Foreign Report I
?ubli.h.d by trr Economist Nespap.. ,5 Si Jam6\ Stcct, In.don, Swl
fl;'"*.j'"d-t.,,,).\ 11"",*.---
MLat ,abttiot t.J,M 's and th. ) di\t Jd?h: 12) 10?an: 11)
,Yfr:*E Ituud dnl hdr.d
in Zdn.ibat
Japan: (r) its nuclear potential o. rh.
quesion ofnuclcar reapom ldokr incilrsinglt equivocal. $\en rh. Jrp2ncsc sp.* or,tonic.nng-!, rhey har in nind pcacclul u$6; Hten th.y tal( oamclcr.n.rsy, rhcy rt thi.rir,g ol nilihry scapons. The Japmese no{ harc 13 itomi. pou.r ratiotr ar various $as* ol.orpltLion or planning, and it is . mated dfu atomic,.s.r gc.cra(ion Rill nnt 23 !.r.cnt ot thi nation,t .lccticiiy dcmnd by 1930, and almdt 50 pcr.cni by 1990. StudiB ar ako undq wat ino rhc po*ibiliry ol $nlg abnic energy d;(dy in rh. *..1 poduction pmcs. Thesc aE pcac.ful uscs, but tfi., also n.an cnhrnccd .rpabilit, lor ntrdt,! *aponiy. Japant poicnrial for Ductcar ucapoB no( depends on rhrcc con sid ualions : (i) Cdr. ft is .$inrrd d,aL rrr rantrfactu( ol20 ro 30 hrdros.n tonho, 100 ncdiuhjdg. missilcs 2nd tlo nuclcardrnm s$marin.s vould co$ Jrpm only abour $5,600 n,ill;oD ord a lo)car p. od, Thi n noi .n inlpo$iblc a€]i fo. ,c non-communisr \vorld\ s.cond gr.Ist eonomv: Japrn's dclcncc .xp.nditur. vill r.rl! 52,300 million a ycar in rh. cousc of t fou.rL dcfcnce build-up prognnne Aprii, l9t2;.n!.cjaDlls €ros narional prcdu& i! which mds n.rr fiscxl '(ar,;n lilely b fu.I, $.100,000 million i. thrte ro ,iv. )caB timc, dln Fould nbsorb only $m. 0.7 p$ ccnt orgnl. From a purcly .conomic $aodpoini, Jrpan is ..panle or making nu.l.r, $.rpons aL an) intu dufi,S tl[ h cr hrlfolthis d.Gdr.
Japan\ porition
, niolo.i ... 1oi '1,1.t.tr'.'"ov'na.n'ii,. ' ar .orikicr o$rnlg nrclcr. \caPons. It is lo$iLl( lorJrpxn b
,'i 1"11 oJ.rm,
r psirion
--...,, \,a, fr"r. . n , jn ,-d\ du. inE . o".:,rol4,or :.JTio;' h.,ru@.. J-p 1 t,., J) oI a c.Jorlri-t. qr fl i ^.omp..h.J t-J, F4ror \'.' I h- p,odr ..,::, ._,,4,.of "o r..r,_ a.or.. poB. r Dr4nr 1.uj. br.. ror p,od a1 r..t-...oLLh i. *r..;,,gnrd b, B,.,.sh fl:q.,,.,.
er " rtr.d .iJrF., lri ... ,oF-s ro,JJp.r ro.n..tui .. :no.r,o| number oL ri.roE.r,tin hrtr.
_Ll":..: tr.t ol
- "l " ..o. . !
-n,,.nJ 1 i.,... n. o.,n
bn J. d,. on, bono..r
ptu.on._,,,.li t,, rn L p.,i t"d B ro,.iil b " b\ o-.. *t.. ol
"d tu.r
^ L._ tj)..1.,, mut,..".o,l r pohrlLuon,inJ,p, n d J br pjodu.
.* ,,t,"i r,,n.n,"n 'rr+ Bur".r-a,.,t"-[ r.. : .r,h",.qr.r,,o o. f,d1.cni.t,-d,r_ni,nij .\. pec-able lor thc ploduction of nydrosen bombs, $hich:r tar hor po$uttrt trun atomic bohlI. ]\t prcc a rhe..,i"t,"a *..;,*"a r.. po*". g.rcrationin the non{onhnnisr lyorld is ruppLcd by tl( Unncd siates. Bur si;.c c,,;h"d,,,"i,," is c:r:..rd b:,.mf . c"_qa,io1il.,. . ,r-. ,-,, pB.-,, d -J"pi. "go.,nn,,rhoi.ndL1.,.t _-hor., noud di\.lop E dtn Tri '.-dudam.ni,"oo,d,p-1o.1son,hct., ",.,tj,,J"pd 1o su a,lor lI Do.B ofr..nr.. -. ' ", - b LD".. ",omi, po$o g.n.nroi ho!tLl !omc ro r.oLntr.r tr r. Eo! 0..-kr.rr3 @ p,oduc,r..hld L-"nnrn .'o ,i. po,r.. tj.,t,,,:, (or F(n .. rom-J Lr .. rhmi j,.iidL..i-.r, r,opo- ur rh.,o.mrlnr-rouo .,r .ly" iun prd. r ov ro30 Frd|o. oo, ,..- n.",.os r,._
D Y,vJ:In".! Jrpr. rtrc J.ipd
:li:ll1.1lll n4+d ri
- i\i n4
-t\. t r ! "Lo1. hd\. b-r, onp,cr.,J,o.o, v., lir ( i o. nr r.", Ion- j . .9o\1nr -rdi "-..i.J_g d,,on.u.hJr n .rd ud'.,id.. somjo,,t," r rlj r!.riri_o . . ll:.Iq" 'o o,",.h sDr, .". ^j .LDrrin- .o,o.do, . ?"J r-uo.d,n" p,tolpld-..6.rmgd |p,b
-. -",, o,h.J p 1 ^"'m n lb nd rr. prod,
.(i\.rl \rzfoi!.
n .h. niJ,nb..m.riotrhr!k-r
Thc F{E lhrnbm prJn,r rt rrr SDi i c i .rh.n"dg, dl,u.t . t p,,*.. ",,r.,,. ., ,r," ,i", ;.',;: '::,. sgn"d. r b b",1. riL.,,,.t\ .,. o\fd. t ..\ !r. b",,. o,,o,"-D o s.. i , ktui .J . . r I p. , , .- , " ded q o,i,i .,n ., Ll ir. u L(r 'tL" rcq,i",tu ,rr: P n. ,, , in . ,.s \". r.. 1,rj i,.{il ,o n ,, ,;"s, .y
.t.. rd.o,n.p".t"".f ,..,t".,.:on ot,
]:,.,11'11.i,:dI,u,,',,llo.",r,,olo1.':'"1,,,,0;olx,\,in 1, ..;.,:,. :"_l:,ll:. 11.,or' ui Ld rco oyJiP.rn, u,u,
; lltT,:-11 I r: 1 j
] h, 1n rh" ".- L"tpo ,,., J.,..o , o .,.o.,lr., . j\.,,..ri, i, _[,,1..
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Ti; \'rer':..o1 'i 1.'r.,,or".',r.r-'.^ l':-il"i:'"1 " ""'e'J |
, r. ,.
tJbirrir, k 11' '!..',to'r.r,r.i!r'.!r blrRhorrhl ili nD.i,fl , d\i l',' s'-."''
'p'''rr i'n' 3d!'i io's lu1 " on.\"so!!" abont arnaNnts.Itth. ilisubhhi indunlixl compl.r.Ln'k it dcsnrbh rorJaPnn to picsmt Do$c$ nnclcar Nerp.ns, the 'nuclcarisrtio!' otjafan i hightv Probablc Ar ,,rh..r , nJ.n,rorJ..p..,r,r-s"i, ir,,
- i.
"-".*".,.piri,ri,.,-t, q4;,,\ B .n.; ,. I,pm"" ,.'l) i'ns'o"r'rpoli.i".th'sN"rnm"nrn *.r;, "rr p-r..i" . ;' ,1. p" " r. o'-, 1". h". Potr b'ro'' o' d 'aq rh'
$cond halr or tlis drcadc.
the AmericiLns Japan: (z) delence and {rtc rs thc honent aPpo2_]l$ for a 6oal in a contu.d ne'dcd L\at Jal,n dHc th. dd'nce d.mand d;ision on rtu Am.rioi 'xp'ndnurt nN"'pon" nc \m"' r''o' o Iorn-ai, ktr,1 \T".i,rr'." on 1.,n.'' fu''h' "
.Iapan's dc[.n.c mioisiiy is
l'-i,.a-,. r"..'""-t,..o r.rcol ., d,.l ""oah..b'fl r.J"'.rh rla-d . i,. c-"i:,-.t,,. --,r\!o1'r".nr''.DLr "dl.oriu'.Lrr ."rn'o,h t S.crchN ol Shtc, fft thc JxPanesc \nc .rn when Mi i ilm Rogds, lhc q'otr li"u'(_ ror in S'!rnb'-' r"* r,l. r.r.. -i.. '" rt .",. ..', or'1b.,ion. b ." L1' or $o3o' lr'on ro' .hc. A' t'c"l v'x' -Iap";-. it is snn thc lldhn{bn muins Sqnonbcr hrt tM 'rn i':l i$ucs ot the shrins or ]apant d.r.nce c6; a.d thc pu(hac or Am ican_dade weapor hdt bteq rl. n*, *r"|.y i" thai, t.r m.cling \Ir luknda, Vr Rogrs d'l't'd "-..ia*i.", f.o- a-tt..pr orl'i, "aa...,o hc drlniEd at the s'$ion r\' phrre the Unit'd shk"" .*.-t .; i.Q6" or rh" rolnmc of thc Anc .rn_nadt Nenp.ns to be PUF chdd 6iJrpan in rcrcda(. \rnhJapant inscascadd.nc.b!4ec'lhc que$ion of D,.h.,'r .o" .\na "n $,',on o'.' dlh n'o'''o: rh" or r-' mrd' bv rl,;^m,n""; d,rn ". r "D, Mr M.lviD L'btl. odn's bv .' b l'd''J'h' Altcr.l,panse dcfenc. om.ials shosd him obsolctc nilitaN insbllations and s'rpons, rtlr ld.a *ia ,tr. it.* n.oory lor.Idoan io im ove ib amv't cquipment Th's and its villingnss to Jrpant sharc ol thc m s of Am.rican lots in thc counrry,qma''n m"d'r in i tlr ,.od.Fo'i b.'n" .,. ^" a.;"c:@n\ or i' Pl'tro" r' r!''m'1r i-, ",. "r "'1" l, ."i." ".ra,.ion"t'-'o in lrD' IoRErcN R.totrr No.1213,9 Scprenbs l97l). with thc Unittd StarB r
movs' Japan*e dcfcnce ninntq is b*rildend bv thc scrier or Am.rican drc major oltncJaFr"se Ac..lcrarion of domcnl. ams Prcducrion is onc ol Pillas &c delcnce ministrv bcli'vcs of The di..brgen.Rl prograin.. buila'up deamc. th"t 'advanccfr;nt of rechnolosy rl,mugh thc narionalisrtion ol,ms Production hs a bsncr,cial .rcct on JaDanesc nrdunrics in scn.nl rnd nill co'tibutc bJap2ns emnomic d.!â‚Źlopmcn! 6. \LholC. Il dtr JrPancsc sovcnnncnt dc.ida ro Purchde a largc amou n L ol Amftica n rvcapons thc d. re,ce bui ld_uP p rogranmc nE i be rvi5cd ' rr.i -,;-. ,,"^ i, r\"o.t r" bu ld ' p | -ammmc rmou ,o S3.r001llion
2,7r;" morthnb p,,v.o p.os.rn, ".o.'l dlourSloo0ri " *il'o'ro' '".jqJ 'l l'' \l rJb 1i r' ll 'i'o-6h o_ n' _'1 n.lL ao.i ,i 'D "",',' ir",.-),..." : ' .q. ono.d'.. tu J-'i'".1'r,1.'ol.'o"dron )''q rlf ,tm.ricaD\ ror r3inlxnfiB rhtir 10..6 o. Jxpan*r sdil. ('llLc Amricrtrs sPc