Nov 14 memo, textiles

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-77- -72 Novenbe! 14. MEMoMNDJM FoR

rHr'io.{onesrB pETEp Era\





he.rd rnat you hEd been ddv:sed th.i rhe uorsted .-. I JusL latrrdspino a se...o_s cnd p"r".rrr p..l_*Eo.p!,rc Mrn:sLe. :1ndL". ;:..oudh rntoln.tioh ras grver js 1., nor cre.r u;ren nr-:

:o /oL, _t not brouqht to.y a-tenlton *est,,Cay r -lo AnbaqEad.rrhls m-. ind advi!:nd nin . 1,."cEtled -er:idy r:i.. .Li"il-"i. realrmed Lhzt prire vin:srer -onakc wrs, i" r".t, j r ro r..ii "6".-i,.a i:"::^ll::...I9blil End De- .onr, _y brolqor ,:h!.e veeLs.9o. ".t".ii." hm polJt:c.r-ty, In vieF or L"e uDconj.g Japanese erecLions next monlh the :ssue cou.d or,a-s! lnpollance, As T nenrio-ed Lo you previous.y, tni6 , to the Prine l,riniste, :.t:t.ii^.5;i:::,:.. as the prine lirnis:e! qos ad\rsed :.. b^.1 r.rin.-s"r.-.llli-:....r ..\e lq..nda .-! rhe Hawaiian neetilc Irfth



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tne ro:eign ufiice rho:rerrited. nic

lealize that ir is


i! the hards of Tartff if anything ro.: canthe lr-j done brt


an any event necessa:y


infomation r,."er".d-,"s ;;;;;i.. There is, l-oie.,ar, i-e ,qs a_so broiqtr ro _ tertion )es.e!d.!/ -- -:, rc- t!:,.i_e .*p;;; .::;-;: j rrr.., or L-,o.ns ,nir i _s uo oe Itil l'."",'t .is eek. rh; arr,c_e i. i,pression-.-ouL,.ogE.n, rds LLe pol .ri-c_ s.-m. rnicn qe b-t ieve Hit_ ,.he pr., c vinlsce!. ,r leacL.o1 is ourte plobcble rh.E ir -4D.nfron j, Lrtl oe bui.E ,. i.i poi_ii-t prooorLion ro:.s j o-cL. ::::.^.= "'r ouE.or has .t!eady nade .qis r:nd.,s;econolic i ;-;.; ;;.;. b. event, vo 6hou.d.rocoeni,"-."u-.". :i:".."inrqrr 5e conp. '-r:ro th. prcj:!r.

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