July 7, sato's resignation

Page 1

.,!ly 13,


Dr.. ,4r, H{r.t.rl:

ti.nl ,oe l.r ,ort t.t.r Flrot.u h.r rrt.d .. toI.t.tror conc.rning lrtt.rr to al..!d !.cr.t!r, ln J.B.t. !h. rrc.ri lol!!lcll d.EloD-ot lL rDrr..lrt. vorr ihouorttlulr. i. lr E.*lng ,o!t rrtlalar .nd oolnionr .v!11.ble !rrur. you th.t tn! rPFtoprirt. oltl.l!lr rlll b. rdrlied of vor. vlt.r. i,

flr. frk.r! tut.tllt Tolo sholn lcrdli, no. 1!?l l.rli.r!*o H! r.rhi -!j!truy...-en



PHarr ov: R,llli I I


er/l ah 7/18/72

cc.PHarlo', R.


(2),r'r'H. (2)



No. 1521 lidikarako Higashi-l.,atsuyama-shi Saitda-kd, i apan

e., e .ir_2e1 0I .apa , -o Acare'y ro Lea.h,eop e .ha! "

I opele'- . e Io!o .,c..eors j in. bon. of oeep sell-erdlr Et:d rril brjC aoo' !!.a pea a a o devel_ shol

r- he l loen) ol] seror c ,o ! wo arr i ,te , r..i.h -I cI np rr- o.e o'' !!AjA sel c. i o ol lhe o rr o' (he J!p, eie pol:ricie- crlusg-jrâ‚Ź-!6fl to gai lo*". oy suarjlsakL 5a o .s prir.e -i. 1s.-r ot .p6n. Ile.aLo AoM-.5.r. io, unjc. .s b-o, m loao!6 ih& scvq ]e,r), h:6 ]os. : s ropu.Ir-, r ulth !ov/-r i.e ua.d. 6se oeoo-Le d.d h s col aL "p3.o,:e..j _ oelyj'.,i,s!:o, 5. to LdJ.i i r-. .to. sr-rs r.o o1tl l.on or:c!, ircre-s s {d !o-t.ur:o. ! o.i e_1so tron Lr- ja^/'ot le;i.iiirr <iL-e ion. ri.e Jc,o q.i,: is a _on,s 11, o ;1o_ rr3 po rLt a _o-.1r" ..i.n s ; L,e;' ro,act . s ca,seo oJ Lo Prolon i.s or pol ' j. b srs o- ._os; !re J.tted 5tE,e3 by f-r.... nar..eijlne !n. re_ rcpan-U.5. sec.r"J ,rearr, e Ja4-s- peoole ex";.( rha ' po:. :cs i (le oos -Se o oer'o. /!_t ela;.- !ele o rFi ,jd or iL- r:sid di',onecJ c1o dec_d- oj & _1d-l e"-oqr co;.se Japa. Holrever,-ihe Jalaiese lo1ilicids asp_irjne t,o take -or 5.!o.(dinis(ra':o. ui!.o.'.pa!yg h.FeopLe.. g)p-c.dLjor-. A . a .pa e6a peop. e's .:s - t or io r"1ca e rpa,e-. oe


!ir.r -"1-.io.s

h th6 Clije.6 -op e! tle ror.na oo,-:. E..,, ...a'er!J3 l ! e!@ or a e\pon L.;or .ra e3e aoo;E. b-L ol --sror-l. riei! .trLio:.t a- c(-r oJ ..:(: r aie.o.' .onpfelelJ ror u':rt jcpa d1d q-- :.,s ,,o) . , .. tt ,-j ord.'o b-ild , 'arro.. r,_ rrlr , o' .e r1!el n".i o/ iLclear .eepon" dd ec, .rd "."! o: .r" vn;le.or o. t.v/ir


ala es- oeop e, n.rel Dr-r .'i o :L :n o arab . ,ha- aod re.r be3e o: .he u. .. -or.., "o! staJs.L.r_..s oeool6 e... fo! oes.n(Lio' i pJ.p_E 'rJ , a GolPhj.@c Lrii:.h tas .o,"pa.:s! ne nerue co . ropo-- thc' rte 'nr,ed Sta es hoto p.io- .o.sL,;U_6s lrth Jepa 1r cc,o.dace ,iri h€ o..i-r.t noras ex..anged bet(ed tlshi and He.ter oi behatf ot the tvo governiots. Uor_ ne. ,rr-.5rLo :lLsds to .op" trr(h Ln!- probter,.

r1-r,,o..Id,i.r I , u.e i eo S.a,es n-s ooqed .s te..h-r of de.o r"cj" as velr as ..-h- c ar<ria or rrie_ don-_'I e c, Lradi.!.o. reLr-m cnese s"eJ ly i.!",-e a-.o cd'sed con-u5r@ i. .hF niieo Sr"res. Th- rea3,n _ai-ol,5 1. deoudrt el'Jor 6, dn-.ea. , e a.,ror. or iie s Lhe 6) rdja oi !r- .o, i.\e dep!-ved ,1sjd co i rte .l 'hei- :ldeoe oe]l-l" , ta! " v_l.I sou no-e_, -oa. o! !od-\ e-e !,tJ daoo^!dtjc .outri.s. t!c€.re L1_i;d s.-tes n;s oTer ool,e-l .his pou,, i' har n6c g.eaL 0.;,. s-.-:r,c.s: v1e.ic:,.r r J ,Jdoa "" poI', ,.ia s,'o..lo -, Lo ,e.p rt.ve oorr. lcr-I )-b. re.L):r. o ,l- s-.1.:.J ..c.y.rt i". J_o.rs u o."...ri,. i] "^ oases.i Japa DUr :! !-d...i.t-doe..o e,r.r- - ope oko,,u.., .o1e.,-.-s ! eoyance, have Iost. i[eir independ€nce_lI"r, and d]s,:orred d;m;cr;;y. 1a serorll /o. -h-s- e-'i( a. in .te ho.€ Ln- u.!r dll ap..".i"!- .ow .:f,-...y b6.-. r..atn "_.", 01" ."; !!; '-no ac !C's 6 Lbr)ie a, t-e ,o: i, "? foreiE ui_r cau-; r.btic r"-. *d.,&-.o.._.eop e" ulcp!.. Io!e:c.,roops nrs: ie !i(. d.aw.! dd .i orr. ms. b- m"di ro lore.gn. roo.sr -dde!e.1r-n, . I .l30 ,ope .r.. /ou (rcrj-..3 @-r.r u.der ..d L5e i-r:ter'o. o. .n-'apreie, hto.- di._ lr st ol po:'ic. has oee! @.r ire o"i .;po,r"ar y"e-., --9, es re..h-.6 o- sroring oeno,.ecr ! o ss ca €ct j-.-.a! o. e e'or.ts be!: nao. o] rhe Ja!- ese p-opre. i;s,;ao o-C er-on"o.6l) r",",dir6 the.....5c(s o, e6i -..;n al con,dl_!. or d ' . .lor', oi i'j -ect ae,p re, ro-.. I s.-.! be i"pry _t L.is .n,cl- wi-I n-.p ro o-..e 1.o.. jd" srd,dine';r pot._ ,,rhe

l' t .- -'-t

T.:kei! l.utuka;i \ foko Shot Acad€my, The

Asia cult


t lio Polttical Cllterton in Etecrion 0f Plesidenr 0, Exline paliy By Tal<elu t4urax@i

tt 1'tay 15, 1972, Japah held say cerenolies ro celeb!-ce Eh- !eversion or onrldwa Lo JaF"r. T. prine i,.ir _,t.er tne occasion "rieo lne @o o. !n- pos.ws! ' (.,orlo ..a_ f.i) perloo 'or !apc.. ]n rna coL-se of'!ne D1e( debr!â‚Ź on l'e reLur. o1 am!ris.-.c1!e rjen's ore! O{inawa. rlere uas a 1or areme. r b-Ln"e. r.e ro.-rird' a.d rle ruli.g lib-rJ-leroc.aLic P.nJ, (LD... 1! 01 :hF o.e -a d, 4d lhe oppositioi Dar Lias, or .he o!ne Ie colc;neo uhe,he! ortswa <oJd De !e!u!1ad to -!6j".r /'rtoL. r hu(IedI eapons a d uj!h Lhe 6Latus or U.5, nilila.y U.S. o.ses reduced (o Lhe sae Ie/e1 as .5. n:l:rarv bases rl JaDr Ptop6!i or r'heLner J apen Prop". i.3e-r uolo oe .!ssr;rmeo iLo 4o(her 0^:1"^s. A grea! off"n6ive oy lhe \orlr V_ernane3e Lroops and !he Sour- Vle(nM"se lioerdr:on !rolu. sralr-d a-ou o ' he rjme o.' of Ohjehd. ceiseo re U1:ted nLa e r,5. seren.n r eer !o Vielr:n 1y rts u"naer p1"1-q -'rom ni.s,a ro rerJer in I e arr "nd -Lah-based E 2s lak:ng pdrt j Lne bololng oj. iecim. B.2s '.o ca e ok:noho, ad dmaeeo a ks ha\" oed su' Lo J.S. m:lirart.a d-pot L sag-n:here i Japd ior .noal.. ttl e nis . ! apan is no huc bu! cn Aner:cd ;e-r o"se djre(shoi" t"ly linked ro Nhe viernan wa! dd t,hat rhe clause on p!j-o! .o, su.1!3!io. Jai f 4 0 .h- n'r eo )Lat-sr p-oi,Ided ^berwe-d l'or in . he ofljcial !6(wed (isnj ed helrer. i3 meringless, I! also "e.eJ6dseo .na' ! desj:re 're ofi-cj& 'o es, Jdpe has ro rreedom .o nolo !;io- .ois-Lc io. wl.1

Ite u.5. &:d .he ircesrf cer:on o. ch! Sjnc" .he Jaoa-U.r. . ex '' e r at is, _! has becooe 'lea! ihat there *1s!s 6 sl colt.' . or economjc rn!e._ "-r esLs beLwe4 JalM a. d rhe u.5, _ is oon evioe.! (nc' I Ja. pan-U.r. _e-a!-lols moer (he sdcL.jLv rreo.) are so se;ere clcr becaJse or Aner'.. policies fl1 .t a.^ cmsioer"..itus p) _ase as -q-el perlners1ip. rh. orsiori-ol ot r"pen-U.r. relar:o. s, i, vn!(. !apan's po.p. i- .- red. o. (;e de .- d. ..d J-pe rs plsceo i, - nM'l:aLiiA slbordjnsLe Dosj.id . ' M the o,jer. h"s n"ver b-a 1ct. so {-e^tJ a5 Lo-oat. ,ti; 01-lorLion nJsU be correc.ed soon be.EUs. ,r is oi!e(L v re_ 1a'ed ,o Lhe .rerc- t:6n.rre r. 1ie-.an, lrl ueJ.pa es- have a p-o!_en ha. nus( b- -ot\eo De-ole -or-ec irg , e drsLone..cpd -1.s. re a,j01-. oroe! lo evelt :is eres Iron !\. chine.e conrj-s dnich rnelr Jaor_ Dese had t,ulned into a battletield, Japen has detibelateli


leded fo. the past 27 postuar year3 on the UnlLed sretes as a nehber of the lree caftp. This has caused l:he distorilon of Ja!&-U.s. r.laiions today. Their relaiims have becohe disiorted because the Japdese have tlied to iorger rlle heillating laci ihat theie are U.S. mi.litary bas.s in ia9an. Lie aLE' rJ ',o .o_ alize i.o-l.prFs ano L5e i. a. Japar-1.5. r€Iations.

0u. lailule io normelize .elaii@s $irh China ed !o settle matt.ers relaied iote war and io dahe eilort,s !o renove U.S. nili.aly bases lrom Jald have oistode{i no! only iapari-U.S. relations. lhere ls a trend anole the Japdese today t,o bry to setrle matiers by sheer lorce {it,hour thinkine it a shee. Lrirene moral degladatioa is sea tn rhe Covernn@t &d tbe Diet. iihen erid4ce oi a secrer de.i between Japan &d ihe United Siates con.eming ihe .osts cf rest,o.jn6 U.S. nillEary bases i! okinara io iheir ortE la1 subnttt,ed to the ltet dudle t,he debat.e m rhe okinawa .everrior aeleemel!, !h" Cdernre. (. :nsLeao o- "-'-'Jin- i,s

,e6po3iorr1!:/ ro! maejrE rJs; sh--.;o i.s r-so@3ib111lv by .r"cr 'ng i..o_,rns L. e disc.Lo:u-e o co..lide "iaL do.u.e .s of in. Io!e_B ...nis.rv. ,leleb/ obs",rJ- "^e js..a. -.s e-C or ..tt'r: resoestoilrrv Ior -n18, che P.itre l.j- rs(er -epo. eo o H, ;.jescy -h" h-" o (l- r-1-'5jo' o 0--.i. aro !nr". . ie-s j reror ihe p.esenc- of her. l."jesries d t . e.ve rdver-io careroiy. Cd sr.h a "-.og-.r inl " 1Je o il"1 q )Jp, oi 4so.ed Ler'ng a rle !o i"...d.est/. \u!eo-o-It:o 1.'shi'r L'u6hl Ls 10/ o .:e -s r t"sL.il ".rs<.r1 "s-. i(e /abc!. aLso L.L€-t Ds .ne , n:s I i ^a"e

lo. c--. :,/e n-sL ., .oe.:ze e_Jo o-,Mds orlaois. iplir e .ha r o .-(.j .llo^s io. -tric' . ...j!s e! . n". e Sa' o Eho!-ld b; p""so. ei.npl t: o.i J o' 'fe Die. is- rnpo!, orr -i Lla !he 3ea e5r 1re ' crnot be permiLted there. :re Je!er1-5e nrs. .ry .o 1on ar'7e ur !a-r'io s ur!n Clr" ao n's. r-6di - s- s- .'!e.!o..iio' by c.apl e!e1J se p-.o-ng :ssLes !-12!eo o (n- u"r. .h" r<nd ro,i-rds'-jrA Ihis -nd,etess o-n-1 in, n-s. .- corre.(eo. 'teo. rhrs ts th- bes:s o. wh:ch ei.o-o." s. t-oo-6d "11 'or u, Loda, :s i.e:o!,,"- z":on oi Si,o- apsi. €es. oroo-el

In postrar Japs, ihe presideniiaf elecii.n ot iha,n"-. vjlL -L,P n:sLer. I '.€o.s '.e nal oeno lin,.ron! ,o- rfe.!"sjd"n o d po.'/ Lo oe oe_ temined by factional poRe! relai,ions. Bur it is a .erious


plobleh wha the head ol rhar !a!ty auronarica.Ity becones p.ime etntster. Aft,er the reversi@ of okinawa, the dty iask which the Sato Adnjnisrratid tackled selioueJi, rhe leadels of various factions Hithjn the lli bege a heai;d sirusele Lo sJcceed saro. ,c.oroi/ E Lo . ewsoaper -eporLs, iL seds o i.creas" .e s lengtn oL -he:r .scL-io.s .d-ure""i"a-" o.'e!r ro iiF_ove.rheir cha-es oJ oed in6 di I .e.ch Ds';ad oI en. oucir- !le:. pol'.res . d .spire. iu.



Lhe p.emie!6h-p

nus( be a md lelson or- .h.racrer Eld visio a o hal- " sr ros srarp of 6uoDor els adr! 1s!er ,he a'i-lrs or sLaLe. .le nr-qr n" h" best @41 to cope Hlth p.oblems with rhich rhe coutrv is ' Ia"eo. _ e cr!Je.. struasLe foJ !.esiooi oI Lhe IDI :s nainly co1(elneo wj'. buld:ii -p aaci_@al 5rrel,1ns and no .Uleot'd js p"1d Lo th" p.obleis Hj'h w11ct Jsos @sr cop" odar -d ro Lhe q-es.rol ol nno .s oes. sL:red r-or soj1:ng those problems. Th- mess coeur("1itr ned-a js . o oet_ .e! jr their !ome (er:es m he plesrdFll:L rdcer oeine n "]uo .ed :n rheir L. rn<Ds ed d-aeged doE (o (d- touIeve.t ol belt con.s.red vi!h f..-Conal s.r:fes. t. rs real_ l/ a sorrj pllAhl rhaL ":pe, !-nais ir rict " se-ious s.i.u. Ihe people heve corp eLe.y Luhed ,t er! oJ-(s on pot_ "tior i.ics 'o. du.ted le/e,r, t-- p-op e kow lhel tE.Lior..t B!rjI"j on a -ou pldn. ne-6 !oi_'lcJ t .orDerence. L is o.-Lr ner',r. le! r.orc JomZ peopl. red',r c . : .ren tre leople I o6e i teresi 0 po-Ir_cs. oJ', -ducaLors pe.. ! d sFfj ec of ac.s of v:ol.n.e by (he Rereo te'ri-- rlh_r"d Reo AfrJ). rciudi o the B! the c. Av:l a:rpod, p irriclans rust always bear ihese cases ln mind as d exahple ot the possibility that ladicsl eleoenls can energe eve4 iroh ianlltes that endeavo! to hainrain a serious aatftude rowards Tl

Chinr leporleCl/ .ope3.lar rLe he"o oI te reuuaDsr.-sr Co\ emm.. r vri. I -oL b- " CotIoue. o. I\-sn: d d S-, o._ Suc.eedtlg the (ishi Adninis!rattd which collapsed because ii .aMed throuâ‚Źh the Diet by lorce ihe revisim ol rhe Japr-U.-. se..ri'y rreatJ, ihe _..oa A@ir is!r. :on inr -oolc.o 5' jcooe-dolbljr 6 po-!cy !o cnrg. L .e peopler- mood. Oes!:(e various ihcrd6. '3! h6 'r_cr-ol b. iee. vap.^ a c. t.. llioritr to donestic issues.

Ire so-cJ ed ro-.id" r.e' orardi, d.i.' uas de--,..eo br .ome_ Prire 1..'n-s..r J.j'eru los,ioa o a:wa rr a efrorr 'o jtrp_ove ale-Ta !r ..1.'ions 4.icn wors6.d .i a e


of ihe Chou lmg-ch1ng ca6e in 1963r dâ‚Źterniled ihe chalacter of the sato tdntntstrarion and ieiarded the .r.gress Lovalo lne norroljzac)@ of Jap4-c.Ms re a io.;. oI course, i . !d6 1oL ohlJ he losnrda l4emorcndm tna! d".e-' mtned the Sato Administlaiionts attitude toward China. Ir ls obvious that its attitude was det,emined !y pdne ldlisrer ia.ors os cherec.-., hard,o ir"â‚Źin" lhc. lhF inl1ren"" o ome! Plime:..,is.er 'rder \ooLsJ1" risiir wlo rs s.(o 3 blothe.r wo!^. re -osh:da t.. er. Lse o" ErpolL-lnpod B&( for eipo-,s ,o Cn-a wis -ods 'he bd1-d a.d Chinese nisslols uere denie. @ n ,hLo Jao.n. i'. cl6!-r'ed,n. i..o aqMlsrrar:or,s cra'racter air cau..a chlna to deepen iis disr.usr was saiors jorir comuique Fit,h jitxo! whtch sussested that Japar, uaer the Sato Adninlstrati@ in close alliance ulih the thlted States, rould take o\er thF role ot lhe U.-. niI..,ry ! !s.". ,he cra!.crer of the sa(o Ad.inis.ra.io wnen 'r derqsrrerde!o!,oo ed 1.s Lo Lne U,i.ed -t.r-s b/ oe.on.irA s co-sr@eor o rhe '.S.-prooo6-dre60ru'io oi rhe Ch'.6se rep!ese 'alion issre L-r "r* .lssaolj lasr year. al.hoJAt c!a'es In.'a rc w"s cIe.. nileo sh:i..o i s Cni" po1icJ b) cmou.rg .1ro, s o1.1 ro-re-._y v.s, ,hr,", Japa. uaoblieed t,o help the Uiited states dlEcharse fts iast_ oblieatiot to Taiue. Chlaars hope thai sators successor wil} nor be a tollorer of ^ishj end Sd o 1s 3nar-d or 6ll aper ese. 1ne Ja!a. ese people hope so b.,-rse Adni.j> ra(rol 1or oIv 'ieo saro regaldeo C, ! a uich no-r:..1J r a.so c"rsed Jap, Lo lo.e' lts indelendence by loUorlrs the United Staies, drivjlg Japan i4to a losition utLere it,s inportance as a lear base has incleased &d ihe Japd-U.S. agreemert @ prior consultatloh ts hot ohselved. the successor to sato must be a nerson uho sLrrve3 'o _ecover Jspal - iloep@oen'e o/ gercina !'d oI thr Sato po-t.c, l'. e, I e read be c oelsol vho woJd sLel,e nie i'e oi ,or'"1'zrs .e'.,i@s be.Ieen vaoM ad ChIe. As m.'.'iol"d .e reco\e!J or "bove, Japants independ@ce rrrich requiles t,he correction of JapanU.S. lelaiions vTiU be possiue through the nornalizarion ot relations betrieo uapd dd China. ;rere is . selJ,.e " he .ieh n.. i. 1e I p 'enL cce. av-n i1 ape".o. !)or.s f!-a. e.d e sup!or' 01 "bl'J n-h-s p"dJ be'one5 e o'i1- nn,-r.e!, .J vj I oe ,.sLed rd he teoD 6 i1 oe tu.e i .., p)"b'li ." -t tiojng ''ri- is oi his ascert to po{e! ls inaplropriate. the best detemjled by fale aad iis oM realization ol Godts wt]l. lhd his laie ts not iaroraue and rnen he t6 nor: vrake

gule 01 Codts uj llr ) e 6no Jo nJL essue rl e pos. of Drloe naLLe. h@ 'avo!"b e e slrrojdja .irc_Jhs_ 'en.eq 1aJ b.. Ldy ma. coo,s djl :s d d wajl rine Lo ac r J,a... F.s ol !le 5e.o _abine. who h-/e -h,r-d , or ru i, lne IOp ',s reqoons:oi]i(y snoL'o .- Li1" is 4o , opporj Lre lor

Japa .ooa) j.

a eo L.'h nay._f.i.uI!


trol ac.oJ .. Lh< ra(aonJ he11[h rLsrece p.ogrd en.r '.p4e3e ,b :o.L R<i.ways ooe.d!ion rhe or: - problei, prool"m. polr.,_o. ia. udlscrldl 'tr ed d-varop'4t, ed..a _o, ihe colrLi_ .o solve LuelL ./s en. Ih. -" o !dnjn's ^a _o, d.s u aole a y J. them. Ee-t oI Lher. -equr.e3 o. Lte iex. pr_ie mir rs_ 'jj Lac<ri,g 'a. . decerdjcL:o. !os(e/e'js iL . Fu! ,re pritue niis ers rrs! s!-1 in oo;er 'o- d _ong .j,ie. a 1.1.-e !rr.e rjis i! shoL o'!-c^te a specilic issue oh apriortry basis and shourd rralstelihe reins ot govem4or to his su.cessor as sooD as he has ach_ :"ved.his.ob.e r e, I! ai o!-e Lhp peool- ro o15(rusL porrrr-5 I- e p.:tr. n1rst. ches Drjd. ir sLa. n in .on_ e. ior e lo, e -i.e d:' our odlp Mir11 e . e,rt_c;n . 1t is said !r.'. he s'-d-)' moreme.! raoey :.s t-o6r fts direcrol !he .(rCdrsr '.LscrcLio ove. -o1 bec8use r:!J jr.acy stftes'e il 1o 0. B' -n:s ooes.o! herrd! ,he olrrnrsrrc vI-.i th- l'-ui! oI po.1c- con.ro1. Ihe deeree e. d Lh:- Is v:del/ s. a.eo 6. proo' of thrs is L,e -.c.essive occ-r a d , rooo/ crio"s, such .s l,e -]1cnie o- u.,r.d Reo A.,r, nemoers ,"e snoorouL by Japaaese gu"-r.iI_1as a! rhe T-1 Avrv"n; ar-porc. These Ead c.ines Eusr be rega.ded as the shadow of p;ttrtcs hhj.r rs as ucoilrollaoly oiErof,ed cs s,cn c, ires: s c; he rish- adx,.. is.r€!'o., po ic-cr45 n" - n"de ,1e pol .^e bear too nuch ol a lurden, tecenr climes are wcontrirtaUte bJ poLice. ioliLicial' n.. -el,e- nusL oo oe,"mhua o ioo. d'LL. rou6 radrcdic. lney tursr .o.du. rn" a "arr, or s"aiby .IaEeraL.Iy stakjla thetr lives. T e.osi-5a'o LDt ..-qiden iL re er u\i..1 is repolred bJ tne p.ess drl in aio o"l o' , is s.jo io be rh€ s,o;dom b.Urea Io-eig. ...i:s e- Iareo FuLoa ui oLena.i@al Trade dd Indust.y i,;intster iiakuel Tanaka. They a.e henber6 of the saio Cabinet and nailtat! rheir Dorer bv dt!:dir.e ..L'pfi! oI ne 5 !o rir"J are-clo-t"r d o.r !. s. ilJ .l - peop- e 'iei-DacLs on,,e -5-

Cabdel. Drobao y 1! ma/ oe JaL onry !he. Mo,. oes' rod to h&dle po :i ;.s u .he posL-sa o perioo. 6Lc ro, onl\ Lhe people 01' iaps bu. al so .t e 1e"d-.3 o ' Cn na do noL ' HaaL a adi:nrsLra' io. !nd! dil- 'o! on lre saL6 .o.i.v 1u€s. ''ne apaes- o"ople I ee-! mos dis!s::s ied,:Lh",ne t'arL ha . ,he povrer 3ou!ces oI oo-r laa .a and Fk.da are ba-sed on the Sato fact,ion. The leopie hope thar: rhe polti_ cal st&ce ol the Sat,o Cabjlet w11I be canlletefy eliohated because it \ras based on Saio,s de6i.e to make rh;.eversion ol Okinawa a stase lor ret'illns in a blaze ol g1ory. For this pu+ose, he leportedly exchseed volmrary .eriatnrs on Jaoee36 iF41j!- e4ori s ,o (h€ v..j eo - dres or rhe rever_ sior oI oltir aea,i 1,. -ed a ,oin- !.pd_ .-. co0ru 1qJ- ,! . cla'ses ol:o1 SoL ho!e, did:arlren ro ede a s^.... oeaf on conpos8 to- ,d u o^'naq" Js-o "o,ces. tl vi-u ol \e:! -cl.'ions .r,rn ire I _ 1q(-.,S. {hc'ever qra :fice, io, s !u!d: -no 1a a4a r.cJ ave of-aro, o"iig s r"ar p_1.e hinisLer Lj I be h-5red ..' ..eJ .q.u.e th- pos. or F :re 1:' -s er a .1€ !iLe. I js oe-_!"o1e ,hat a er..n i direct opooi r:o. o Pr-f,e r.r.Is. er s".o ."p"b1e ;i nolh,aliztne Sino-Japeese relatids dd elinjn;rhg r:he -1e 1*r peopler- di3 .Ls 04 po'i''cs iriL_ s.ccee. h:h pri',e njr 1s!er, lL is s!!oi-IJ n !e. iha: oo,n "e F.4Joa dlo Idaka du liqrrd-Le .err !6 a io 6 rrtn e ,.ro Caojj.er ed make thorough preparai,ions tor the turu.e wh@ they tiU bo ca1led on t,o disllay their abilty as pdee hjnisre;, SaLo

Donit Repeat lhe Nlstake Ot i,iu Sd-kuel By

laketu Yrurakei

''Ie:zo ilo.j\oshi, vjce-c,aiTon oi Lne rederarlon or ne reporters dr LnB lerdalrd B]og. on .!re ereliB oI [aJ o, pr:or ro nis oe!a!tu!e fo. laiwah io attsd tne inaugulat,ton ol Prestd€at ChiaG la:-shq sleoine Co@Il.Lee leeuins oI le apa sr Cnir cooperaLioi a -!at-old Md s;a.eo 'lhdl Jsp& snol.ld accep. laiuan,s claim Coo1!!ee, .o .n€ Saiksku ls. -taids. He gale as rhe reason ro! n.s opinld thaL iL woulo help correcr rhe erc€ss or Jdpa s erporl6 .o i+d., ove! impoft6, il Jald would transte! its right ro the ist€lds to IaiHr and d.reloo peL!o-a! -es.urces off ' ne lslalos uiln !raldese c.pital & d i0poft Lne orr prodLceo. Ecoromic o_grizaE-ons (Aeidahren),

r'lHodkoshl nade it, e1oa. that hts .neenrilety p-rson.l oo!-o' rnaL ed ct.r nobodJiti. was Covern;en! eno ecodomic cilclos shared h1s view.!' ?he above is a fu11 rrdslat,io! ., a leport whi.h eopeared ,1 rhe !..inicnr .0 uo;r ,ne neadjng s{ka.Lu -slanos To -a'{4i E}por rureLus cd Be Absorbed B/ Buying Oi- ". In- qJes'ion of Lne r.st o lha Ssiru 1s1&o3 r€_ podedly besan o, rr obd dneh an ECAIE suneJ n'ss!04, uh-ch conor ed o sLda/ o, 1,!ura_l resources o, tre colrindLJ s.- f :n LnF Ye.tow spa eno l.e LasL Clina 5ea, corcluded ,ha! lhe -on ilellal ee1. arouo Lne sd a.rL

lsranos may have petfoleum resources. In -69t, !neJap4ese Cov-rnm"nL o.i o/-r r.e Senr.aku rhe prlnc:pIe ot jr rer4.cronal 1aw w\-cn De.ii! a couLry co cl.io riehLs Lo a1 ooe.less 41o. - e Gtanos hele ico.pord(ed as p-.. o. linrgai .rr.age, uaeysa D_sr.:c. o/inavJa PFIec-. re. cnina "o nev<r pro' e;L-;d th's ccLion. lhc laipel ro Pe^ing reg-tre3, u..!n..a be-L:evLd !rLi. ,hen I hct iL€ Sa -exLs had r.o .,M ds - . dutic:l n:rkbegea co .sserr enei. .leirs ro tne sen/cd- Istrds afLer Lh; :C(Il 3rne/ wrs pu.-isheo. Tn-.epd"se Fore'en i,i1-s!rv oyedr a11oj.ed i.s of i .i& v_e,, 4o .o1,r"mad har I '| e scnrB^L i s ands ".e , dr! )I ie .clr i!o-l o4 oL.

'ter ' --e sooe apa.esc n.o s.J tne Senl&q Is_.nds lo c5i,d. Ihrs nrd ol op:..o1 L"s expr-ssed Dy selCsLJled p-oeres6rve npn oI cL L-; oo p"oo e )or,irg ,i,r t,aoe ba.long


prc@tion beiqeen Ja!.n dd China. lut re Japanese must ta]<e seriousl) the Iac! ,ha' !he v,ce-4halrn, o'neidarrel, i+ro h"s:.f:uece jn lhe pol''jca1 ano acononj. lleros o, lap.r, 4ade such an excesstve, econonr-rirsi statedent as a presert 'o Pfesidea! Chrans. .J .her- .s an/ Japeese mo di. . or feel &C!J w:th rhe !apo!!, h- iJdbol'zes -h- d"c1're o" Jalen. I have a friend who is a studot tem Hong liolg n@ed Hu lstane-kuoi. He is the son of a iypical overseas Chjnese herchant hose palenis Lived i! lhe Cholon distdct ol Salgon, dd uhose brothers de livi.g in scattered palts of Southeasr Asia. re I.e,s ihat his nde sondE !i/e .rac or iu Si-ndeiad'eooes.or like nI- frle'ds .o -e !..1 rt. llu s&-kuel was a generaL in ihe 1a6i years of the liing Dynasty and the early part ol the Ching !y.asty. ls tbe connendia g-o-![ of [.:-s rrooo5, he ua 'n a.ce o, ..e oei-lse or lisoshi c€dj. s- ChuA rlools. :/h-r r .e Har Lj lzu-ct e1A .sprureo.e<ing rn l6J.- ro . e ,jig Dy."s'y -o.o flu S&-kuel imediately swrsde.ed io Chine and led Chine troops tloE Shanhat}uan into the hea.ilard ot China t,o recaptu.e lektng. After hls surr@de. to Chins, l,/u Sah-kuel defeaied wer Iolds in Shashi aod Szechua!, Iiuet Iang Iulaag of uine and war lord Li Tine-kuo. Ue exe.cised seneral contel ove! the a.Lainisirative 4d niLit,ary affatrs of both Iuhan and &ueichow lrovtnces ard steadily increased his povrerr The. he slarted a rebeuion asainst Chin€ ard asseed th6 Throne in Hen$an6. But he died soon afterwalds, ald his dynasty was oveiihroM by Ching tloops durins ihe !u]e of his granden, Shi lan, Ylu Sd-kuet is ,6Eardad ri,:h ccnt@pt by lhe llar race as a 6raito! uho 3o1d out china io ching ol rhe lrianchu !ace. He .rled co prcrec! hJs orn sdJ- ./ and p.omo e .is success oy 6er'ing oLL c'ine ,o cr-ng and,:-.1-ed, qucc-eo6d in inc-e€6'ne hj6 int'luence "o 'ore ro 5e Thrd o, o rh6 cninese, hdever, ne ras nothiDg but a traito! dd ihe lan people stifl have not folgott4 iheii lesentmst of hih even though mole


shce '"hen. rolru -Lely, !he!F h"' bed 10 rra-tor ,ho solo Jepan ro u o'he " ulry. 0n ,le occ"sioi ot le l.olBolia, lnv:sroi of Japanr the Japalese people were uited and det,emined to fieht util to the last nar. Buyo Enonoto, who iook to a fo.tress in Eakodate, chose to surender to the governhent forces instead of gettine aid trom a toreign coutry. Since rhe Jalalese people hate such a lroud hisiory, thel do not have a co.lect mderstandtng of hat il: is to sefl out a coutry. !/e mst co4sider rhis at a ttoe {hd ou! coutry is in a cdsis ol suryival o! death. 100 Xear6 have passed


Soon afte! I gladuated from eiversity ih 1960, I was em!1oyed by Gneshima Coal filnins Conpany, one of the maio. coal rini!6 companies jn (yushu. the posr:$ar boon of ihe coal ninj,re thdustry ras over qulte sone tlne aeo, ald the curtallnent to streamtndustry vas in the hldst of ptuduciionjn .o e energ/ soL.ces li.â‚Ź oper"_-ors cole @'n s.jlL .o -3e .oleun w1', LhJapa ecolor/ coli:n-ad Iron coel I er "

g '!or the depress:on d. Evel'] coal mi- .a3 s!"fer! _ tamo-s lsoor orspl e e 'n.er3e lEtac^ of L.bo!. ",d ';e mine was eotng on ai: iiiisui coal Uinile Conpanyrs Uiike coaf at thai tiDe. Iileshi4a Coat Lljning Compdy, omed by ihe Takatort fandty, enjoyed a coat mjning boon dudng the ra! and i! the posiwar yeals uhen coai was cohsidered as 'rblack It oraed mines in onachi ard Ioh.ku towns ln rineshha Djstrict, Sasa trofectulo. But the comlanyis nanaeemeht came to a 5tand5t111 because ot tts rii5h4d1in6 ol the labo. offelsive arid the decliDe of the coal minlne iro strj as e uno. e. /lo I e. ered r5" 'ompa.y ji '960r (ne nd ceeren! h.c bed lrsre.red o -mi .omo coal J'i li g, and @1y @e or two pe.sons d ihe franagmeni tepresdted ihe !akatori fdi1y. Ihe comlany had increased lts capital twlce sihce Ssitomo Coal Utnile took ove! iis manageent in 1957. end its caplia.L was Y600 miUion v,hq I siered ihe corpdy. Any pe.sm cd uderstand dhat capit,al ircrease ol a dectinins conpaly tn a! lndustry {i!h gloony prospect,s neans. Ii neds nothine bui chdelng thjngs so as to refer to debts as calital, and the scale ot the dte&rise lema1ns schensed althoush'!he ndag4enl changes hdds, In the case ol liineshima Coa.l UintnE, too, the richt ol manaemet kas iranslered l&n the Taratod taitly to sationo Coat liining thrrugh capital increases. Lr'h@ I joined the comldy, Smit.omo 0oa1 Iiining s4t its o@ stalt mmbers inro liireshiha coaL.riininE ro litl eve! minoi post6. As lorg as a debt re(ains as a de!i, the bor:rowe. is regalded as a bo!!owe! but the borlouelrs iddtity (in the case ot I\ineshina Coal l,:inins, it Ha6 the dehi oi reagement) is 1o5t uhen the nahe of debt is chansed to carital. h ausust 19r+5, iapd mcondiiimaUy surendered dd a]loued ihe ar1ied forces to occuly Japai. To '!he occupa'uion lorces Ehat posed thenselves as teachels ot detocracy, the Japalese, vrho aUowed foleien trools to be statiored in the coutry tor the ftrsi time i! their history, &re puptls of lare obedi4ce. Behind thelr lelations as teachels of dehoclacy and !up!1s, the GUQ dld its best io renove Jepan's ieeih. 1he a-Llied pouers not only seized Japdese rights ald interests abload but also disbanded ihe Japdese amed iolces and dissolved the "zaibat6u" dd even ai_u.nlted l:o chdge the spi!1tuat ltfe of the JaPanese. As a result, ihe co ema

,npero! declaled himselt to be a hman beins, Srrintoisn


deprived ol its privlleges, bhe education systeD kas chaneed. e(hics and h:sto-y were elcluoeo ,ron h- c.rrj.uu. t."an11) sjsleo was broke, up, .a d r-lorm v4s d tolced,.e and e new corstiluL'on das e3!.bljs.ed. ne au,hon,/ o! chr which @rorced lefoms like e _eida,I weve stemed lrcn the nili_eary lower ol the U.S. occupaiion lorces. irut the Japdesej ,ho we.e puli1s leaming denoclacy did not realtze rhis lact. A. a resu]t of the outbroak ol tle (ored ar, Japd's posftion was chdeed lron ibat ol a plisoner at rhe bai 1o a1 atly ol n.er a! ef!n.-sh reci.eo uch4Aed. A! . epd.. Lh'ch' had been e.clsed oJ : s crj,es a6 a defealoo nd ron- v,. rir'eh l,depeioence, ti e Ja?anes- !.op'e ^de co Ieâ‚ŹI js se sof obLigarion o- -oya ay Lo lne J1:t-o r a es. -h's " evidenced by ihe fact that var c.imjnats ou! ot plison becde pro-Aner icaa rd dri-cotu!->r c..opion3 a, tn-, rr(Lmeo -o po-Ir:cs, ano Lh-. s j.L rct as a.qor:r !-'we6.aps- and the lrniled States. lire a.@-y 'n deb( iho!- r'gn o n4 ce-ma.r :5 losl o do ler .s r.s oe.Ls are lrarsfom.o in o c"D-!al. re.aorasep-opL- los 'err sovele.glrj .rna .le/ uere given indep@d@co with U.S. nilitary bases left intact. Thus the Japdese losi their lndepdddce hot only in polti:ics but also in iheir mental slruciure. the Japanese today have nc i.lele.drlt c.'!-r'on ro_ jLde " u'-'r .\e Japaese Gov-_n'a., .h"h p.onp. -v redi!eo 'o .1e sloo-- s et theTel Av:I ri_po!. oo o-c:ded to p" nore .r an .100 .or"":ze ion oa -e_"i:o'.e .111-on :4 -o1a'-, between Japdr and China for 27 years &d has teited to tare xesolute reliel measuleo Io! victins of nercury polsonins and othe. lollution-caused diseases. this shovrs i:hai ,:he Japanese aci uiuh excesstve consideralions ior suroudinE circBs..nces rnd lo.e'gn .ri icisn "" .n.! rn / 1a 4 'no.Ce;ei' 'Lfoma-.

Ieve!.lele.s, !h. J .. d.As. .om- :n-3 -pe! ano ac' bolotJ wl en L'ei_ eco oni( .7o vao, .- .s c :deiced by Horikoshi's statdert. alil,ough pos'-!ra. relo.ms in JaPan wele made gene!a-11y 14 line vJith the intoii.ns of the United Statesi ,Japaats econonic development has been achieved 3o1e1y by ihe ellolis ol the iapalese. th. ia!&aese, Lhereiore take prompi measures !o protecb the .aeie fo. econoDic develoladt, Tnis has caused i:olitics ln Japd to iollov ihe iniilairtve oI buslness circles dd Lo dislorb l'urih.ri5e al!eaCy disi:olted political situtrtton. Vhen Japan was i.enstomed lrom a deleated nalio! inio ah indep@d@t coui.y d1lle atlouine the occupation toices to naintat! their bases, ihe J4ian-U.5. secu.ity treaty vias conc uded 1' o.dc. !o j-s .:Jl (l.e pre3. ,re ol .,. i-i.e4 , , ." .i. I i i rry baces. /r+ r.4 ,.orea

bases t! Jap@ lro. co iu.rio

luctioned as rear

bases lor rhe qa" i! addtiig as ooses ;]t"o*" _". .e s'c.r1ry trearJ i,srj'i-o '.p.n, io.eis ml :r bas"s ro-. he d-fe,_e or .e f.1.,t.n of-Li.S. rJiiary to s rFFolr !h- r'.ee c!tu n a-1" rqdiled v-sire.

]n ,oo0, !j e ,av. ^eo ,'edpai- .i. -eclri y c!-ai/ wds .he il ro ,ne Dlpr r-q.esr o: sh C;brneL ':@ed on the glMde t,ha: 1!s -r'a]'oiry ucs l0 /ea-s ^i611 rh.c .rd pr ,rded or nii-J coop-..a::o. rd !h- otl"ici+ no es r! er_ crafed be'wee Iishi rd h-d"- o!o\-deo 'or pr:or.orsul_ udt:ons 0n r... h:1.'.-y a. .on3 in A5'a. tne _9?!l de6p- e 'n- a-svd r o' opponen, s lhat "as ror!ed .a'tlicaL'o. ot_e"q/.nhicl r\e -re" j ,o. o .eei a.".;it_mrr:or of"ne (he '"pe .n er-hange o.Id securt y ad on Is Ior,lapM


The oo-rar o. prio. c.. sLra.' n p-o.:ded .or .re offi.'L 10 es'o.6x,rgeo o-lheen .1.n1 ;ia erL-. .s1n(he ,'e ide,do4ce 01 . apon ide! tresL/. '1,o prior ^oasul!-.. on tds b;-l t"td oecdeen Lhe i". coultlies since 1960. Has t,nere !e@ no ae.d ro hold Dri6? consulLa d s^ ., i(h .e : i-F .q' . .a,i 1 ol' r e v:ern;n i-r. Ytl)s -aret plenes ske olf Jrol O"i aLe o reruel in Lhe ' air 85. s:,a eeic oodbe.s o" oonb:1s tr.ss:ons .o Vre.1a. rL Pr -Lom lighte.q Llve b--. .". sJe!!6o i-on ldaami 6ase tl Japarr ' o v-"tns o ca!,- | ar ii .da .3-. lhe s .p-.li .6 a, {- daeeo u Vie_n:d oepo! u : ig ,I1drd ! axd sads !h-n b-.. co . 01 , ef.on . re, ipenese ,ovemn6rt, ir I despere:e erfon ex!_drn ,.y 10 pi:o. cd su_I_ 'aL:on had be@ \e1d d^soi e 1, *.oMced on Iqir - i s r.ex o sutrdr:ol qLeei:oj . Bu! rn s of : 's Pas' s'.Leha!s and rted to evpla_n ^1, .... .._t '. t (he Das nad nor bed d s.b,ecc o_' prio- col"urr a i . ,nar i- (iea. is haL .pa4 hrs o iI!en! io. ol co-.4i1c .-. m: .. nove_ "ry S.a'es ndLs by p.oposir g pfuo! .nsll â‚Ź i.n, .rt i.c lne In.-ed has no t Ud!!on ot ho d.16 .ch onru.IraL,ons. A a-y foleieh \.jirscrjoa,i.ic-I,ro.ide.Ln",r..iiiL,rv_ r h fac,I'Lies o.r--! .Lla:e.at c aracLe; of.ihe tleaiyJ aad t.here is a Linit to"Japan's rnstsuenie on as .o, o a. 'dpo. La4es .l e postL'on 04 ''innlJ, mari c.:1rng .e secr.:'. -ed y, .,s Ho-d LJp'cLty desc.'b.s ,le p. o- .o.5 LLa! ion L oer i ," seci""tr- lrearJ . I, bes!esls r-!, r b"i.e , La.-o Mde- !h. oro:"s Lo "11o, .5. 1:1, .-. oFe-a! o." '.on oas-3 .n j", a do iL crnot saruythins abrut ths.

In rl ii. -e -!"'n,0.'



Io_ r'e o.lcctiv- Fqs o' 1e pr'o. .on"Ll.d! o'. s.."m be.drse mirlca!7 odse- o onjn"ha n-d bea pIc.ed o!.srde $e "ec!.:'J ._ce y. 6-' sin^- Na) r., !.5. .ui' ".t o.d a' o.s i-on 0"iLhose !o1 dHa dre slb:ec! Lo the sare .t d o ._e" :e' i,he lhe ot reversion of Okhawa hainland Jalan. signilicdce lmction ihe u.s, military baseg on is detemined by vhat, groper to ihose i! Japan ude. the secuoktna a lare lelative okinav,a Ffeiectule. rity setup as a result ol the bi.th ot In rea.Liiy, hovever, no chanee can be e4,ected in lne fEction ol U.s, hilitary bases on oxtna{a in uiew oi tne intensiflcation ol the vie_uhan lia. because the Japeese covennent has no fretile to proFose prlo! consuliatl@s wirh the !trited Stat,est short, ,e canlot ereect anI reforD Eder a Japanese oove.nment hich int,dds to flnnlr. naintain the seculity tleaty, as the key roreign Ujlistly olticlal said. Iteversio! of okinawa 'io Ja!a4 has lett much dissatiefaction ahone ih. leople of oklnalra Frelectule because, i4 (o o a.s'oh cr,5.d add!.m !h-re r"'1e ged. .c s-'1Iar c'e r.). m'r-."q indelendsituaiioh exlsted in Japan uhen Jalan regajned its AL 'ha( l'me, ssn . rr ''s'o he J".eese oad 1or feel o dr"5a'is'red ,,r I he .e-er ce or rorllsr rili' ,_y ooses .nosa s ,' .' rem.i.ao ' he sde .< in the occulation days, They did noi: feel so because thoy had not tasted the kild of hunitiaiion uder foleign ru.1e ea?eltenced by the people ot okinawa I'jrelecture dd also 's .o najn' djn bcc"Lse nel \"d ro' r."ljz-d ho'. 'n o. 1,' ' nd-p-ld-nce. A- " re.nc o. 1is,.al". "s depdderce as evldenced !, the Jirio. consultatlon clause {hich has

tuned into a sc.ap oi


thele cd be no indep@dence as loDg as Japan al1ofls foleign nilit,ary bases on lis sollr Japaa i1l be able to regain it6 indepand@ce only by makins eflofts to have to.elen military bases lenoved f.on Japa!. A naiion lhat has lost indepddence is !o lorge! a! lndepend@t natlm. Althouâ‚Źh Japfn rooay is colsroe-eo - iidep-nd-nr e flrf , '. .ealj l i is s"m'-ioepsde- coL.t!J. ILe (i'.e laq co'e ior IaFcn " to nake sreat efforts in oder to .egain it6 ildependence. fhe Sato Adnlntstlatton ! {hlch has been in power fo! more than seven years, has beo uable to achieve dx renarkable resulis and ihe reversion of o}inawa, instead ol being welcomed, has leli nuch dlssatiElactio. because no denand. were made to recover indep.ndahce and tha sLationine .f U.S. lorces in iatd was tolerated iD orde. to live safety uder the sccurlty a-!d contenlt ol more ihan 300 years alier his deaih

u San-kuei stiU incus ihe hatred

t,he Chirese as a



because he bro!â‚Źht Ching iroops int,o ihe hearildd ot China thlouâ‚Źh Shanhaixuaa dd aUowed lhe r:anchus !o nle Chila. It a person ,ho b.ines foreien trooFs lnlo his om courry ts a traitor, a person uho does noi leel ashamed r:o see f6!e1gn lloops stationed jn his coultry dd tries to promoie his o,,m personaL inie.ests in collusion with ioleign lorces is also a ilaitor. lhe Chinege called .his kind of hai a complador. ao! o- ^onp-doo! po. 'Po j rcs :. rne posL-s. t:cs ro n"s' e aeavor to b..lo a'.L'r"de.e4d;. J"p*i. ,{s the iirst step r:orard il,I believe that, Japan shoutd rry to nomalize relations wlth China dd settle wa!-lelated issues stt1l pddine oetween t[e tro couiries. (rune 8, 1972)

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