May 17, prez vs emperor visit

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I lave been aslred to respond !o ,our leiter of ,Ipijl 9 concernlnq tho relative timins of a poasible Prâ‚Źsidential visi! lo Japan and a vi;it by the Enperor of iapan to the uniied


;rlrecid!" L1e psl.ho 09..a1 di' cnsion- or the matter ehich you tajse, ard thanh you for \. your anatysis. Yolr viers HiIl be qive, most \' .areful consideration. Be




llillian C.' Director to


,isii JaFn

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ilie llter ihis 7ef,r. itis iten brouaht tnree I ' s:Dnlf6e trourht io /or. .-v1,.niion"::n ii !r, are nor alrealt aiarc o: rhen. 1. Tbe €]1!o&r .r iaps )as alrea(y rEde a vioit ib ar$pe. ,t11 fie ele siold he n:ke r visit '@ tre n.3.r rd y.r cid jnyito hir to do th:t r,i* /o\ ;lad.uslr e.e.ted hin in [eska on his nar to +]Fpc. Iu€ r'a!, ,here has 5ed a sl1en: 1r n.i, p.1ite m iryitrtlon. otvior3l/ there are liittcs n r{ a! 1n this in Japa nost ol li hevji; to do tr h lsaalng fa.a.r I'" s.utrds very tu.h to ne ltke the Ja!2ne6o tyot Lhe rouni:rn (il.i., to .onc 1,o iiiohffied (r3!.n1. I sir-!el/ nc]-ide io :o t. Japd prior to anJ yisii tJ Jald's mpercr % ihls .nhtry, /or iE1l ra,e:aCe btf,c coic.ssions to J2!- :ti;hai haaii.j received 34. tn rehm :.on lhm. JajEn o"es r,ho ij.s. rudh :6r. than 71.o rersa, rherrvc bed ihc chief b€ne!'icialtes o: in. (or€@ and,rietlr,iaN. Iet'"nc epercr cone h-ar. arL ',hdt Uh6 ia.onsisimt ,ith Japees: crs:on to dr,.ess :rati:lae id the u.s. ts Janan's J!e.:t3si }..eir.tDr bx :einj tic!! dciost ia*ei, aid .olriribu,ing to Lh3lr prorr:li?J r.I rr/ r€s.n oa the Japd-U.S, ne:erc€ rre.ty. 2. lro\ s*n i. rcs:r.if, Jala in order i:. ko.p nproler r.en tn rneir ilDs 1-a, rour rbt!& F12c been less Uhd erae.tire Ei rct srbtle :"" all. he ,lr.liaon sho.lsl rnich J:pm richln desefled in t..xs or .ir€.i,s snork have 5em done liresse. lh6 .nEsse vas iotally lacktn:. 'riih or hrc.ling J,pe, 30 pleaso do /otrr nohdrod. .nd lind out rrlht thex sr. in oriic€ cdn nse ihm ih.n n..essa:y. h tut, rramn riaiuls prldi.tton ihat the c4ia!x. uJ ,.11 txm ,1,: to be t]]e Japanose ceninry rith .ll ihc lor.!o4in8 i:rl3 urlicsr M, .o{e itu.. Il ir: doesr it rril1 aare be"n owe} irle c.rlse or lne il.s. iheth.r ve di: ir {ar.r in !ece. l. itsmhoirer @ smssly @5a!!.s6ed when he .Eed ro yisit Japa in 1t(,0! yei ihe @:Ee. oa JapD visited itrcle ai'"hont tne .ourt6sy of havilg visiiad ihe U.s. !,he .!.ni;ry :E /aor he o{es so tu.h. Ii ,!u ljo to Jatjd beiore dre erierc. cones n€re! ,on nrv nn .io!l oi the sde enbarhssnln], ltuL ihe presid@t dta tn 1960. ,t rri-r rtsii by the entrercr h€le IiII niniriT. tha" JiliidltT. L rs ;. to Japor 'iEr,, the;.J. n bse ildo ir a tubt1e f,ax tlEi onLr r,he JalresarEll rderctand, I {or beczuse r riv6d iheE. t 3upJort zo:rlreser! \andln: o: ih. Srn eu prcbr.n d{ a bi: plalne o! -rr c€s15 hjir. lhem are s:lLle:ua11€Is in .!he arlrirrde ol fbrce anc. Japh i.;2rd r. ti.j., nor the, of ?hich is r,i]na1 pride. son

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