiiran nnd orhcr

ln.\lclicai nilitrly coimitncn! to Sourh (orca is .lso ltub.bly ihc tinc Leins ro insur. tl:at {xr docs not t,rc:* ouL Jalan's intcrcsts and !or1d l.ace, The fact !h3r io inicrvcnc nilitarily in thc rar East loulC also rlr.ouglror! thc.r.i, tl,erel,/ ixlir,g rggrcssioi lcas rilely J a x,orc staLrc eivironx.nt in hich.hc cou:rrics


!lrcir cicrlrics to tlrcir iir!ctxl i)roblc$. If this is ntdrcd thc Circ*iorl in ltriclr ]\nc.icin toljcv rotr'rd Isit is novinir, it sc.ns to rc to bc drrrlns closc, to vha! rnsr Jnlnncrc LroLld coi5idcr ,Jisc. d d.sirxblc. Ir is foi rlis rcasoi rlr:t I li ro' voricd rl'oL' tllc flsi iill Lc unCcr ll)lrorcl]in!.iic rr)rcn iscricu nilirary lolicjcs Jiimcse ln faci, I tiolld assntr' trf in 'hc coursc oi thc a vitlir scvcnti.r Jatr.nesc infrrcnc.s ovc, drcse |olicics rouli l)ccono cvc0 grcarcl than ! no:2livc vcio. J3?M, I belicvc, rriil havc !o takc thc lc'd in Ccfiiii! !l:.! si,ou]i tc llic joint JaPa^csc_Incriclr ]olicics in lho lrr Eas! 1iris is only niturnl, sincc Jlpan's int.rcsir dc norc at stakc lid in thc lon: nn


ssircrJ, cc1rcr.

irs 8co3ta!h!c locnlion lnd tlc:rcavv conccntrrtion of its cco.onic a:(l clforLs in Asia, (i1l undoul)tedrv lliv a l.rror con5r ctivc lo]c lir tl,.o.itcd States. rrLcricitrs, I holc, vill bv 1972 b' a$rc io undersrtnd tl:c nccessiiy .nd dcsiraL,ilit/ ot yieldi g fitst placc to Jalin in policv dccisjois on tl)o Far tias.. lt nly Lc norc dilficult fo. Jap.nesc to :cccri

Jatan, Lcc^ris. of

thc rcs!llant rcs)onsibiliiies,


trl llrc revc.sion of oiiirNi to Jxjtar Hill forcc Arcriczns ro rccosiizc that r;rc stritclric rclc oi tl,c Unitcd Strt.s in ihc Far l:rsr 5:s clanrc.i grcatly,..

dL:riis tic postrar lcriod. Dy r97? it lilr bc clcar ttar rhc Unilcd sra:cs

co i,iinraitr a $li..\r lrcsonce in the licstcrn Paci(ic arC continuc : usclul, clcn if linired, niliLiry rclcj such as I havc ou.rin , o.Jy if


hclrclf to tr.y a Src.!1y exprnJcd niri!.ry lorc, soh. d.y tnc !' )rations .r1o. r\c-, c. :.,-r.. orj-.,.' o..i 'r r..r I ob, or in tinc lensioxs bctNccn nrtions 8u! ! arc not



lnrlc-sc.Ic rcaiarcit Ly




Ny d,rindrc

tlLis sra3c in xorrd historl,.


f[c clioi.c,


.ax oily be hade L, Jrpanosc,

.r-iy fJ(rors,,ill iif


ol.. -- ..ororic, loliticrr, r;J r.or:oirL

.i altcrnarivc t::t Jx)ancsc,, r.rlily ort fo. tl,c ot:icr. Ix rlditior io ti,c .coionic cos.s of rcamanent, cspcci.lly i: nucle!! rc,to.s n.e includeJ,

I Lelicvc, erxve ro J.lanrs doncsric rclitics as rell ar ro i:.r iitern.tion.l rcl.tions. rlorcovca, a rcbufacd !fleri.. (ould irot oily dre.c rcLJd bc,



r.:--+---lor:t..rqrqr A'

i:r rrovidils,\sirn cou.t.ic5 $irh .conor:ic aid. I Jxlax tLril.ncJ t;iri, 3r:rtL-\,

crlxrtlcl rili..ry

irilit.Iso clt don foi som. couniii.s ir rhc Far costs

its lid cfforts. T:ic Lcsull could Eas! .nJ slo,r t\. d.v.lo):;cnr oa ri\c or.

, :o J..., is .r.: to.. .\srurin,r t:,xr Ja'ran rill (is:, to cortinrc jtr Iicricxr )rrri.rslit, it ro!li i:tc)i x (:,oIc ncv sc! of dccisions. lroulrl, r:rc Unit.J Statcr:routd .oi '..lit r/ Lo aor t:.'. '"'r..i,. t,ro: l/ !.,.:1i. -r 1., t lo, -:','.. J.--, 'o.)'.-r' to .'. j" .!o.'I c.s: ..ossi:)lc usc, Ji!:.,rould \!Yc.o dcci(ic lhctlicr or noi i! !ai.s tl.c Unitcd sralcs to onintlin cffcctilr coiiitrcnrs Lo

jr M ld lrv. to


l6rca or othcr co rrics,

i ch of an;\rcricxn military l,rosence it Hishcs ro s.e ii tl,c licstcr. racific ud undcr (hr! cotrditi.ns. Jalin vould,I$ Idc r. to tlhc an inc&arins rolc of lcad.rsni! in ils fositivc sidc of thc Paa.n.rsiril, tli! js, in scclins lrys to r.conciliarjor Nitir cnina.nd in pr.lilin: econonic CeciJ. )ro(

aid ro tlrc various counirics of tlc r1r Eret.

If ticric.n and Jajlancsc irtcrcsts in .\sia (crc scriously ar v.riaxcc or if.once)!s of thc dcf.nse ?rol)l.ns of tlr. scrcntics,crc as Jivcrscir l, tlici as ricl hxvc Lccn tD iirc pas!, it !.utd hc unrilctv rhat Jrnricrc xoulJ r\e dccisions in rheso fielJs tl[t,\ieric.]s lourd c dorsc Dut as I lav. poirrcd out, tire Iost-Victian !olicics that Prcsidcn! Nixon sccrs .o ne roving torard arc close ro J:laiosc percci).ions !l the lrolleis. ri tlc aanc tinc, i! sccns to n) tlrlt Jij)rncsc arc beginrin! to face rlc nrt.rid.ioill t:il, 'cc"'o. .1d -.ro1... r ol (:c '...-irt:.'-"J th* $.i t; rc ris. rnd in lhc in!;rcsts oF L,ollt J.r!n 3rc tre linitcd s.ates


of thc statcncnts Prnie rlinisrc,'tu'c in tic coiiunique of:\ovc,[cr 21 aid in:]is !h.t saDe Cay ro tle ,lashinSt.n Prcss clui- ln thc comunique l,c statcd lhat "ihe securiiv of llorca r{as esscnrial !o J.!.iis orr sccuri.y,r thrt rrtlrc raintcnancc of !cac. nn.l sccldtv in rI. .i :: _. 1:i....1 ar.. .,. Jlso ) ,o'_ :....or.. . ,. 'o. ao.'rt " ',rv o: J..'.:

I las

rucir ) by scveral

t\. fDlc lliycJ rl !m l..arl of rru.url coo)crirjoi xii sc.,,rirl l]crc. rnl s.curi!y oa ihc |.r liis!, i cli'(lji!.1.!ar,!r llc also xilccd rha. 'thc b6 soverni,cr!s slrould rai.t:in closo - .fa.r:.j tlo r( . ..j r.(",:./ ol (5 c1u'J si,cccl, thc rlinistcr srarcd, i1 lclicvc.5ai th.n tl,c Unitcd Statcs tl,at shoulC ralc rhc re:dinc rlc in th. nrtion-luit.lin. JxrM scons to irc !o bc hcldins into rhc l17r)'s in tir riglf dircctior. I cI jce rhc conrj)uanc! of a frLirful rxrtncrhi:) vith tie Uritcd Si.!cs, l,L! no,i,ritl, Jalan as d,c chicf Jccidcr of rl,ci. joi.r loricics anC tl,. Unir;d stat.s ii tl,c rclc o! cooncrator. P.rl,aps thc pitncrsl,if rill Ic cxlandcd to i.clud. ti:e otl,cr dvanccd of lhc Pacific, sucl ns lustr.lia, Ne( zeiland,


ir tnrcrn.tiona] stal)ility in tl,c Irar jiaii n ir.ssisling.lE cconosic d.velolncnt of tl,e counrrics in rlrt Son. J.?.ncsc belicvc r):.i iJro J.rDcsc rUcr:can !.rtncrchi) slorli nc

Cai.Ca, vhiclr .1so lavc a spccial iniercs.

otrlc! adyan.ed iaiioas of th! Pncific !rca, ihilc tiE ueahncss of rh. qlri..s.


;:;";iy ;ir"; i. ;"r'",,"0'. ti,a.'trad; ri ih o,L*, "*i *a",'.,; ;.ii' .r' ' ' Lrn'. of !5"r l.^L,c .n r:c rorc c..l'


Jaranrs inlclrcctual and curtur.r tri1l utuluestionlLIy corLinuc to be

ovcnnlelninlly vii;r thc other inJustrializcd coxntrios llrat sh.rc sinilar

poliiic.l syetcis, a vlstly differont soci!l lat.c.n.

ccononic, social, and Iias


nlt 'ith

a taci:vard china $Iicl)

rn.ri Irrs. conllirio:ts tlrr thcr. r.rld Lc littrc lto)c for ronl u ddrsL.ndin!

r Jc.i,ry $sl)i.ioG md fca.ful chitr.. Tlris is lar.icularlt rrrc rinc. br.ilinr tl'c ax.ric.D l).!ricrsl ) roul,l n.ccssirrtc gr.atly incic.scd arnxnHtLs for Jxiran, anJ thcrcforc thc lossilirity of r shaT milirar/ rivilry rith Cliinal' I lcrsoialty cxpct rhat J.Ian, for scosmphic, cultlr.l, ling isric, and cvca ra.i.t reisons, ,tll lc.d tllc 'orld i findins a Nay toratJ rcconciliation and murual .rust trith china. I cc.tainly holc so. llur such a reconcilintion c!.rot 6. rcrchcd o a falsc basis in vhich JaI$ lrelcnds to disrcg.rd arc its \ri1l,


n.iioi!t intercats. 'iJ1/ J't"x '"1 o "o,'/ r\". J1..rn, ii. grcJt .(ono ic,'ro'g:',. $;11 lacr coilcsrondins s.alus.nd influcncc in llc rorid, if it docs not itself have najor nilitary !.rcr o! nucl3ar vca])ons. l-nis, I, is a !rca. o'Ln

clror. ihjo, nili..ry porcr is not nsqLle vithout thc destrucrion of .t riankind. I. is onty cffc.tive in n,intainin8 th. prescnt I'balancc of rcEon' io 'hc Lo!lo, onl/ t-o colnrr:cs h. intr)h rhn I.l,rce . sr.)l.r n.c' s' ,?orsrs are reall, irlclev i -- antl it is . heavy il sad Uuricn for thm, vhict I Jrlan dmt is frce of this trrden, or evcD the Lu cn of e\lcnsive .orvcrLioml nilir:ry lo,rcr, crn play 3 far grcaLcr lntcrnalio.a] io1..hf ono n ro frcsr:eo aid ina:,.,.cc. lf, ,roli: 'c '..ilir1rJ -ptro-(: t)Lc x,ainronarc. of rlrc incricar t.fincisiiil, Jntln c.i minin!:c ii5 o\n nilit3ry trr...:, i is ](,s li,clr, ir l!.r.1o.. ..r-c:oL i,ilri"r\, !i!I China, Its othcr n.ignbors

\'ourd also Lc nor.

. irirn rrulJ pr.ail. tl,cn (itr, i.sliration arJ

lilcl/ !o

$ould also lcnd


i,i crc.!in!


n 5rol,l



rrost i::lrortx)rt, :ratnn

ir rhich nilita4r i,orcr is ,.o,i,: .o,*l a- cnvisionc{l

bu. onc

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