July 20, missionary

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Gour(gd ot Or Gnitei Stated *our.











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NslDx B0lRlr .


olJlll [Rx BrPTrsT r0rvEriTroli

t:@,ah ?)+, 197)

SeDato. JoLh aucdeaa

It use o! Bopre.obirtttor

!/&5htnaio, r.c., t.s.a. tlErla you for yoa 1e6t lBiior xlth th6 fettor !!@ l,b. P6io! FlaDlAe, l'!6lldoDtlal Ebor:ohlc Adrl.e!. It u46 !.ad '"1tb ke.. 1nt6r6Et. It ,ak66 us f.61 Sood to led that thor6 o10.6 to th6 P!..1d6ut as eare of ocon@lo doElole.tr aoud th6 no"1d. Iri6 Just load,tth Lo.n htc!a!! !h. floDi p.€. atlc1. ebout P?osldort tilrohrs rolor! io CoD8rore, I oould t6f1 f!@ th. e@6!ag. by th6 Jap&oro F!6s! thdt th€y a6 !o3t *o!!16d h6$- It nads p.a. obo ed ldted a lailre. sitnelhg .oi@ntaly by tho edlto! 1. hi8 €dt-

4 ooly of tl{! f.it6! {! belng orclsod !o!h fo! you to pleas. a!.. ill1br 14i11.. Both of th. 1at!6! fosad to 1,Ir. Ftal,a& udnlodi o.fu5 !.6 syiono@ft ytth a3 io a bul1 vith ..fo!6n.s to tho go@tu6lt leadora of th.ls .atlon. I f6lt that If addr66red dlectty th6y elEltt g€t Eholt-ci4ultodr I e @t Ble8-Lthg tor ou! UL5Bl@-onty fo! .{r.61f--nut I ooncu c@p16t.ty llth rhat l?. FlsnlAan sd rir. t4iUr ee dotne. Th. sliutlon ha6 be6n llrcd up coip1.t.Iy s ilut 6od. It had bson a one-slaled 6condl. m1et1dsh.1D glrc. th6 .rd of ildll, v:th ihe ls b.nolha ov€r baakvald colttnu;us1yl The ody le8Ft ,.3 that A!6rtca dl,d sot b6eln !o@.r to .kht 66oaod.c v!on85. Ii Eltouid hav. hap!.nod iho day the Ei31nE Su uaE ho18t.d abovc th€ qLrlpie stedlu l! Tokyo, fo! that st6d116d th6 !i.6 of a n6r n6t1oD311e shlon lE. groh !o ,hat it 1. today. rlr€. !6 s6re on nrlou8h 1D 1951-61+ 1 k pt !.p6ai1ng tho 6arc @3!aA6 1n chEch63 ELt ovor but .v.!yon6 J!!t etf6d &tl told @ ha t!te!63tlhe y obs6lvattdr ^r€rlca, sor.. Tb6 ,arltnA at tbat i1@ sa3: Jdpa! dld noi 1os6 tlr6 a, *!6 n.!61y lo3t tt1o battl6 but ih,t t!6 ra ,e. rtiLl on ed ihst !h6 ,@1d acoorpllah tlnally 1tr ih6 ooolbolc !6a18 {hat sh€ fqI1.d to do rtih sh6Us @d bayonett.. sbo 1. doing lt. Ire de6 of tho b6leo6 of peydDnt3 .Ituailo!, lut you AII{IE SgEll IIOIHINO l'EI | !'eeD lth th6 lr.sldontrd trad6 blf1, th6!6 ,111 bot b. a 5tqt6eet6. llDre !111 llEpty b6 a ho].d1ne stac6 ot od6 d.A@nt of the battLcrrotd. I donr! thlr& I hav. to io11 you hd sh. ts dolna it @d sut baoo@ ruooc.sA{ u16.s chochGtBa! But, I tdll. sh6 ,l11 do 1t by s.ttln& lnto lail@s 11k6 the USA ed lnst.Llina lactorlc8 I{Ld sh. 1! !}&nh8 on dotra at ,raconr "1rl* i Ll.s;i ; rLr *tllie!, it H. L!N* [.b nllr db LrldL' {Pi.


s.ri&to! Johr Buohed

.!th t[o 1oo&ap1t5.Ltr.d ylat z1pp6! factoly. ?hoe 1111 bo @e of lht! two of th1n8. 1n t$at say sh6 has eo6r3 to e Ebedeco of !a* eaierlsLs ed plohty of ch€e! Ied. !sa prlo€a 1! iho UsA evd at or!6.61v. !&t6B a6 Just noi to b6 c@!u.d vlih land p.loor tn Japdr If, 6h6 ce do bhls od 16t A@fice coep&I.5 l,n on tlb basls o! tb6 A!.ate! palt of th6 oapltal bol.A roqultad to be t o@ Jape.r6 cdpetsd, ih6!, slro hed a dl.tlrct adeetsso. I .66 thls as thc &Ea.d&n of ocoh@tcs bstr..n thea. t o na!l@s. ?!1@ l.,Lnl.t.! Teaks r6a.nily .tat6d that 1f tb. A@!1.& 6oY6llrrelt eoutd valt 2-3 ,6ar6 t[inAs xoqlil uork ou!. ft55s a!. stalttae t6ol$1q!€r, rndlnB th. ,Iap8e!. &hil, th.y aF [Ol aotns to do_ol.trlca1 A]llrllTt G Hh-oh l! not ln hh6lr om lat6rost. Ih.y hav6 ioo @ny !y6!6s l.66plna t.osto;-A_TtrA=a [nat though th6y do not tak6 e actlon, 1f tnat aotlon 1s foro.d on ttm, th€n, ih6, ae .ay, 'ryee6@1.r' (It ras asvolibblo ) So, fo! tho lsA to ra.lt fuih€r lo, Jald to d.clde to iak6 actioE feroltlA th€ UsA ts 11k. patchlba a bd& .obb6r,alk aray,lth all ot a balkrg Ec.t!t3 ed ALtbly 61tt1ne ba.k *a1t1ns fo! hlm to bling 1l back b€oaus6 o? o@.c16bc6. It JuBt wonrt happ..I I hav6 e ])erdonAl ihvolr6nont tn ,trat 1. tLalp.Dlna, i:o! I havo a bad hablt rdloh has to b6 6a!1Ef1.d 3 tln s a day. aut, I elso to61 3o eo4y ao! !h6 Ja9s.s6 !6opt6 who @o t!6 rtcttn8 of thtd 4chatr itlst.ibutlo! BystoD rh€r6 1&!s6 lako-offr ot c!6d so b.tnA onJoyod by tb6 !u@!o!a ldddf6 ne.. 1 tr.nt to th€ sulor-@kot to buy tood y6sioldqy, ed lt {as th6 osk6t shore tho avo.aEo Jar,s.s. !hoo. ihoy ueF odd.d aord th6 D6at u.a to b\y r46sn x\ic\ vas ob sal. fo" tho u€6k6nd ody at a loal berain of S3.U0 p6r roildl 1lo hav6 bB.n buldua fto!.r b6.f, f,ho1o.a16 by ih6 das6 f!@ Autralte at about l9O po, 100 glu or .bout gl.lo !6r !o@d. In Just a uait6! of <trya that Drlce lras aone to r.Uro p6, too sre. ($2.L0 ler 1b.) Evon {ilh th6 !.-evalurtior b6fo?o t5e last @6 &d tasrlto of tho J1otatld, lnpolt plIca, hayo not c@ dom! tt!.y a6 !i111 1@ot"l1n8 tE t!1ok16s, You should !6a shtps toadlnE holo fo! t-hE USA &d oth€! natlons! thc JapM6.e IE r.rtfy ot 1!ad6 6d lndu5lr, siU aot 1et ordB! Jurc6 o! fr63h o!&eos cm6 lnto tbta coutry 6ro6pt at a p!1o6 of, about l0l 6aah, tbt, th€, tEv. o f!.rh-f!oz.E Ju166 andularv, IoNrt A!oLh6. cohcoF ha. to do vlth Jaleoso lnco@ ia. I. th6 us.A ro are allored io dqduct up to 20, !o! titb63 ro chuoh.s' lut bore uo alo s.11ou,ed alsoIut.1y !o d.ductlo.s for !6Us1@s olf.rtD$. Too, ou! boy8 attonil ceadls Acedady, e school vh6!6 loEtan klds go h6!s h r6b6. I,ty idsslon 1s !6qut!.d io add th6 aout !€Id to th6 ldtuol for tultloa io ,ry .afaly od that ls tq6d tholeh I b6vo! 3e6 tist bnryr rhlE doeshrt ss@ fai! to nor G.org1s,

s6@to! Johr Buched uaroh 24, 1973

lttB 6 intor€.l1rA b611 ga&.i Ianrt tt sbout i1@ ol oa ths beU lol a vhi16? llat Lnvltatlo! to vi.ti ln the h@ sttu ltsdE rldor ud lf you A6t ou! ihls xay. Dc a6 flnittna raal .eu6!act.Ld throuair ow n1nl.try to s.a@n--@rtl@t! tnat.Ls. Le hqv. q ctu€cttoaa no{ that c}@'613 Ru36ie Btb163 dto overy nqeslan .blp thai 66113 Et tt6 I'ori, of rEbs. (€rre boo! i1ilistoltna to a Ruslte s6a!@ at lhe hoelzliel b6r6 @d h6 !s pt6i.at1y !.adlna e luEsle Bibl. rs aav6 lrln. uo so aboatd !hip. tld all uailon!, llcludlnA Ihrgslar Jt6d @{n&, and tho.. babild both th6 llon and Buboo cataln.r , sa, ln th6 peps! ,ln6ro ,ou a6 paBtorlaa a church iI tlr6 Hadrtngton alcai cobBlatulatlobs! (6ep up th6 Sood qolkr I loedbe! sltir rriondn sd'r our' day. of snlforiag toAeth6! In P!of. Jol.4.onrs .p..ch olalr. Ulrlroi s!.otiDE. to f&t1y ad flook. cold1aUy to8s, 1.1611,

Ar@rlc! aot cont

cer Eolr l!!. lei6! Etdie6! S6D- litlbD td11s

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