I "tltppott Hoso KYoKAI
G',IETA! y'l z-.,:'
r. reueth R, cole J!.
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D, last vigli to liashirgton D.c., I n:i-ssod to bave a chece to neet !,!ih you. I !!e$Ee you ale ouite busy for yo!1! President. lack in Jalas the lopu1ality ad steadity. lo11tical lrestise ol your }&sidcntto?re reeoveling yru to sei 6one Ecei 0a ny lasi aisit I r.u1d lilre ilforxal jnfo@ations on rlx. ahalichraa. 1 an uliting neo look o! the lresidoncy dd need sone iniomal lnfoeation oh
oa hln. I belteve 1,1r. ;hlliclmd is very honcst ad royal nad, th. irate!â‚Źate eftairs has n",y lolitica1 aspect but ir Ey boojr I would like to shov the leopfe thai naDy hohest nen 1lke i.l!. ,hrliclnd are i6volved- Betore corll.tieg by book I vould tilre to visit you to have ciscussion od this Datte!. Yoa a.sistdc. vrould !e helliul to give acculate
Presiier.y to Japlnesa. lictre yoayou! I!1:1d.rr /oL'o r'sLt Jap^r Foon dd I hope strebal."n autrlt udels.'Dd'ns b-1aLen U-j ad JaD$. '-1d luon"ss. Arpleciatrl ,:
.fi1:r,F,;;E _Japu
hoadcastina Cor!.