r' tsatJi'vr ?fniteb ^sldt.. -$enaLe t. -. / ; _ lt/ A Il !'u-../'r
Mr. Wittiam E. Timmons assistant fo rhe Presidenr
:ahank you so muc! for your ocrober zl ietter atrd fo! the attached copy of tL€ whfte House analysis of the iextile import problem and the €a?lanarion of lhe terms of the agreeftetrr neSotiated widr Japan to deal sfth ft.
in making
i! a€ilable
on benar ot
Whil€ the agreemehr does noi go as lar as r woutd have rished, it * 1ea5r wilt keep rhe sftuarion from detelioraring fulther il it i5 effectiwely adminlstered as I tope vil1 be rhe
''l::"1"' :,hl^ l. :'i zl.i"*'niall., 7! V