Jul 12 memo

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Mr. lh.odore L. Eliot, Jr. Execuii!c Sccr3tarY Dcpar!n.Dt.l stai.

Ey NSSM 1?2 rrlp NSC ttrte.deparinenlal C$uF lor E asked Lo prep3re a srndy of U. S, p.li.y tovard Japan. .A3P3rtol l]!at studt-, thc lC Eas asked to conside. ihe .rucstion oa our policy as ..Aards Japan s iegional and \lorld rote,

..!i " n .'' rang. of issn.s .6nce{inq otrr r.l.l]onstips fit\ c.rnp1elerl in the near lnlurc to. corsideralior Iy i.od'


JaPan, and slould hc dre IsC S.nior Rerien asked, ho$cvcr, thai, in o cr !o assisi n1 Group. Th. Presi.le,t has thc ,rcraraljon ior Lt.e .omi.g visii of Pdfrc ):1i s1er Tnnaka, ih. qdcsti.,n of U. S. Ja?:h coop.rzrior on ruliiinicrnL probLbr ol mu,ual .onccrn be rerielved, and that this special siudy !c f.rrarded Jor cotsiderarior Ly the S.nior Revic\n C.oup as a mar!.r ol u.gc.cy. ndd.essed io ihc s!â‚Źcilic mulrilalrral problcms listcd beto\, the sh,dy stro ld:

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tl]e basi. dincnsions

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S. and Japa.esc national intcresls and ol,jcctives nr fiese pr.b,cm a.eas, noline div.rgcn.i.s lvl,.r. tley.xisi, U.

- I-ist rnd evallat. alre.na.i\c scis ol oljccrivcs nri ea.I ol rhes. problems wl,, ch rlc lJ. S. and JaFr mj ghi be ablc to purs!. .ooP.raiird The


spcciti. probl.rns slioold include:

Rcr!d,,'l_]]1 I (,c!'iDr relrbilitaiion, rrs Kor.n Pciin.ula, Si])c.if,n .. ou.,nic dlvcl.pm.nr, .rd Picitic l,asin c.ono.ric coope.a{i.n.

lfrll'I ! globatlv: rhe Arla.iic lartnership, ehergy (1o be inter-relntcd qilL s!b.riatr e.onomi. dcyclopmen!), and tladf nnd nrorc,!ar). pori.y. Tn. sr!ay sloutd be pr.par.d tJv drc Nsc rnrerd.!3rim.\tal croup for IasL r'!::ia, dr:\'ing as arJrropri:tc on !!e work nlr.ndy donc in.annc.ri.. *irl' ^"sstl 172. Thc shdy should I. subftitLcd Dar tatcr ltran July 16, 19?3 lor .o.s crarion by itrc sâ‚Źtrior Rc!ic1v crou]].



Brigadiel cercrat, us Aii F.rce D.priy Assisranl to thc Presidenr f.r Nati.nal secnrity Affairs


Assierabr ro ure Presidctrr Ior Internaii.nal Economi. Affairt

Chairman, J.nrr Cli.fs o! Stlff

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dhfdtr{rJ 1lt+l1i









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