Oct 16, missionary

Page 1

5/2 il @lngresd of





&olr9. of ]lopr.Sdttdtit.! @r.!tuqloi, D.â‚Ź. 205t5


Special lssistant

to the


Thoulnr you ajqht be inte.ested missionaries in Jdpan.

in tNis descriptive ljfe of


appreciate it if you uould lnvestigate the statements contained therein and foh?ard oe the necessary infornation for reply, returning the enclosed letter !jth your ansler.

I lould

'i'll roiari,r

li r:is 0x 10;110. s0


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The rion. J.5i 1!. i!.--!1,.r oi' C.r!re!

Bu.hTru, Jr, 3 ilei]]er, ConiCioe 01 jloreign .\iirirs c.).ajxtrss of tho urite4 siate3 iJ:sEnGton, D.c, 20515 UiA

I tr!3i ihi. ftnas irou i. good nealth abd .!l!tts as yo! €6-/o ln gongress I rerd ol ih6 receni rlrllnA r.gr:din6 ErcLie8 cn ailcrafi, 6rn5s hos b6.n mde oa ihis--th15:is to yc!, Tiir: is scmothlnG cise 'rin nx crar;.ii !-his ha3 to do :rit! iiro oconotuic.l !.1ii1on o! JaDin i. th. to!1d, I thi!:. 1'n rii:ing as nuch fo! enliAbtdi-.i a$ io! hBIr. A3 you !.nor, f.oi Japa' s .t!-a.r.rlidt il:: lis-q i3 6ate!:!g an ole ieciionisn, but floti tie US stsapoirr: it iiahi b. d6s.?rn.d !s se e6v!!81 t"\incs I isll to udels.s-nd-e ,on ttr. :i i liv. in this 1dd aD,1 hlvo fo! lst ,ears, siiz: shorirly eit \:r oE .clool Y!a!. io(1) f had the iiLllesslor ihat tooil g.t..i. ces ,ouid--alo.g rith loy othc! tlrin6s--d!o, tr degreo.lte! the lete "!i g!6 ai le-.raluatioa" llot onlv iid the, noi d!op; ihe, iicrea3ed. i2) J had]'6n lrji inprcssicn ih:: th3i. uould bo a i!e6x onea.si on iho Fart .t Japo io tl:;.Dt.it of tnlcrbE flloh othe! ldds titiich culd Rid i, th6 e ta5i1iz1ti.. oa t:re .ntra1itg rhilitio. o, J!!!n. ii.:e :i:iaif,, I .e6Di r: r11 tia: r slnglr inpo.i, ii€ir llas eithe! leoordo Eole lle.tiiit or oheaFe ,. In f:.t, ir.si ous:nes3 ec ris.ionaly pcrson..1 do t:eix 3io!!ing ro! inlort itciB in tho lEszi area ai eith6r Xolra Foodlin€rs o: :fob6 G..c€r.- 'ootl: ot vhidh handlc I rs, ! Jo .. .. !L..,lt ... li.d i.cr..jiia liilitcu1t,r' '.r"Lr :,r'or_ .hc.,r ' :i -...3 ..h: .-- .,€-. b"i..s :,.a .r9cd fr-! c..Dt:ias 1tl:. Po1o.1, :lulAaxia! inchCing d61i-4i.us c.ien L:anr ilon rl:1i,,1- 11. o-L; ii;,i rrori c4ina conri.u.; to JL.-: j_n ni.rt,.r, br i lrri_ I i !':r.!:.11 .t!,i.rt. grt.r4r:.; r,onri ict 'u\. frtr:i3 a.l Jars i:e bad b" ; l 4aD'ir, orcelt in snall quotas. rerhcr. lriih I l! nr r r!1aiio.jh1p n., d.v.loping bcti:Ee. tupa dd chlne iireio ui11 c orr !o r- r.1-.i, I !o,rJ.i qdii ;:nJr !j-11 i11c, ::: o hi 1: ?hero

i ri',.rll l' :t,*f ;,,:i,;


ffiffitr*#I' iirHIffitr;i:*t,ii***l :,i".::'"'i:i-:";.:T,il ;:'"


I, I;a!o ihalr -!ilj r! rj :L:e ,o'i i'Lilr'


iJ ii.:'r!:l irli i:T:.]::il:,:r"Tr#i;",. r.li' , -';,ii:"1,i:ir':: :;:.:":" ;i";:.."" uillia!r--Eiattoned

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serc nced.d 1ight. I u ad.iressin* a co?:r of UhiE 1ett.? io t.o U,S. /hbassado! to iaps ln TolrJo. Ierhats he siI1 b6 able to onltljlt.r us. Lio ,ho selee t\o Lold ln JE!1a alo beo.ning alllmed boih lor 5e1i ed

I e reeoliiv. to sy tf,?e oi inlor@tiob you ceB to shale. '!;ith yor [oli:{ro elgo ',s'--r l--*ai ->< irrlioh ,rob:Lcy ^. ccr ,h. Hon. Aobelt -qhbassado!, !.9.


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