June 27 memo, dsp on prc vs roc

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to Chairaan of tle Japdese Demo.ratic Socialist Pa





At Tab B is a letter of Jnne lO io vou from Chairman or the Democratic .- :*,, p,-, ,os",, \r-, rl r q)1asu.e4, sc'o::' q cop.es of I is boee(hes (we \j' ea- v ab-' usit!oPe''ns Gtr ,.-.:a!'d .,r... a.-"-. ^.i Dderstand tlai he"tsent you this 1er.er since he vas Pra"ing to be ahsant tlom Tokyo at the tihc ot your visit thâ‚Ź!e. )

h nis letter, ltasrga

tahes t]1e

positio' tnat Jala' shotld normali'e rela-

tr.e o'*a c""aiion t"i.og"ti." "r t ' I95z Jalan_Roc Fe3'e T'eatv) rapd s 1vill be Cificult lor JaPan, (asuga ?roposes lhat the U'S alprove yiildraninE trom the ireali) and a!.emPt to smooth thir_ss over for Jalu s.ith fie Rolc. Lastly, Kasuga mentions that, giwen the ]apanese p blic


a.--a r". ."g"r,.r'i"c lie.;th

P.Lins, sato's sn'c'ssor mlst ta}e tle

responsibility ard do so.

The atia.tea copies ot his s!eecles and olLer do'meris cotu"ted sith his earry april visit to Peliag set olt 11is Pa v's position ca[jng for the

..' " "".m- l,aL:or oi r'1. o1s rir P'L:rg H'vou'il''tonl)a"eot .r". r,_-ra. rher\ird ,,. i*c.,r,,"..*-....:io-s 1,-or"lee. r'-Lr .,lH r.c Rcoub '-oI ch'd 1r--.ad Ld, -: raE.r's "",'"r o,r ar\,/rctePr rhi PRcs rIre ...s or-"do.J-pa1b.L-.J.s.', p'*.trr." ."ilta ri*e Jalan adrcre strictlv to miii'arv and economic -a ."ri";i" tlat t . pnc *".1d nof re.rar.t as threatenine its secnritv ln_ 'chded among su.h policies vould be the remoYal ol at! U S miritatv At Tab -{ is a courtesy reply from vouto Mr' Kasuga' P.e.orr]neidation: ar Tal' A' T\at yo! sier the lroPoseC replv to M! KasrF!

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