No date given, memo, tanaka visit

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Japarese Prime Minister Tanaka,s visii: Tre o&stion of locns

In olde! io provide gnidan.e to ihe Departoent6 in prepadns lor the visit of Prire Ministe. Tanaka or Jnly l1 - Au3ust l, I beliewe it wonld be useful to .larify the substaniive locus of ynur reetings wirh trim. As you wilt recal1, vhat should be the focus of t1te previors rvo wisfts by lormer Prime Minister Sat. and Prime Mi ster Ta.aka wae qnite obvious in advarce, Now, lovewer, the question ol no.malizing relati.n, viur the PRC is no longer a Snnsa.iia1 point ol cnetenrion, .ur bilaterat trade imtalance seehs to he vell on t]1e to solution, and no major immediate bilatelal Becurity pr.blem looms in lront of u6. luhai remains of the U.S. -Japan economic problem vill be deart vfth in deiail at ECoNCoM lx on July t6-17 in Tokyo, a.d yon may sis]1 in you! meetings with Prime Minisier Tanaka to r€aIIirm vhatever ude!standings are r€a.led ar the earlier Tokyo meeiing. Thus, be.anse the presBing bilateral probleh. are out of the *ay, at reast for the pre3ent, I would recomend ilat ve Buggest to the Japaneee that yonr discus6io.s vith Prime Ministel Tanaka locus on tte possibilties folu.s, -Japan.ooperatio. in multilateral problems ol r|tual conc€rr. This co!1d serve seweraL basic objectiws in our Japan policy:


tly to mowe Japan toward 2 more hroadly conceived regional and globa1 role tlat vould be more comensurare witl he. economic


pover (yon co!1d rhls expticare the theme of the Japan chapter in yotrr Foreign Policy Report tlie year).


To engage Japan s enercies more consirn.tiety in aleas vhere ner cooperaiion i3 imp.*ant to any resolntion of the prolrerB.

hy io creato ..v Japanese wested interests in ou atliah.e relati.nship by inrclving Ja?an witl nr in ,ew a.ea6 of cooleration. To

crA reporting indi.ates tnat Prime Mid.ier Tanat a fawors such a. agenda, Aftba6sador tngersoll has stronsly recomended inal qe ?roceed in rhis direction, and the Departments are ir general agreement on tiis ap?roac}.



the nultilateral problem areas tnat t suggest we consider lor tne

agenda are:

- on tle resioral Bide, lndochina relabilitation, the Korean Penirsula, Siberi economic development, and Pacific batin e tiol (The questions ot continning coordi,atio. of U.S. a.d Japanese approaches to noualizing rerations vitn tne PRC ard oI a possible wed bdefly. ) Japanese regioml seclrif the Atlantic parhrersnip, energy (vnicl would owerlap with the regi.nal quesaon of siherian economic dewelopaent), and trade and honetary policy (vhich vo d hawe already heen tteated in detail at ECONCOM I*).

-- O. f]le stoLal side,

Your disclssion of these topics

vitll PliEe Ministei Ta.aka .onld

be directed

agreement on vhich probleE. oui tvo go€rnments should begin conceniraiing oxr efrorts,

-- Se.nring his --

Discussing preliminarily some ot $e ba6ic dimen.ion5 of these individlal Probrems.

-- Exproring lhe posBibility ol agreement

on common basic objectives on individual probrems, or at leasl approaches to t)rese lroblehs.

AreaB tor Juri}er detailed co!sideration at the vorkin8 levet betveen two Cov€lnments could alBo be delineated.


In order to hawe sone preparatory discrssion betveen ile two sides in adyaDce of the Tanaha wi6it, Secretary Rogers vhen he is i. ToLyo for ECONCOM lX could try to secur€ Japa.ese agleement on v}lat ploblem6 you might take up vit}) the PriEe Milister.

TIat you authorize me to proceed vitn prepalatio! lor your discu8eions

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