June 11 memo

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.t .E!g!! . -




Amlassadot Robcrt S. IngcrsoU Assistanr Secrsla!Y fo! East Asian and Pacific A(ai!s

De!althent ot S!ate SUEJECT:


t6e Japan NSSM sludv lor apprcciate you! sending us lhe draft ot

.ep:!a!c cosnelt.

:'d u5'{Jt dra'r' and \vc luuv shar' voJr desirc fo! a merningrul ,iat I sha'I o'r^r i!c Pur rorrh rn thaL sP:!it' ;:;;;;i: this s!!dv !e as.q"u ': Ivc wa!r, as you kno*', to have 1_' '::",l.1-",^..-P.^i,r-._ - rnr'r.'t :_ Jao:n r..ir!!..Ir.". u':" lif iur -Pr"rio'' ;;;.;.';"; ... ;"';;.,. " ' -cc"s i .l,n:,;' L1 a sD-cr'L ror'1'p rsl''d rlso nJ a:\-ssv ror i""n"',J F..,,a-, ^...a rap:n i rrr" 7o s am inro rr'c 80 s -\Y' . ;'.'d;,i.;;;.;".i"-;I hi- zbour Jrpan mlsr r'co-r'7c l.ir*",r,.' "', i.p.''rJL so"'o -:nd mu't aL"o Jc:L rvirh thc Dorrcv coic"!n' iii'i"i '".,.,i;,r: " '.rs ibould addr's " .wl,ich hc in our lclations *ith Ja!'r' But a NSSIi crisis culrcnr !o hav€ 1v€ ''i_".i^r,n.., : c-i'i' srrdv \vc can uic it Lo i5su"5'h:: 'xPlvre

rotrov'd' E'n'rar :uida c" A :'.";;" ;;';;.-.','.","-i""'r qh-L con'r"c'd i::;. ;" ;;.; b. rbr. ,o t(rr ,h" Pr" 'i '' np' br"' \ c h"v" \rh^t i ' u" h' '5' ii""".:1., ,.',.. . *. '* n. shoulLr 'lnLi'ip "' musr Id(, 3nd \.hrt n'_ otrion' ar" l now stards' t lind lhr.c mrjor prollc:is wirh lhc draft rs it

dct'liption o( cxisti!* -- :rL. iirst iclltcs lo thc sh{lyrs t'mc:"'i''^"rions rc[rrJins r"t.r,- n.J"" n, Il,rv'n1J" imDrovcmcttr oI rl,c 'rrrit l ollcv tc'hon' r"lato lo th..tudyri cx!cct3_ -- Mv 'c.onJ 'n''lor c"' c'rn rr r Nn nat ri f.rsuarlcd r lrLionj r Jifrn rr. . r!tu.c ti.nl of ' sEcllf:". -





:l !lit 2



ji'Yil l:':"""":l:il:l';i:,f:::',i'-:ifii a ro il::'":"::.'i 'ri"i," 0.0.. **,a *"'inlv dc'e'vc

mn*r*ffi i:;:,"r::l';.:;";-",'.;*' *:'"i:11i1,"j considcrcd rn m j;pan are





o!E!M!!qr9!1!li! i.4ul-rrI;rt4{14=}s


1"""ili';i, ; Y :"";::;, ;-".','l::1"".1[ii-'""''l:';H:rij:iri:; :::;fil j"'" :;,',r';'iLl:j:J;::11: :l:::"- :i:, - :,:::":::i:: :xJs *;:.r ;m:;i'""::1,;:"."'i: ::';il:;"i'lsi:;::::

l:i'iJil .i .. .rt',.".^.]r";;l,x*"i;i:::i,'lt: t on Paroc p'rd' d ^ .i qu"r,,on

:'i::i",;:e::,^i, murLi'Jr., involvcd.

':, J.r' rrso,'! L',hc pocir.iln'5:;'i:r;T;":;:;1:'::": l,:^-i;"l;;"t,hf.r t^r'Ii:'ucs " "l'rl rr..>'e arvolt.a II.Ionrio'5 ror rn'm:r r.ir u." .,.", Rrvr-\1 cio,r,-l'I' ".i,.ia,,r.i. :.11, .l: l':i' :, i; ;:tl:.',',.: 'j; , :, , ' it,i;l ,:'r; :;,l:i:il:; no, fi/c,1,'\.rv t. "'" ".'^l'.! l'l:l'.':"' ro' r ''"' ri', "Lui,...'e.,,,,., .r.;cr ir"l ri'lc"l fir'hl) l'sirf,r 1r'"-"r,""'.t,"t *itt rhc



.iis.s, NSSM studics shoutr.l also conside! poti.y that viu .nablc us to take advarrage ot opporrunftics ro

Bcyond avcltine

allcrnatiwcs hovc an alliance partncr torard a mole .ohsrructive lelationship with ns o! tosard a'm6!e uselul global or rcsio..l !ole. A lerarivet, quiesccnt pe!iod in ou! Ielnlions vith Japan su.h as ve hava nov is jue! the time to try to idenrify and erploir such oplorrunitics. TLe iolloving sets lorth our views on .ach of lhe multilarerar issues

i! oqi teurions vith Ja!a!.

1) Enciw. 1ve look on the enelgy question as one that ca, and ,houlil bc deart with in thi! .o6rty NSSM. II ee did not havc a lasic glola1 energy policy, we could agree vilh tLc dlafr NSSM position that this qtrestio. sholld be taken !p in a separale tuncrion:I policy 6tudy. lloweve!, because we do haw. at least a good beginning on a gtoba! energy poli.y, lhe Japan NssM can take up the jo! of appr),i,g tbis slobar policy to JaDan. 1ye have alleaaty suggcsre<l basi. objectivcs on this isslc in mv memorandum ofeD.il 4 !o vou; alaost 2tI oI thcm have be.. incorporated inro the IiSSM dlafr. The rask nov i.3 t6 .omc rp vith policy options to give eftcct ro rhese ohjecriaes.

The NSSM dra& ha3 rccognized rhe impoit.nce of rhe â‚Źncigy issue, sfating rlEl dre chanccs lo! divcrgence and nisu,derstanding 6chvee. ou!3.lves a,d Ja!.n on this quâ‚Źstion a!e groater ihan on any orhs! issuc, ahd Lhat cncrg/ i. rhc s.nElc mosr imtor.art d.l.:mjna, t ot Ja!3n's rulure forcign Dolicy.

Thc NSSM should conside! 6ow to try to resrrain Japan lroh rclr,ning to dlc urge,t bilzt.lalism rhat i! !!acliced in rhe immcdiarc atrcrmrlh of t[c ,{!!b cm6a!go, a..l how !o secuic Jzpan's conti.ucd coopcration an.l lcadcrship on oilrcr aspccts of lhc .Dclgy qucsrion -- srch as cdDsulncr .oopcrf,tio., the .splo!!rion and dcvclopn.nt o( rlrcrn.tine sourcci oI encrgy, res.irch and dcwclolmcD!, .nd emcrgcncy sharing.

J!!an also is critical to an ordcrly rccy.lil( of


cxportcr strrptrscs.

lI Jnpan docs lot run a dcfi. and doca not borrow suL5ta.tia v tronl lh.oilcounrri.,. r rrJJ ... J 1i,,. ,'i ^s vilt L.r,;..r\. Lrc:cnsci. 'Ih. NSSI1 ohould csminc hov vc .aD c.courngc Jf,pnn to Iollov suitrblc policics.





-" *""" ii-. ..

ri,-, top,.-io,r";oinlywiLl-Jr'":. r now


YurLLr\L proJccrs (')rho r' 1 Lhc rormc


"" i;.d i "t- -- ndL.ocluriolr:1 :ll,ll;#;l?;;ll :::;.'';;.', rh. Sorict5. TtrnJka hrs told thc Prc5idcnt th

on u's Parri'iPariol -- ard raaar" 'dded ii:;;:.n:.,'"-:.",.,,".c he llii,'t'" "r,-'i.:. .rr etrrorrtion ro his risrs or Proj'cis in vhich would lilic U.S. !articiPaiion' 1'1,e



lollosiDsl loricv h€tc that dcals witb the !esource arc ou" slecitic basic objcctives on siberian

_'!ms of rhe imDort4a'c

irvolvca in - How r3r we s\ou].l be"om' v'a rsl oI Lhc U s' P\rtic:parion vltich JaPri .,',l, t'"i"it"". .* "pan -! -. , l----^ i-!o!aed i, terr' o! our relatiors

silh lhe Sovicrs










vha[' f 3nv' should $o b"comc 'avolv'd in ''!'rq of nrojcct'? -" -tEhL obrain Ior ourser!! s rlom thcse

ve trv to limic



!''rticipation' anil il so'

to phar

vc havc to fur'ue unae' thc r'sulLilgrr s com-" -i'' and corm"!'1 u. s.-.t1.-1i"'.li HolJ . 3n v^ pus\ uvnar LJn bJnn i 'nancLnL rl'ould wc LPoottl ii"- r,"'n'-n.Ji*. p;"'Lc r\' <" obi^c:ivc' v'rh 'oncre-"?







Jf,P'n'o.ui'trv\ Sv IIoutob"pJ''u"l'n sr-i"c i' r'13riv'Lv r:''ir Jr' i"*.",i,, .i" ;"r, r..,".-r q" ",'od ':a ra:' '' r or v m c'^51 rn r''c r'I" n .,.. : :;.r,ii-.'v'. . :;.'';;:.;.. ,';:".";, runcLiortl'_o'o'''' our'c i:o"5 r"' J Frn r''cjntc!cst it""-t"r,"r-t.',-' bc Iacrorc' s.rict rorrricil-'cc"riir i:;:;i':J;;,;;." 'an orrrcr -" This oolicY que ri'n"!nrnJ



burcaui.nd oflic.s irvolvea'



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