October 22 memo

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octobe, 22, f971 TI]E ?IIIJSTDENT

Durinq tne coulso of mY trips to JaPan on the tcxtile ,r;lrler, I lad a nu{ber oi private neetinss ronv \rith fo;rex lrine t inisi:cr ltiihi as vou knoo. fre and {ith meetings eacn ol drese attended Juri.h oy Ki.n. r'\. d o a,o I ' no- L-^n a. lat our last neeting this ptrst sundayr after the siqninlJ of the toxtile a.lreenenti r lhrDked l(ishi on both oir b.haus for his suFiror! and assist ce. He )l"s -'1.r ry oc.r s.Llled. ..iq i ,.E" rorrer o '. ' '-_-'d' Kashi stxongll endorses tile hâ‚Źed !o continue tne relationsiip ald chanxcls that hawe been established duriDg thc course of thesc textile negotlalio.s, 1 Ltit! told lisni thal this elfort ,rould be continued . .ne r: l' n/sE__ "-i.q P_ rc o'h'r -;"resse.,',rdta,rr19 _"-,., """ be did tbe toxtile issue. 1 to1.] him that vou rould ro-\7av l.epl closaly infomr.d and that it tould lre a

e then discussed a numirer of ouret subiects. n-s..: Dar.ir-l-r'v.r1nt.J to 'li' "oot .h'lvd'1r''d cnina ssu, as h ' - i. veLlc !i. lnolv -cr: .' pro - n b' \1.e. . cL.L. 'id ,.i,i,""-rrr, ^ :..., " r,"n a . nc rr.-L'o'_v" rapan is urique. r,e both have comitnents and obligarn be ereatod tishtlI. d;!s to raivan ttrat cannor _aL""o '. Fvcn"..l"v Le I n. be-'_\-. rnd'P6n_ .L -t' e, ,".,.4.,.. oe rrarnrid I\re both need witli the lattet frore lihely to happer. 'o pu" .her 1" '"n ." 1en.., l.' ,_.reo, " c .noL.d 'i ': L e oov-o I r' sno' i,r .r:e r'. n.ano'ror y.-nto.. r.ps, d'!. .o -.,.ro.c - Lor Dr-hind UEe stressed the nce.l for a strong and friendly relatioDs. o bal,e.. 'th'End r.poi a' , r'ro_ .omF!!.1st chinr, and thl sovlet unron.






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