June 22, atlantic charter

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'1b 473



lo! you! lctt.! ol Jr!.13 ..d for ,our

lnoughtful cohh.nrE.

I am !l...ed th.t yor u.de.simd ih. impoft..co oi ih. let !.n.o io J.p 1! dy Spril !pe..b, rr

ra6 ba.tc.lly . .pc.ch on lv.rt.!D Europ., but rhe pr..id.nt Mn&a t6 D.il. ct..r th.t w. r.*.rdcd ,.prE o, ih. ..m. pboe .. . clore trl.nd .ad rlry. NoihilB i! rh€ ,pe.cb var E..trt to b.


Erlophi oI th€ trad€ g.p b6cam. .vidcat afte' th. P!..ta..t.' llor.igr Poticy Repolr p.. itBli€d. It 1. o!.out.e a p@titv. dev.1opc6!r ol great dtgnttlc.n c and I sm .!r€ rb€ P..6ld.nt'. lo.th.oklng m..tr!g vith rbe Prtm. Miri.ler wtU









1aO0 PemsylYania

!,ashingion, D,


!.€.@, x. u. 2orco

I teft, Tok,b for rw!. .n ay L I ras in fie air over Euope ,hen President Ni\onrs foreiC, Policy repori had such a strons iipaci on the groud 1n Japa. I ret,'rn6d to After a fruitrnf mntn in l.iest cerq.y ad o. JMe 7 and on desk l,he ne,t rc:ftue Loud you m3t relcore note of '\y r,{ay 1!, 1! is hald .eIief and p1easre T lelt. tn heaiing ftun yon apain. !,hat,ent {mrqr t hzd been thinkins. Nd I an r€assftd to k.., ou comorcat.ions beei broken ay ray. Tokyo

let re say eaftesily that I beliered siEnely in th€ pro.jeci I ouilined. Atrteties ln Jars are betehr,ened ,hen ,e are n.t jct 3E shai rtturica has 1. rhe day hay core {hen ihe project--that

yoli autxori the Jalan.se readjng lub1ic !iI1 b€ the for an enliF.htened Japarese app.e.iaiio. her f.tends tn the Pa.iric the xay for atsit,s, jnterupted at ihe nore.t, ihal. x111 1€ad to an a11ia.ce rdt, o.1y bas6d on ircaiy also rcre o! an u'iersl,ood nutD.lity.f int€Est6. T afpFciate wry nuch you thow-htfuriess rufl iexi ol ,ou d!2qtj. addr.ss or ltprjl 21. The.oncept js gE.d. The.a11 for a "biryins a! affimrive ,e.ponse, 'I thidk. Your ftpeat d ftterences to Japan and inclusion of Japan i. the poi2.iia) qr&d desjen hawe Cained soB adniDl,ion dd aFpFciai-1on lreft Jru feer the orer€l1 Jap&ese reacllon ,3s lukeram. I daftsaX the backsroud lacior 4y Ii€ i. the t€m .a .e{ -{tle!ic ftaller.rr The orlsinal atlatic charrE. xas $ erclEively nnalo-{red.s pr.oucerent. It rfien JaFn fe,rt thr-"atened by a Roosevelt-ahwhiu auiance. ,ud e€n.ox,e *ondai rlreiher or.oi Japan can properly be a lrilciprt in an icilantic aharter.! rn atlantl. dd Pactfl. cha.t r,odd brine rcr afrirutive Jap cse respons€. 'rlnthoxt. ccnscioE elfo.t of polttical ,i11, putes c.u1d iear ihe Jabric of or alliece,', appearins in Pftside.i Ni*on's F.retgn Fo1ic, neFort ,as bisrr-Lghted by tbe Mss redia i. Toklr. Ii prodnced instdtreous ad ihe eovemrent's fiftt or deep co.cern sd eren sqer. the key elere.i in JaFenese thinkinq, I telieE od countlies has nalroled considelahly. lt appearr here ihat, iha rnjt€d siatts qwenrent, &d mybe exposition of







re.ocnize ihi s faaorable

.f.3, or o_ -'.al a. â‚Źconoitc i3sue that is ' arready beins solved ar ihe econ@ic 1erel d@s not secn fajr io ihe JaF.ese eorernneni and oplnion mker toor prcbIem in nnrual c4dibility. 1 ar busy t!F!e of Tor'ri after ny harpy st Lould like to lrite colle.t iv roDchts. ]ile fa.e inporiadt snth3 ahead.

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