Oct 10 memo, japanese americans

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-,1.).,, Octob€r 10, 19?2




,,^"-' '" "."'.\5\ s{gsest.d Rcply lroD You \ranrichi

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,l ou .fllrestions fo] rc!\.nrg b Mr. looatsu's q{eslions (yonr rn€norandum of Octole, 5) volld I€ at f.lto\,r. rerl e.t lo rvhclh.r or not changes jn U. S. -Japar.sc relations afect Japarcsc-,\m.:rj.ahs, and so nl what says, \'e believe, that at reaet trorn thc lorcign policy standpoini, Ne wonld Lcrt stay arvay fro.l commcnt on this. A convenienr reply night be urat su.h changes *ou1d ;ffect Iapa.esc-Ahericans -- just as lney vcnld all Anclicans.



rne curent slate and dircctio, of U. S. -Japalese relatjons, ve would lecommend lhat you tate ure lolloving line: Tte stre.grh of rhe U.S. alliancc vi'h Jalar, .ur rnajor ally in Asia, has leer de ons!"aied by the way ve \ayc hoil hadlcd rhe aajol cyclr3 ot cotuor nrtcrcst ir ure past rca, -- Chira t.]i.y a-A ecoD.mi. relations. 1{e iavc .on3d1.d eacL othcr nnd, vlilc acting as Dde}cndc.t sole!ejg. naiiors, Isvc done so in {ays thal have not impairc.l oE lasic rclationshir bnt r.,ll.r hrrc strcngrllencd it. l,ie vould erpecl t}is arproach r,o chalaclerizc th!: policics and actions ol ou hvo .nrions in tlrc

-- As regaidr

-- As to the role of J3la.ese-Americans i! U.S. -Japanese r.1:tions, I s,ould suqs.st ur.r vc takc thc li.. th3r, eiyer thc .t]t!ral difiercn.es beive.h tie tlv. ccuntries, Japaneso-Anr.ri.ans, alDost nniqucl} scirsilite to tl. yalucs of both societn-s, can play a consrrncrile role in rcdnci,g ,o1. ia! hisulderstan.tinqs teh,..D thc nro colntrics,

l/ I



BrLL r{\iVoN{RU Moro Relations Eetveen the U- S. and Japar and its lmpli.ations for Japanese

Since my opinion on the I would amreciate your

the Adrtinietration e .eply to the att:.hed




De.! lt. Nalaotol lle l{o!.!:l _i l:.ri,ii,rhl i|ii:rl.lna !.bout derctirr3 a tlsclf,l ti.c'-..trt of tho !:ILtl,o"o boiqusn edtlton of oE j,.D'n inil i'i.i .irlrllclcioro lo!.,lrlrrreo th. lnlt,d St..rca uto

ro ,joul.'. ry ch l:rc 1. l'v^ ]Gj r rtlcltrto ln tllis E!-c1rJ :i:juo b,r ic:,.o::di.6.lr r.-::in3'uo lhe fotloL'hg sst o!

,L' : (l

thrt c)^,: ^ J,. tl.' rolrilo.)hl1 ?rtNan ;,apc.ri e1i.ci J.Irhe!. /.E.r:;;5is? Vily or

(rl -..ne4 !.,: u:. i{!nx. (1.o. t},o nr:,rt irrLd l]tr;.it 1,i6 U.S, Er.1 Ja!:rl s!!d

tlilr:t rilta.e ovontr h1v. ,or .r4Frlo!. !1iJvo !i; iI. loto ct tI6 Jrilll3as r !,r!!df 1c the xitt* oi u:al. - iralan 1 tlIi.ro 'i,,i:-ii JnEflesc Ar.riii.EE 6llou:Ld r.ins t.Lie i:j:rt !ot!i t!or. s:{ ;l1 llr"lie

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