,"ri*r/ r": ,,..6,6.:,
ftss\Ne,*, r,,m'\,
,Q/;s TLlt r{ lor t@ .:i!.8.1, thooaldd t.!r.! ot D...Eb.r 21. I d..!1,.Dpr..t.t you rt.d rord.. I r.a!.t lol D.r!a .bl. to t lL rlth yor eh.! roq *.!. L.!.. t u .iUl l.!.! r, yN EroJ.ct rld no!. lh. UrE rtU .oo! !. rl8tt, PL... L..p b
Y@ ol F.d. lr J.D.r c.!rL. Arar F.llli rtal a. rd i .D pl....a to rad t@r .r....b.nL rt.!. .hodd b. .o quc.tlo!.!out P..rtd.!t Nkonr. .oelh.nt t. . .1o.. roitt S !.bllo!.Lip
rlt! oo! J.Fe.. .Uy. Pt ... tL. r.r
ccd.t E e.r !.arrd. .!d 5.!t sr.h.. lo! 16! to.U ay J+am.. t!L!.i..
P!o,....! K.t l .Llra6r
Dr, Henry A. Xissileer
Petusylmla aa€hE, N. {. a3hinei6, D. c, 205oo
ttre ror qnl6t refle.t16n since of course 1 ras acntoly dlszppolntod in lhe postp..ereni. of p.a.e in vletnah, i! the temora?y rai1uft of ny ntssion a.d the inabiltty to talk rith you e,en for a fe, ninutes. Bui ne, ldonot b€liev€ that ihe ini€os€ {d p..tracted to brinq aboui a rair sdrution in vietnan wilt be ,asted. Peace ,tlt deavols Hil1be proved sorihshile, I an slpposed to be a critical obser€i of the political p1e$e sire so# ,ersht ask --- to this expressidn ol nV qxlei ih3t you and rcu eovernreni rilr not fail 1n I,d
for you to k.d ih
d.erday no41ne.
you, rhen ths poace aCEeftnt is rcached, r6iai.s valid: To ol the post-vietnan p.rj od &d th. potential Jalareee td the Jap e3e F€op1e the id€a ihai the Are.i.d leople s6e a future qsia buttressed b Japaese-Amd.e relationship. I beEeve you have RodItr ihat I 1nt6nd to d hoF€ ver-y neh $a'" yon c iake ihe ttm to vorl, r!_\ re 1n brlnslne lt abo,.t.
fu1 intaFier
exp1ore ine ihplicat,tons
€anrhi1e, {e havs had a s€re.31 election hee and
hs jNr
gains ,i1r 'rhe spring labor scehe r"tt1 be
1leE, l{r.
ckarlY bring
sacond ran.lra
Bni the ney cabtnet ddMstrates, 1 beToakals deternt and enhan.e the lelationship r'rtb Fiisi, {r. ohira remins in charqe of forergn aflai6. rakeo Fukuda reJoins
1yr I haE
no doubts conc6hing
iheir vlexs. Thldly, ur. Atchl, ihe fo!re!
p€.ie.ced believer iD th€ lEri.$ llnkr is !4iniste. vi11 be ou E.Esentaiire at ihe
second lxo. tnaaeral, t hoFe ,in can qlve hln you slecial rttentio.r I rhink E haye Ean. This tean f,t1l d€dicate s efforts to h.rrcni?atlon of ttes leadership ih vlashinsion vi1I uderstand h€a1thy re]atieshi! the leaders in hope
--- io [
support and strensthen
wistt l.,ashidsto. rEain. bliae rv p1e io f.uition. res1.n s
ar a]lrys)