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Mr. Prihe l,Iinisler:
Or hearirg the word urat yotr Plan to 1ay aside tl]e duties and rcsponsibililiies oI your oltice, I dhould likc io cxlcnd lo you my \€rm.st con8ratulations tor yor! truly distiaguisiea .te\@rdship of the JaPitrese Gover]frcnt duri.g these past eight years of do.lertous ctEage. . You nawe prcaideil owcr the lapid emergcn.e bI Jatan as tie third ccononic powe! i! oul Forld, aiJ toLtr r,'.:r c.nn:.1i! liccd.d .vcrywlerc vill rc6pect.
I ah parlicnlallt ploud of havilg *otked togcUre! wi0l you 1o accorrplish dre rctcrsion ol Otnra\€ in fu)IiIllncrl of Dy count!yrs plcdgc. lhis acrior has serncd lo stlenglien Ure resPcct, fr:endsli? and close cooleialton rnich c]rar_ aclerize lelatiors behveeh o!! Lvo counllte3. I can as.urc you tl:at I iiter.l lo nrznrkin lhe sarn€ intim.tc boDds of alliancc vrith yo\! Alurough I a.1 saa to sce a statDcL lriend ol tle Unil-cd SLatcs ard a Lmous lcade! of tlre
wolro1.. r< orlij€, I Jppr(crrr! r.ow mucll fou mu6l lorl lor\n..1 'o. c 'cr" ../ oI tc' r.menl. You rn, -ir " . I : '. 1,. r-'' i l!t."n '5 ^o! b" jovj'e
Lront,u'r r'.o-i,:r:o or'o!..'Jr.s.,n>ri,.
Jil C!\lr
lis srate secretariaL (tl,
Tne expericnce you IEwc gained ir ncartv a hau century of puDlic service vill .onti e to .ontriiutc b $e Progress or JaP:n in her !6le ol promoting Lhe Pcace, prosPcritv and ?!ogress of out w.rrd comnunity.
ou! o\h personal lriendslip began n8nv years aso. I look fotvard to its cnduling into the distanl ruture. With Ermes! personal regards,
Pdme Midsl-er of