Mar 19, roc on okinawa

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ieplv to vor 1'tter ol Decenber 1, 1969, o' or ot\"' m !!-'o-'rr"\dr'on" r i. a,- rnl. ;itneR o'blr- ol .\'na :n !.3d'd to Lhed"c'''o''o i !u-


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o!'nrkl irion of L\" 'ni.d 'L:ter co\dm:!r'lstands -on"rni.g'5r \a Io's toJ-Dd1 rel; orao.i,i-,dri.. states ttat the United assu. reco . I been a mtt.r ol Dublic vou vou eovelnnent galc c:rEfl1. cmsideratio. to th. vievs $presse'1. in '\a r' p.o' d.d !y AioL reikr Jnd .o .o.e o' br. dor, the iri"i L".I lolciF A';:1 ' '"d ov r. '\""1 <n:-\i rb._j'e, \o-dv !. t',a' rh' f'r , Hono. bl- c\ou of Cl i-a .'l noL b" d'l c'Pd b) ol the Rco 'b 'c r\- ci;8. ;n 1\. 6'a''. ol i\" P. ..,'d' o10 th. I rl" lct/' of these islands to Japanesc adniiistrative control d11 contrinute to the o!er-a1t pcace and sacwity in the Pacific area. I tnint it is paticularl, significant that in tte Joint Comunique leldasod on Norenbs 2r, 1969, duing the visit to ashjleton of Prime Ninist.r Eisaku *to of Japan, tle Pltne llinist.r affiried peace and secuitv in th. Tandn ar€a (ds that "the maintenance of _o' l. sccr'y ol ' 'pr" 1h'P" F a mocl i oo'dr :clo-



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Press club





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I g.eatl, appEciat€ tnc frank €nne! in,hich vou have convevcd ,.;,r"i* i; ny eovem ent. I t.ust that this reply also Nilr b€ ;eceived in the spirit of cl.ose friendshio lhich has marked tlle r€lations ben€en the Chin.s. and the Anarican p€opl€.


?. Shoesnith .-Republic of ClLina Affairs 'I]1oms

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