i yt,J.t
noverber 25, 1969
The llonorable ilichard
llashinston, D.
l,ir. Presi.derl,: I ,ould apprecialic yolr undcrstoDdLne as io the r.s!on6j.bj1ity ot ljh. l4eiâ‚Źlatj.ve Bra.ch ol govelnneht ln lihe dispasiti.on of oki.a{a. ', Jlr 1p-,-./s ri i okir't',. bo..o L,r a r Y irLth 'rhe advice aud conce.'i ol the Se..-,e, coold only b ri-Do- o or ..iLh L'e r.' : ind ons ' "1,. nr ! s .!te', ,\ o.u'r 1., .o i 1i,.., thi.s .-':'. ihc Byrd r.c.ntl.y enaci.d senate the United Stales Pc'o: 'Li o-!',':,n- ('., s n-. o, ihc S.'n1 Lv -'.1s n /oL ivl idh/l'.d ro his e t!0, l!e'!',r.L''ll ' 'r S.'o, r/or! L^',r. v:1. !rr.,P 'i.',s o-' ,.i.'L,o.r'. d I Lhc s a tor lr,r,.y B,,o or r'.6"r'., 'oelivecn the hine i,iini6lrer lansuage oi thc Cor:runjque and yourself. A.d SenaLor Byrd com.nded you !'or recogniztng thl.s rolc of the Leett6litiv. Dra.ch. i{ot ever, I luv. jusl, leliurncd fron J"-D.d and a confex..ce lritil
lriii. i,lini.te. sato. ':ft ls nJ in!r.6si-on th.t Plime ': r.s to'.. vinr L . ' 1 r14 l.'''s .. ,rj..ks oI ..,.i,b.f j ..0:.ir.d r.I ti.r I Lo lI 1972 under 1-r 1; olDositjon u.s, ,rj.Il okay neyersj.on
lorDiuta'r i.n lhich Lhe Pltrre l,linisler di.scouirLs the .ny asreer.di affcctin8 necessiiy lo1 letl.ticaliio! of 0/'o i, _ r5t. I l'i.1'i : ".d.r Oi r-r''. s
', .y ,' .I' Co , .n,, ',...' 5 . Si,t'.n . oC'1lor 1r;i!. eurrorli'r 1s !..oat,ririrrg liho n....3jLy un.],rr th. raLilicrlji.rr by tlr. unjli.d IUrr,.5 Cor.LlljaLi.on lor .on."rrlr j.,. 1., on rl'. h. ,1o th" '':'.JJ "-lr-cc ,. o '" ".n' r I-Lh r r'-r. r'l. cluslon that as tone as sub.taohial suplort is obiain.rd Jou do not lrli.ave thai a raliLllcaljLon by a riro-ljllj.rd6 volre of rihe uDit.d st.lies s.nate is necessary. specif_ icall-yj I an sure you v.utd recej.ve suLsLa.tial suplort for the relrurh of okindra ,ithoulj Uhe uninhibil,.d rl.ghlt or lau.cirlng coD',!a]j operal,ions tron nenbers oI'Uhe
r.ri.cf.tic leaderrlriD and the lor.il:n ]]clation. conni'.i..- Brt thisi doZ5 not co.stttul,.rradvic. and corsenl-r' As a restr1',i oI ru disclssionj tr1th.ur connandefr , r' f' '.':. o'', I do_n(: b'l c. th' ('o .1 : of il.e 111) l'" .. r .o,al 1<dts vitl- ,'' b.Ir.v. orr corriln.nts in'!he I.r llast and to liorld leace transccid tlr: dohestj.c and FoI1tt.al !roL'lens ol Japar, je' 'ioo:
Lo" r. le).:-1c orobl \'.. ) 1...' anll oil.er ", rri.'Lio'..'r -...iis ii:11t' I r .t.t, '.r''b..i ''O{i .oii not?. oI bu'; ultimalre retar. OrinaLJaJ believe l.n the Acco)rlj.nglyi I vou:rd 1j.13 an olportunitJ to !o!e on aDJ agreeiett or treaty nade aifeci:t.e Okinaria. ! eas. te:l:t h. vhethcr ox hol Sc!a1;or Dyrd is correct in hj.s unde.staDding, P1ca.e tett e vhether or r,ot vou nelieve that 1, as a Scnator, have tht6 llelhi on i:he olilnava quesl,ion,
Uost reslectfuuY,
ri: t.
D.^, S"a"t", H"t\i,c,i
Iou! thougltfut Iâ&#x201A;Źner ol .a!eful .onsiderarion.
Nowembe! 25 tr2e treen giwe.
'tiith regard to Co4ressionel action or my agreereht neeotiated vfth Japan on okinava, I vanr to sey rhat I - ^ uLL. -o6,-zabr -- ab .E s-". -.ry Roe..s __ o- lhe S .,"or Bv-d s !eso_ U o.o.Nov.-b-,5. u- ir:e-d.os,ay i, ;tos-,ouc5 vil . 'r( Co-e-ess.orj L"ao-ts ._p j-o app-opr:a,e comninees as ou! negotiations wiih japan go along. As you know, ve have al:eady disclssed Okinawd re_ !e.rro- n.Lt -.1. F^1b. -s or r., (o.sr.seedts:\e ben.fihed lr.h you vi..vs.
Ir vas b..aus- o', e:,po!.ar..
ltit wd.. !.riid j..o -." o -- -ora!n,q.e .urqr. ol November 21 ihc starenenr rha! consultations pt1h r r v.rh a viev ,o :cconp.re,:og "" .6.ld oe ry?ed .o,2 .!b c.- b it e col.tusjo: oI dr-i--. specific arrugemenrs vfth ihe necessar, tesislatiwe
Iâ&#x201A;Ź! he asslre 8.r..
you thar rhe E*ecutive Eranch
viII con. or- cod-a . w.u rho .-:_slasve /o..onrdu3.rrsa
arraeemenrs fo! hanclirg rhe prcbteh of ot<inawa reve.sion, inclndi,g :!e appropdzre form of Colsles_ sional pafti.ipation ia rhis nafier.
ilrl 'I
i r:.
€r?ressed.once!l, as a result of your discnssioa \Eth olr .omandcrs in ihe Far East, tlat You aleo
Ee couid noi fxlfiIl our comit4ents in 'Jie lar Easf *ith tne rcsfricric:s ol the 1972 formla. I valt to assure you tlat I Sawe tLe tullest co:sideratior to ilis ho3l inpo.tdt aspeci ol my tzlks vitl'.ie Plime Mi ste!. I:e aad1agreed, as !!e comurique stated, tLat it was inpoltalt lor the pcace ard se.urity ot the Fa. East tLai lle Un:ted States slould be in a position to carry oul ful;y it3 C€lerse treaiy obligauions in ure alez and that rcwe:sioa slould noi Litrder the elfective .iischarge of tlese ouigatiors.
As z res!1r of ny '*.1k5 with the Prihe Mirister, I ar .onwinc€d that the arlangencrls ve ivitl aake lo! revelsion vill not inpai! our at ity to heet our sec.rity conmi'f,ents in Asia. Tlis :eliel is 3heleil by ny 3enio, nilit.ry adnsels, I:lso IceI strorgty '&i:esolutioa ol lle OtiMwa qucstion i3 es3eltial to lealtlly retzEons owef ie torg term vith a host imloataat Asian a11r, '"he Corermeni ad people of Japa.
I alpfcciare
writirg to me alout this imPori,ni
4;.*/ ZatEoao?able Enest F. Hollings Onited Staies Senzte