Dec 23, environment

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For your in{oraation and i. tlie e'_ert you find you.3€ll i.volved vith Sators visit, I have asked paper for NSC on U.S.-Japan enwirolment cooperation. Witlour qoirs into deta here, you should khov tnat this Ia3 been an onrsrardirg snccess, rt vas tre Fresidenlr3 ?ersonal initiative by r€*er to Sato ihat set ine shge for ny visit to Japar in October l9?0. I spent an Lolr wit]r Saio at $ai tim€ ard tlere is .o questior or tle politicat imrortance ol environment in Japan. They nave sin.e set up an Envi.onment Agercy with cabinet rank; passed ocean dlmping lecislation anil a number oI other stalutesr st€adily raised the lev€l of their puhlic and privare invesrmenr on enviro@enra1 prot€.rionj supported ns internatiorally in urging a.ceptance of tne principle that 'the polluter mnsr pay rhe co3is or .leanup (.a$er fian rhrolsn sovemment subsidy) -- a princille of irlortance in awoiding competitive disparities in internarionar riade. Tne Japanese serr a catinet reyel delegatior to tne U. S. in J@e to meet kitn me and tncir U. s. couterThe point is lhat tlis vlole €ndeavor nas lepreserted a mjor positive factor in u.s.-Japa. relations oaer tne past 15 honths -a le.iod vhen snch prrs fa The Presidenr should be asare ol ilis because it ]1ae been my expeiieace in Japan a.d in Europe that u. s. leadership in enairomenial aflatus is one of our wery real prnses in terms of publi. oDirion abroad. eide of



Japa,ese program and handled the di8cussions. He wonld be grad to li yon in rurther

Gordo! has been ctose to


r am leavihg this to ne siened in my atse.c€.

Hon, John D. Ehrlicnman ABsistan! to dle P.esident

i1 clDirhar ,ln F I


E. Train




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