Feb 14 memo, okinawa urgency

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rb.!k rou v€,y .:u.h 16r your er. 1o m. oa rh.flgl Coilo..&o. In. Pr€.tacrr .r.o.r&.d r!6 to o{ir... Li-..6;cEtlor io y6 ro! th6 r.polL !o llInl Aoc corclu.i@ d th. cltitc.l l&p6rt&.. of aa.d coD.ld.!.tioE ol tb. Olt iyd prohl.m e.t iL. b:o.d.! i..u. of ow r6lilo.r vlrh Jals *. v.!y nre[ .bEed

1.r.. t l.ci. you.h6uld l6e 16r your orE p.!.ool b.cLs,ou!d t!.! rht. l. d. ot th. ..!ly tr.er 'vhl.h wtU !. co!.lit r.d by rb. N.ttoel s.cstty Co@U. ! wonld v.ry bucf, lit. to t.ll to ,ru al. 66.. lsalh lbout rh. J.F! probr.o, b{t you ce u!d.!sr.!d lh6 lmm.o.. p!...q.a w. rr. E&r .a F.!E . lor th. P!..ld.aa. ,orthdo6t!! !!tF to Srro!.. I s@ld lt6d it v.ry h.lprd, Lowqvcr, il you .oqld A.! rog.ti.r vlrL Dlck seiit.r @ my sr. . It h.r . lonA b.dtaro@d o! J.tE .r!i! wiU b. .r.l.Llaa m. i! tl. (srr.!r Dol!.y coa.t.Lr.ho4

/'l .",^.t Hdry A.


}lr.tiiA. -On-!Iu.l.on

NSC: R I-s@ide





tlenN Kissrnger


clem olds 7ll




Conre"",e on United Slates Japan Herations

I enclo6e my bdef repo* to ihe Pxesident and Sec.eta.y Rogers. you vill no doubt be hearing directly lrom oxhcr Ame.ica. participants x.ho are otd lriends of yours. I camol eraggerate the imporlance ot ea.ly atlenrion to these hatlerB for ou! long term sâ‚Źcuxity measures in the Far Easr. If r can help you assess hole adequatel, lhi6 impo ance, I woutd be pleased to r.port at ereaxer leneth and in more eft ctive fo.m al your .onvenience. For the time being, I .an be .eached at Bo* 141, fiastings-on-Hudsor; telephone 914-478 a597, if vor should have oc.aâ‚Źio! to yant to .all.


secreia.y'W1lllam lloger8

6€po!t o! &yoto Co.lereDc. on Japan_Unlted States

Ic.(106€hv _i.lroofrlo

he Prr6rdenL


Lisl ol


and orogrPn vour r"! LFw'

,*i.i,. --'"^ * ""r* -n'ra or' s'nr'd rt lhr'ont r' n'"'o' ,iio"",rr r o,a -,,,u.u..'orrrc'aLv IrprFB'n'rnE our go'' rn'I r'rbrit'a" L on', 9necial A6sls.ln s .lr d;r rhar I h;d scrr.d as rr. si,], r Nlxoi 6raDan 6' d'r'q'r'! 'o r3k" ii.".i.i .", ,' a ,-"*r 'Irort was 6ed' v the rh' , e {ug' lF. imporr of .-rErn I $outd .oamurr

add recom.tdaiiols nade to lhc Pre6iden!' I wonrd oerely anvoDe ld€f and stsnd willi,g to do a'r'thiry tu'ther to t""".: ."gg*t 1, g*"tet d.tail on one oI the rost ilt'nsive and exte'stve y." "aari.Jt"--r.",

10 the smma.y

"rrgr,t I have sttendod. c@ler€nc.6

urge!.y of the Okinawan problem casoi be esgge'aled' r€b{onshipe It colo!6 the ra!8;. problo; ofih. seclritv Pacr, and ou! 1o'g Enge tr'e PhiLrnpin'e'



; .i;.-.-ii i" "- "1i,. to ."".nt op"'" ,""

and orhcrs rn 'v Ror uro dt hffie' i"i ri"o" it" ."',o tt t* milita.t d'n ands of our di€"nh6nchi'ed lhc okinawans rtghlg ot ir"""r"" lo"n tlt"'.,"t.v prooler or the hmdn and ctlit lo r"i'w andimp:ovP ,r1" t-p"*ir;" thst sleos Je Eken ilmeolarlv -.,1"t". in rcadelsl.ip rorar ydr inrflanve *our,r -sra.1i61!mr,edrarp i;i.";ili.;. condu't ol-th. h th_ .riir" rt. e""t, EE6ure them or cl il ornr nilttarv lPad'r6hin iii.i*" "di"",'".u """.* lhe risht dlmete ror lhe lslr'r conBlltstiot coming up on renet.r ol the Se€u.ltY Pac1.

confe'e'ce an ageda and 2. Gen.6! Tavro. offeled in ex"llenr s'n€c I sould strcrglv ..l.ndar of otantdnq sd prepa;lion thai I ade'he .ii. rud and Ed Retd'hsu" on the d'iart and derr'acr or ;":";;";;:..i.;'E

lhi6 ptuceE6, ald lts u.gency.

Xsst !e: Japan's 3, The laiger questions olou policy in the FErsoulhea6t .Asla arc ;;i!i..d cl-ndi'rcgro$l se'ur v ond Po6t-@! 1"^, t m it,.-a * p..senr "noironat pr"o'cupatton sllh oktraE' iil.i, - , "^k; that the earrv' 1' older '!'h,.r ;;;'".-;J.h. i"."b. rhe .ubate should b' clear€ddFv thP vith@t !ei'hrt€. hati€r. .an rec.ive tle o !e.tjJe 'ttention 'pqutfo u thi; ,E not done, @r rerarr-'hrps in r'he reslon .i*li';. ,,""ent. ",L'.ii"*r could deterioEte



Yo.t; Di. KlsBinge!



Februry ?,

TO: Il

K .*or,


The President

crenn olds



on Kyoto Conlerence on Japan-United States Relations

I have just retuned Ircm fie Kyoxo Conference and hava prepared a cohpletc report rvixh supporxive materials lor Secreta.y Rogers. This ,ote is he.ely to mde.score what I am surc has already been effcctiv.ly repo.xed 10 t'ou by Aftbassador Johnsorj i. e,, lhe cdtical state of our ielalionship to Japan ove. lhe tu1ue 6l Okinava and anti.ipaiicn of reviev and renewal ol thc Securily Pact nelt ycar. Tbe United States participants we.e Admiral Arlcigh Eurkej Gene.al MaFvell Taylorj forme. Ahbagsador Ed Reischarerj IIenry Eovâ‚Źn, PresideDt ol RaDd Corpo.ation; Prof.ssor Robert Scalapino, Uliweasity of California; Professox Tom Schelling, Harvardj Professor Il Wohl6tette., Unive$i1t' of Chicagoj Joe Yager, Institute fo. Defense A@1ysi6 aDd my6e1l. The Japarese participants represented a comparable c.os6 section ol leadership, plus a slrcng delegatio. trcm Okinava. Smmary recommendations for your consideration follow:

1. Ihmediate atiention to the OkiEwans need for civil and constitutioml rights cohpanble 1o tho6e enjoyed by both the United States a.d Japanese citizens. (A festedlg sore at the heart ol the 1vho1e prcblem:) 2.

Urgert j.int plamine fo. early reversion of Okinawa to Japahese

3. SepaFte, but equaUy urgenl consideEtio. of the status ol ure United States bases on Okina{a, ad their relaiion to Japanesâ‚Ź and Far Ea6i 4,

Plovi6ion ol a caleldai of negotiatio! ol ihe policy and detail of (3) w.11in advance ol Ure date for review and renelval of the Security Pact nerlr year. Ir is cleaf rlat 1he mood ol the Japanese people, &e Diet, ard the present leaders require early attention 1o the Oki@yan p.oblem, lest it seriously jeopardize renewal ol the Securiw Paci, dd our generally improved relationship with Japan, Ilitiatives early, riU Iay $6e g.oundvo.k for Sato,s yisil tate. in the year which he has p&@ised his people.


Sec.eiary Rogers Ambassador Yost

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