July 31, atlantic charter

Page 1

gllI:-i.! ,, t,,t ,;,

Zt zt. i13

tLank rou fo, your


of July


I sp!!..lat. bavi.E y.!r r.polr of you, coe.!..do!. eltL Mr. Otr!!..d you! mo.i h.lplul c.Efi.!t. .Ed .Err.'tioa.. I @d.r!t .d your 9ottrt.. W. sill t ke th.m to


in our

dircu..t.!. .t t[.

.!. tlt.kins po.lttr.ly ..d .oo!.8tlv.ty, .ad th. P!..ld.nt *ill b. pl..!.d lo k6or tltst lhl. l. J.panr. .pple.tr .. vre

I.rE r.s.!d!.

'i tl.nly A. n.;rrr.! P!of..!o! K.l w.Lt'@I



n. [tssinger

1&0 PemsylEnia AvenE, Nr l{ashinEto.r D. c. 2oi0o


llor kind &d p!o@t reply to nr leiter of Jue 1l alproach ro


re rer7 happy. It

lloblere of ihe ,rilaniic aea.

y publicity lhaisoever, I llI. ohlla t ice. I ri1I see hin asain b.Ioft he accorpadles Hr. Taaka to ihe sunii motios on JuIy 11, I har beed BocouraCed io fornulai. !V thoxlhts fo. a basic JaFnese re6.!mse to ihe concelis ,an !L_u fonald. ia3ed on nv idaas ad ny qEet ialks, I c$ say ihat the Japrese eoEnEni reIcoEs the concepi of padicipaii fiiends hare prcpos€d. ls I r.ote you, if thrs destgn ues tne ierdnology m f€el rather balked. 1,1y sqe€stion, thar I b€liere night be pui forya by ou Teaka-ohila t€am o! ihai ihey nitht appreciate head.s

have seen

lor the nex associatl.n of $e United Staiesr ]1!siem Euope ed Japan &d reppsent a declsaiion ol pdnciples condmt of foreiq! a airs deplomiic a,l'l qoteledr qf t o !loat!9r4 !{enisr,!!r rs not e,clsimdy or chqf,ish. rhe Soviet, Union dd china n4y join o. shor acquiescence jn the declaBtion of pdnciples, in lhe lut@. Tokrb prBss on

Jdy tl,

already acknoaledCed lis desire to coope.aie rith the Uniied siai€s rd lies'@r! spheres. The staterents aiiribnted io Eu.ote in econodc ,4r. ohira had ihe Eu1 disclaire. of Japtuese rLiliiy to

swji metins $at ihis iEditjonal posiitoo relreral,ed fo. 1@a1 Jap.rose co.su@ilon do€s the linal Jap$e6e posiilon. Japanese panicisecuil,y be ol the sare dire.sion or natft,ith in mt,rers csDot Catio! exi.ti.s lreric@-EDoF€a NATo cobiries and Japan haae a. eoual, fsdmental l.teresi tn a so6d, healtny ad st ong Arerica. xe haw a coMon inieresr, in an internal,ioral-ni.'ied U.iied have confidence ih.t Erd Ie .11 play ou responsible eks, nturica wil1 co.tin orn xa!, thbush ihe conscio* continutjon of ihe Japa.-U.S. 3€cdity pa.t,, is corperatire f,tth ihe Ilnited staies This is rathei !assi@,

Dr. Henry a. xtssi.eer

xlniste. to P.esidenr Nixon ed lbuselr thar Jalan feels E 'i11ofmke.l€a! st.o.s seme resFonsibtllly in phnotl.g ed pNiecring the stabl11ty of Soniheasi Asia, 1 se.Be here a neE sld eenljne Japatuss seme of nission i! southeasi, A3la. rr€ ch.ose n.t, to eno6c. atry cra.diose p1e of or dn, fo! ihe shadd of the past in ou! lelarlo.s {ith Asis nations. gui trere is a lei doidlninal,jon t. Jape to the stability &d prospedty oI Asia thai 1 ouillned in nv Foreisn,rttaiE' 'lo?'.

'. :, ." or Jfuet, I.u see, in our leadership in the Palt xil1'i11 be dE to the liberal neDcratrc Fariy in the Torso nuicipal elections of a @€k aso. anl parry are u e eblllie.i nood. xr, Tamka ed rl.. ohila viI1 b€ deternired to sal sorer,hins to con'eribute to tbe uifring tuarero* ad ihe. io.a:rr out ihei! stared det€minatio! to be a xolihy pa.tner in the p1&nire ",har can cire shape ro 1,he nexr decade

r *i11 be seelds t{.. ohiE afsin ju! beto.e hi6 departr, I mke no clain.f access !o llr, Taake, b1I' ia intenaitonal affairsr as you khtur ihe ?rl'€ Minist€. bas Creat confid€nce 1n his l4inis."er fo. Forcisn dfr.iE. For

y.f efercrce, I

enclose soft

of ihe bdkeroed thinking rhat

If yon should ce io rake the t ouble to I belie,e ihere mv insr be tire io reach re.

comBnr, on


ry huisle rlougbrs,





concernins This Letier

ol ihe nare for the

ney concelt (varioB eossj,binties)

1. a eeoeraphlc .are G.s. r,lorih Ailatic lreaty O.eetzation) 2, Place of convenins conference (e.s. rhe uana! Pa.t) l. d p€Bona1 nare (e.g. fte arshalt PLn; the rrmn Doci.ine) h. Ie3crrbi.c the natue (e.s, allianc. for PFeress)


o.e p.6Fosal

lor a 6Y naft

41!b., ii c&

th€ constfuttve det€rntn.tlon of th€

!p No*h+outhii probl€re. In otler norns, joint responsibilit, o. 1br developinE coui.ies.

orthern s:de io iake


2. 0.e other mii.lFa-"ed represents a re-uification or rc-a.iivat:on of the !ia!€e \rorld Canp,i, ed ii couie!-prcduciive ., lastr,iest h.rrcny and ersine of 'eension3. llut ihis a.tEl1y reaflirN policy. if xo s{r the No.thern Henisphere, e.relopedj ard no id.oloai..1 colo.aiion .& be fell. of tne leacE ol Nationsj l. The ,nclisir {od coyenat

n. Detalls Incoryoral,ec i in: Ne, corenet Inter.aii.nal corcord. n!tE1tty. { 3taterent ol ne} in*ma1,i.na}isn. 2. ,rnied rcra1 .esponsibilitl, in reSald to lhe Norrh-solrh problen--l.

The aclo@ledc@.t

jonrt actio.

of coopo.ative

ihe industrial-advanc6d-tradins nailo.s. L. nsiablisnrent ol n , disciplioe

5. nnersy, res.uces,

*ith all cou.Ldes. 6. conl,inno* co.s liation at all 1ev.Is, s1oba1 coopeEiion

! all ol


these probleis,

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