iL'{.'r --Ce.t?lttln?16
November 13, t 969
Orr.r.,@-The Depaltmeht of State hae beer most auious to include a ceremony duling the Sato wi3ii vhich wouu rake anour tiwe nhLres -fr"r th" fi."L day' . wor " session b"' r"en .hc or"siap-.
.oulairvolverf epre-nd P.,-M.{sre-\"ro.'lhecerehon\ se. d'ior o! -so reoatUons, oo" Lo "-, t- t"-de- oy .te(iao",es"Americd Ciitzeds LeaAue, commemoiating lLe r00th aniwersary of Japarese mig.ation ro ihe Uniied states. Such a cerehony,
wldch could ie corducted in the cabinet Room, on the moming of the l9thvtutd prowide some good newsprint duing a pedo.t vhen hard ness on sato's vieit would be scarce be.ausâ‚Ź ol lhe highly c1a3si6ed .atuie of ile discussions on the lirst day. D!. Kissinger las reviewed this ploposal and recommends ila!
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