Dec 3, kasuga ikko, the japanese pov

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4d,ad *ltuk.,n

'3 it- tr'Q tra*le - cElt*-ln-




,r,o {n"vuo. cltalttilN ot



JtltN ,EMociaTIc sccIALIgt llitl

ttr tI. Colv.trtion held o, ,ril luAusi, 19?1, M!. f,osuA. r,as a! chaihan o? ihe Centrsl Ere.uiive ColEitie. of th€ J.!aD D.oocr.ti. Soci.ti!i Party. q. I.r b.s! ! reober of the Diei (Boure of &eplosenrBriv.r) .inc. 1952 tDit acieil .. Di.t Co,ni t,tee Chairra., S..r.te!y, .rit EI.ciio. Co@tit.e Chairnih suc.ersively in the Palty, h hi! yourger drys, after h. g!.ilu.teit h.d Nogoya Tete.o@uDi.ation JuDiot collese h. lur.ueit . rttelaly ceree! ar n€ olce ri.nGit .ti ibe aA6 ot 16, he.iolteil active pe.ticipstrioD in politi.r. Vhen ihe Socielero...tic pa!try v.. touldeit 1945, Mr. X6luga E, r..! viao..usly i.kiDS pd.t in o.aonizilg the ?srty. Iben, h€ ra. .l.ctreit ar . Denle! ot tn. lxecutive CoaEitiee o? ih6 pslty E rell s, Cbairosn ot tbe Aichi Preteciural ledelution ot !a!iy Srancne!. In 19t9, ioeetber rith oth.r colleagtres he inaugulrteil E tre* I,aliy nfh. tIaI,@ Domocleiic socidlist poriy,', at the lone,,iEe Mr, xsrua! .ucc.!slully olgelzeil,'D€Eo6aii. Socislisi snorl_Mediu !nie!!ri6er,! l.!o.i.iio!rr, ir rhich he ha3 be€n .cting 5! plesideli. E b.. tublish6d .urers! b6oB! on ihe !!obleD! ol ti!aD.., co@.rc. ..C t.htior sy.ieDs i! !.rolls ic ald !.4i@ X!. f.luga h.r ndy foleign oD politicsl sDd e.oronic ois.i6n.. gt! tri?. i!.luited: 19tl Bu!tr., Initio; t9tt sowiei Unio.: r9t7 lurop., O.s.A. I959 Malay.lE, Inittst r96t Enlope, U.S,,1., fiidille Ee!t! 1961 lu.irali., N€r Z€olanrli I95i VietnaEt Canbodiar Lso! r966 so.tarisi Inrer!ati6ra1 congress ( UoD. oEd Con!tiiuen.y:



7" &,.k?'Lf"4,. 3

r>.7,.. For Th.



c"."ri"" or A


-%Q1 {.

tylkko/€snga chailz

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irare ed rhe united srar.s .re curen y at

r hetieve, .e re rhe end of vorrd \{u lurrhemor, rh.r Forrrens liich det! {i imediaic exeinarior by Jars d rhe rhited stat.3 ed on,hich the vie* of fie rwo .outlies shourd r. adjtrsred on thc hasis oI a nninar uderstedilg of the turure cou6c oI rhe (r)

rhe med rd EB ns io prace okinawa on exacrty rhe see sraius a3 Japd Proler oD rh€ }asis of rlle asr.cxenr berw€n Japd sd the United St&tes on Ure rcwersion ol okinaE. (r) rhc china pnnlc4, rutur. rerd onship bei*en rj.s. &d cbina, 6nd betwer Japs and china, dnd rhe issue ol T.iru. (t) fte rom rhat ,rapaftse-&cricon derense co-operarior 3hourd ta*e keeling th ncw inrenariohar dereropnents, inctuding rbe quesiio, of .ra!e-u.s. rtutuar secn.ity Treaty. ('.) ddrusroeni or rapan-rr.s. .conobic rclsrions c€niedns on rhe inroinarionar curren.r, issue The re.ent drmric u.N. Gen.ral tusdhbr). on chinese of rhe mrld, The Yarb Bttuctnre has arrea,ty crutrred and ihc era or ro Buppr-lovers, in ed thc Soviet Irnion had herd tho initidtiy€ in rolld Foliti.s, ftas ts we orservss poinred oui nerore ad ae ?residenr Ni a in ,hictr rhe x.s., rhe sorier union, china, Japa!, dd Eunle wirr pby inlortat roree. ,itr .o-olcrate vth eacb orl.r or hov rhcy 1 proldbly be a deciding fd{:ror in rcrl{i peace ed prosDerirw.

-2on the basis of

cratio, of a peace?ur order lor the mrrd. our lartyrs suprchc lolitical otiecrive is the pursnit ot loritica


A hmar ?erlare. should qdre

h order ro do rintly, a fir basis loriticar sFtexs NSt be

mone nariom

coDrert, thc currenr

v.lcooe. In rlle !.s, :nd china, sinirar tu rhsr beiye.n rh Sihir.rly, ye nelicwe thar Secordly, liendry minaained tut .1so

vilh ditrerenr

an inprovenent

of rhe relations

of Ti.y ol vorld loriiics.


e nor onty

friction and confticr. conrli.t na.bors Ti'is h.s tc.n


@ tust not foreet onry hope for such a develope.t lrut arco


rm .ounirics m3r futly redize to delero! inro iftidcls in histoly. ,{t

try ro



In order to

dasse friendry Japmcsc-,4n.rican rclations. Ve b.liewe thal our tm

steapoint that re sh:re a comon destiny. .o-existchcc bctmen thc U.s. dnd lhc Sovict UDion oa rhe North-sonth probl.n that President Nixon folro,ed u! ure mouceDent ol his pluncd wisti to

sino-soricr rclsrions .aderican relarions is of the urho3t

minrenace ol sorierihe inporran.e



tl6t dy ,oye in ihie dire.iior

vourd m

of dmocraiic poriticor sysle@ in the &id region. lear mrld pc.ce xithont tbis tiorih-south p!o}loi. iniiiatiaeB take. ny the U.s. tordrds teminating thc mr in viet Na. t{e be}iere rhar rhe bis-porcr dooinarion 01 derelopine coutries .nd the int.oductio, oI nig-rorer confrontation elirinated. l{e betiere ihai develolne.t dd tirat a My lo loudtrllongh ve arc dotemincd that Ja!.n shonld hak. rositive eJrorts

i. this

i3 dbt ve thinrr is the nos! d.Eiianre dilectton in ltrich ihe hrrd should ?nceed. xhi1. drking totrrds this larcer goa1, ,e feer thdt the folto'ins elforts shourd be hadc to Scttle Thc .bove

icrvccn rhc unired srares a.d Japan,



linr is rr. lronren rr


or rhe unircd siares, rhe !rcbren or okimm ig jGr a 3nar1 iter. But to ire people ol Japan, ft is ore or $€ niggest ploblem. This is the speciar lcature ol the okina?a lnllcn. The alflerence in

!nm.b steG fron this la.t.

parlieentary approyal been .onprctcd. 3ut :s you ar€ amre, tbc re3lectiTe parrieerr3 i" Iddling rhis issue differ€d

u.s. senare aplroved rhe agree&e.r by m ovefrheldng mjodty coutry arr oplo.ition {cnb poinr, rhe nrile pdry used 3rro4-.m nerhods lhe ihi.Iing peoplc and rhe mn-i.-rhe-streer ot ihe unired srateB bust probanly thiDt it e*r.nery Etr&ge tbat Jarmese political p&rties lnd a 1a4e p.opo ior oJ the leotre should olpose proyides lor th. lericitous retun of okina*a io JaIa. Tho re6Bon for the The


.ase of reioving 6 calsc for deaaiha Japocro-rlbcri.a rcrations. In contra8t, th€ Japu*e p€orle, ilcrudi.a ihe peorrc oI okilaya Prefecture,

rca.rsion I of the

lookcd Won

nailrar right. s@ Irecisco ?ea.e lredty *'l]ich lomed the resar of okinaE Etilura&d adiinistr6tiv.

rish* in 0kind* tudd

he recognired


util Blcb tim as the Udted stetes prolos€s to ihe U.ited N6tions ihat okiBE be !:de into . test terdtory dd th6t phposar is dcceptea. okinaE, hmerer, doe3 not Iarl uder the clteAor, ol a ttust terliiory as Aelined in eithe!,ltticre 76 or,bticro 7? ol the U.N. Chdier. Not onry rai, il okinawa were to i€ n:de a trust on rhe r.ri. charterrs lfticre rc,hich 1d not te aurieit coDi.y. A*icre III of r sd lrancisco Pe.ce Treaty, therefore, iB r€gaded ty @y scholars ot the vorld as a bad liece of treaty-Eakine lror the point md i3 .ot ir conJdmity rith iI. a.tar po3ition ol y, aE lar as re senti&cDt ot the Jalanesc peoprc iB com.ned, it is onry natural thst . qnarter ol a ceniury after the end o1 consequen

yithout ay ross ol tire. 0n the oft€r h&d, ,€ irtenaiioml situaiion ad, as x. s6y in Jale,


ed uilieil nationer opinion on thc {fth u.s. niritury rases tD the .@e rev€r as rhoEe ir It yo. non€ other than our lpmcratic Sociali3t ?afty xnich orisinarry !mp0s.d rhis romla. In Atrgrst, 1967, thc ]6te Eiichi Nishimra visiteit okinara as the

of okinaya vbo ,ere uconditional sd toial Ni.hiDue @ouc.d ou patyr. fomura for "reversion vith U.s. D itall, b6s.s nduced to thc those ir Japar Plo!er". Ee 6lpealed to the okin:yus to rally aronnd this foml:. A putlic olinion people

-itly 63i or rhe pcopre ihis rotura, The ftTerme

hy a teadins nlrional nevspa!.r rercated thar 7?s or ihc pcoprc 01 .rapm rroper supporred

signins thc rcacrgioD agreeoent.

siiu.tion,hich rhose 1r Ja])an

pracrical poinr ol h.rdly differs netueen prd


ol u.s. nirihry tord rhs

wilr fDciion in jusr rhe see as rhe originator ol



yay as bc{ore. ,,reversion yirh

as tl]osc in

on okinara

}r ihry

u.s. biritaly


Pmpcrn, oq pd.ry has agreeEcnr proddes for see ieyer a3 rhoee

yith u.s., bascs ilJapoProlell| sco to it that the Jo@1a is realized. tlen m e:ein. rhe .g!.enenr Iror this stmilloini, * camol iui conclrde nt ir do?s .or Deer our e4ecrations in seweral nuclear wealons rodd te in pracricar rems, ihe ririrary nrewersion

na3.3 are banlry bctns rednced. Third, the .oniinuarion ot v0rr broadcasrs fioE okinaya iB in coniravention ot do,esric rax.. Iourrh, speciar n italy ufts vir r\nd fifrtr, rhe u.s. has rcj.cred aresr arr of ihe nqusrs for .oEpensation @de by Ja!e.

dissaiisfaction,, with the inadequle provisiors ytri.h tailed ro Deet our ve eamestry hote rhar th. tldnkins leorrc &d rhâ‚Ź o i6ry cftizens of the United slatca muld udersr d correcily ihis rery siraiahiroead our position is thai rhe allroTar ot t'Ire aenenenr ry the parri ents or borh couiri.s aDes nor necessarily nean rhai rhe lroller is finished. fte 6pprow.r onry ncss rh.r ve hawe lasscd the firsr stase. rn talo and rhe unit.d srare

-6to drihr'r' t&es

fi1.t- needs



in o.dâ‚Źr to rearize those in J.!an Properrr.

ihc rery mini4w, do rhe

lollovins thne rhin&s: (r) rhe u.s. corermerr

shonrd sive e suanniec tu tne rapmes. peopr. $at mclear ams muld be re4oved fron okina@ uade to nucrcar vealons aenencDr is inadequaie.

(2) rhe u.s. corermeni. 3tutrrd reyear of tases .nd carry ir oDt raithrurry. (l) vor r,road.asi, shourd tc srolled ar Jale's m-exisrenrt diprohacy r,rrich aiDs eren though their .ysrgo @y difter froD The

thinkine that okinava is thc kcyEtone ol the lscific lair3 io fact that the intern.tional situation has 81r.ady cbrered a

the tire President Nihn ma hirc uinisrcr saro signed rheir Joint Statenent has iade ilreldmr ty itre n.w re.rii,ie6 ol /lmeicars an&doment oI thc china contaiment policy ud thd adri3eion

lr this contcxt,

in ihd ,ay tlr U.S. Iooks lDpe that the U.s. Govem.nt 6nd peopre trurd ld.c the ney redlitics squa.ety ed take sreps to respoil to rhe rhreâ‚Ź loinrs m lisred th. lrotre,

oJ china.

chim mde ihai reoue sp.ech in xoscox on xoEEber 13, 195?, in ltich hc aaiil that rrtbe ca8t *ind r 1 conquer rhe *sr *ird.r loday, 14 years since rhen, one Btrongly that certainry is s,eeling ower noi onry Asia tut acqtrisition of 2t od vithdravals of LE tloops lroo vietd6 od l{o!cd. It soes vitnoni Bayine $at tne *y oI hudli4 the rrolrea of china {i11 hare d extr.he iryortace i! m.ld poritic8 helceforth. nerealte., China vilt bc challensios the the US &d the Soyiet lhion, aB well 6s

-7alr kin& ol denmds or.ra!e. The inporrot loinis, in rtris be first, nonintedeftfte ir iL€ Tai,a DrohleE ail secondr the p.erentio! of th€ reyival of dritarisn i. Japo, eBpecislry fie prcicntion of tucted anuent lry Japar, ai ihe smc time, it llso eoes Ethout sayine d .gainst the oaking


as a

pa.ifist A5 a


resuri of

i3 the drr or hdAline rhe the ,4lbdiD resotntio.


ocrobe! 25, rhe

securiiy ireaty *fth Taiwd,


Dilit&y bdses in Taiyu ud has arrout 9,000 troop3 srdriored in Tai'u, lnile &e.eyenth tleet stirr cortiNeE to p6trol in ihe lomosa Stmit arthoqh it i3 aerloyed onry ir .mergency, ituread DeceDber, 1969, In the Ux &3eEbty aote, ii was tI. Irs thai rook the initiatiTe, :1ong vith &!e, to iriroduce a resolution de3irhaiinq the .xplrsio. of Taive as an ib?oftdr quesrion requid.s a tvo-thiril3 Tte pmtrer is tle cont.trtB of sino-.& rapproachienr ede! rhese cinmst&ces. yhcther or nor i3 & edrceely iEportant questior ror JaIm od !€6cc in


h rhe risht of rlc l:cr rhar rs and chi.! ha3 s1o6e

rtre inprovc&enr

of rerarions re&een

ft is i[!o.rer fiar ihe !s io

hoY rhe Ls

il vhar iB fts

rtr y leop1e in J5ps haw. Eiseiwinss 3.d disrnst io,.rds rbe actioft aaken bJr the trs in comection vith ihc p.obleo ol china! ure vietn@ lnhletr ud dolrar defense. lhese actions ye&

thai Japd


'rEe.ica,S parrner. Ir once ?as agreed bet*er tho th.n secret.rl. or srare nea insk ic! Masarosli ohira that "Japan anit the Lrs hord prior coEulrarion in case either couiry decide3 to .h@ge Yas

-aThe Us

1t Ni:onrs yisir badon 3. .rohnmrrs

brok. ihis lroEise


tor lomer freside.r e*epiDe syiich in ,loer:ca,s rietn&

oD ,rury

s@e goes

poricy or lIarch rr, 1963. Lngo, aB iB generarly hou, it us the sMe in t]]e c6.e of ?residelt Niron!. dorrar delerue leasnre oI lnsusi 16. It iB onry ioo hatur6r lor J.pan to leel upleasut *tren bral.r tcd vheh Il ihe3e ihings 6r. repe6ted tetaeen Japar a.d $e ars resadins ine prom.n ol chi&, thc sre6test lroblei iD vorld lolitica hereaiter, Dit if .eri@s dirferenc€3 eE€rge in the Damer of dey€topenft in ya ons aslects. ,{t this tine, the us shorld exe.t elforts to lor iDproYine nlations }e

claily, at


isit t0

china dtrld noi be ihe s$licion Urat the tls is &king d ae6r uth china. Ile beriere thdt both th€ us and J:pu snould take a stasd that Taird is !a!i oI china ed ihat probletr re3tu vith China itsell, our vish naiunrly

ihiril is

the promm ol Japan-US delense cooperation, includins the quesrion of rhe Jaru-us secn.iiy ireary.


The LG


lh. Ioreign ,{id bill possiiiriiy of rhc titl bcins nritized for cr@cni rtrich .ne:se3

irs peolre in mr

of ihe bajor shc stcr up forci$ 6id. u vrat ml* (mllecrire to play in ensurine thc pcace dd

it is exbeDely is mkins npon Japan is th.t

or separ6i€) rale dd the us onsht secu ty of .Asid &d of the aorld, in.rudins or Yl6i io do lith China.


hov to



. US


con$ere adjusrnenr.s as thâ‚Ź intenational loricerai

ih ie.uriiy ar6ns.bcni3

bciycen Japs

ror rhc us

dd thc x.S,,


ro ser torth crTressly

chinats deh{i 25 dos. noi ihpry 6 bcre chdAe ot chinese h,s trought sigoilicantly i

oujccrivcry, ir i3 at reasi rne

ed ur. soviot of coriairi4 china, ed ai the us

tlat they ar. no longcr in a losition to pueh thcir interrationar loritics in utter di.resdr Vbat is mre, Eesiite.t Nixorts prmcd irip to china, yitl rrobdlly rrusfom sino-aherice rerarions frm one of codrontarion ro one of self-ewident

situation in &ia, ol drich Jalrn is a ncnter, is boy roa.hiry a definii. runing poinr b rlxon Do.trine, necessitsring 5 re@ping 01 the naiional s.curity systeis ol yarions tsiu coutries. there is no .easor for t]re!s securiry rna concruded iD r95r aE laft of the U.S.strates/ vis-a-vis the Soviet Union The

ati.h sut3equcntly bec ro re ntain.d jEr ,,by force or rr rho iDt.reni4 period, J.par, ioo,


h6d udcreone


de@d th6i thc ts, *irh rhese ftilgs yerr in !i.a, yiu condncr oI its {iefeme .ooperation yith JaFn. ve rerieye that po1ftica1ry, rhis yirr iri.a short r


Practically 3pe3}ine, the Japan-ls secu iy treaty, provi{ti4 6s ii does lor thâ‚Ź stationine e ol baes in J6p@,

_10_ .ls a oatter ol

th6r eainrenace of sorid

in ihe pe.ce of noth .outries e{i or &ia. ,lnd trotr rhis vie}"oi.r, e v I light r.solutely to rejeci tirose ilfruences ltrich an adTocatiDs

lart or ihcir dti-,ldericei . r\ Jalane* sayins soes: is a3 bad a3 to farl sho .i ln our opinion, the Japa-IS arriece nNt .ot be arldcd to end i, s oere Becuring by th€ rIS of ii6ry bdees ea to station irools on Jap.nese on the ord mrrd ordcr. vi*d in this rishi, xe n.rievc rbat borh Jape md rbe us oughr ro ent as

to tle ney interhationar Bitation. hey Japd-Us

rill oark the str.tinA loint for relations ytih reBlect to Becnrity. is the

econoeic p!ob1m,



has iteepemd

probrebs as the tdt e i33!e, i@ort 3urchargo ed suslension of dolrar-so1d conwerfinility. lake the text e i8sue first. The Japuse textile oduflctu!.rs showe'i their sincerity by pracibs vorutuIt' &striciion3 or the vorme of tleir e4ort, tnt tle U.S. corerment ererted Btlong pr€ssure on tb€ .Ialeese coaermeni duilg th" te*tire tarks lecause it *B one of PreEidcni Nironls ere.fion lr.dgeB to c*i Japde3e textile cxpolis io ale U.s. The Jalecse corerment linally gaye in ed it ms forced to conclud€ a aowere.rt-to-sDvcrtuent tcxttle agiecEent {ith the u.s.

& a re3rli, the Jareese iextile indnstry &c.iyed a lerhal b1o, *iose ef{ecrs are erirenely seriouE indeea. }bre ihe r,500 textile indGtry 5lone are forceit to chanse their tusine3s }ines. It is esiinateii tnat as lmy as j00.000 induBtry ? r rose their jolr8. Tte srath€tic finer Eeu{a to demd rron th. Jape€se Goverment. roe @utihg to !_I23r400 uillion oyer ! leriod for rhe dislosar ol sroclT es idle facitfties uil equiprenr



D rior in tobr.

e p&dtrcis are

.rassilicd binur.ry

arloG Iiner ei!.rts ed a one peroent ae.eenent

6rr it.m,


asiq:heni, rlihough the texr e ircreds. in ihc volme oI srnthcii. eryorts, these fienres do asrc.ncnt .n adtriniBtr.iiTe

thai it xirl Ic refe*iog ii to thc n.tion6r Ior 6plrorar. This is *r' thc eorermcnt,ill have to ])6, d 'iet ol iorcy in .ohpens.tion io the textile industrJ. Vhettlei or not the goTcrm.nt i3 cntittcd to discretion is Thereforc, labor unions

constitutior. .ir.r!s h&e decidcd to instiatrtc Japanese

snit agaiNi iha Actualry, hov tig onry 1.5 per.cnt


or $e tutal consnnliion of

in thd u.s. dd

the effe.t giTen by the Japancs. ro tl& u.s. ic irc inausily i3 oreresriDated aDd exagscratcd. Trre siharion beine snch, ye can in ,o the fett c aarc.oenr,

thg,lDelicmleolre, 3ot3 dtd desk-io!

r. Nerr is rhe protlcm or dollar conrertilirity. Is reedds Nixon Hov.ver,

ile ntr


policy contaiDs

.oDrc.ribirir). yhich crearry l,oncrary r\md (rrF) &d rbe




r5r"r3 md rBde (cArr) econonic reratioN. It is



tb6ttlenewheasu!€smre ro say rhar rhey ar€ jnst and thar, the @e rios Eorery on orher coqrrieE becau3e of iheir rack or cooperarion. Ye are lroroualy concerned over rhe tacr rhar ihe u.s,, a sr.!r h.d llayed a wibr dd najor rore hait ui1at.rarr,. taken in roral disresdrd o1 inter.ation.r

in rnich letaliarory masures tarr.n by ortrer couirics wuld tre conaoned. econonic r.ratio.s mutd b there vould ne no lrasic nre3 od co.Bequentry ruad to rhe colralse of thc rcrrd anit reduce ro a process oi po,er-Dravs. ve have mr ir. sligbreEt doulr rhar ire u.s. dorlar had oade


.ach rcn6er .ouiry of {hd IIIF to naintain its cunency parity uder rhe tllF sysrer ad rL€ u.s. it TlLerefore, rhe u.s,, tike any orher ncnr.r narion of the rftF, pa}teh&. &pcciarly, m to hal.nce its are oI thc, rhould bc anopted to conrrol rc orcieea3 ddmce&ent ol nurti-nationar .o+oiations which are nost rcaponsible lor causing ihc u.s. dollars. lhe dorrar lnt€ction ne.sureB }awe hit Jlpe li]{e a slock. .ralatr

in foreien.xchance, of exlort cortracts, ed siagnation in cxpo!tu. Japuese dai6ge. 15 sr6II and tredim size of tlle totdl Japdese they sulfeled m3 as c& te 3eer ty the lact that @y such corpanies re pra.ed in a very difficnrt lineciar losirior. rt arso becme ineviia e as 6 reEurt of the neasue3 tbat the Japan*e ocomny Lii.h was on the }crge ol cnergins fron a reccasion tuura eu{fc!. !.olonAcd recession lccauc of thc rcraruetion of th€ Japeem yen. Ille sa.rifice, w rut say, is ycrr hig. sYoid the nYaruaiion ol ihe ,cn. U.S. Tr.asurv Secrelary Jo :@res, criticized

-11rea.hed $rI1,r0o E lidn m increased by 25 percent oye! tlst df rart yc4r, But it mst te tnat J!!s s loreign cnrrency resere ms onry tl,21l o rion as of th. €!d oI 1963, $1,3ft r rion at ihe etrtr of 1969, ad 1t,453 Eiltio. at the end ol r9?0. me sudacn incr.ase in its trad€ sarprus in r97r wB dre prirarir, md the tdponry idrov 01 dollus to to the r.cessional capibrize on the rev.ruation ol the yen. Tterefore, xhen the qnesiion of levalusting the yen iB Betu.d, tle surlIu i5 bound to diDirish r.pidry. TIns it is pr.battrre to concrude fi.t the Japd€Ee eco&ny is nasicarry enjoyins . trade surplE.

In lNhing lomrd

lor the futde, Japd is

cohlrorteit vitn .enterins or ln{iuction dd .Qorts to loricies eolhasizing trr€ ,erfee ol the poorre. co.sequently, J6pd c@ot e+ect to erioy 3 sudden i.cre$e in it3 erports in lntuie. 0n the othor hmit, revenue8 resur ng froo source3 oil.r ile foreisn tn{ie anit lons-tetu cepitar

aiit io iterelopinA lations. Ir

f.ctors, xc vould rike to loint out that the countrie. enjoyins fayomtre inte ational pawents b6td.. shouril cqnarly share the responsihility of jqlltrn +the !6rity or 1 n&sis. rnerefo!€, m req&.t that iI€ U.S. dollar be der6rued ny d apgopdate nte uit tle iryori Elrcharge be rcaoyed siNltaneoEry *ith tbe reyarua or oI the yer. l{e earn.stly hope ol naintainine close econoEic ftl.tion3 nei,een,rapd od the U.s. h order io ito tlis, w hole th.t the euriest los3ible datc.



yie* ftgardine the currert mjor


ietee.n .t6pe ed

ile u.s. hare reen The t6.ic thenc th.t ros ihrough Dy vi€vs is tlat t a!s-U.s. @irJ i3 the yftal €leDetri. Inr fiis faci, I e sure that yon v 1 ne anle an mt e4res.ed iEt {or 1e 3.}e of os6rs aft itestn.tivc. The poritic.I sitlaiion loriiics ir these 19?0s, stove arr, is io saleguala loriaical delocracy dd der.rop it futher. In oiler to do Eo, * mst !.Ie effortsr first of the Nihodtari@i3n of the con3enative lor 2l rong yeals, thns ileryina. chece fo! ultr.-n.tionalis to rea, it3 head. Secondly, Ieltist lones froE eaini.g influence as . r€action to thi3. l{e hetiewe that w m3t cre6te a politicat Bituation in }iich po*r sorld ch64€ hsdB in a cotuttu.tire l@e! ihBte.d o{ i.he pre8ent By in yiich poxer is passeA froE one faction to eother vithin th partr. To ao oppo.ition party @Bt be aeyeroped a6 soon aB possibl€. In othe. vords, a syst€o nst be ch6ra.t.rized by tI. oI the risht od the lelt. In th6t caE., * greatly lear that ih€ lrieilry rcraiiom betveen Japu ud tle U.S. muld lace the ddeer of collsp3c, ol our poritic&r EisBiotr, m are ialring .ince& .lfori3 to lnnoie loritic inprcre Jape-[.s. ve rodk io the fnrth.r co-operaiior ad efforts of fte rDerican people in paying the fry to a nc* ed grorious era o{ Ja!e-u.s. reratioN.

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