Legacy & Vision Newsletter - Spring 2018

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The Trojan First Lady Melanie Eisenhower leads tributes to Pat Nixon at USC

For FriENDS aND SUPPortErS oF thE riCharD NixoN FoUNDatioN LEgaCy & ViSioN


winter 2018



From the Chairman Fifty years ago, 1968 to be exact, was a game changer in ways too numerous to count. Richard Nixon announced his candidacy for President of the United States, America was on fire, LBJ announced he would not seek reelection, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, the Vietnam War was in disaster mode, America’s college campuses were in turmoil, civil rights became a buzzword, and in the middle of all this, I got involved with the ronald h. Walker Nixon campaign. Our own Pat Buchanan’s recent book, The Greatest Comeback, focuses on how RN rose from defeat to create a new majority. Pat’s account of that amazing year is a good reminder of the history that many of us shared. The Nixon Library’s new exhibits highlight the remarkable events of 1968. Come and experience it!

BoarD oF DirECtorS ronald H. walker, Chairman James H. Cavanaugh, Vice Chairman John H. Barr, treasurer everett Alvarez, Jr. George L. Argyros william H. Baribault robert J. Brown John H. Carley Christopher nixon Cox tricia nixon Cox Julie nixon eisenhower Melanie eisenhower Barbara Hackman Franklin

From the President

John w. Hamilton

The Foundation is often identified by its support for—and management of—the Nixon Library complex in Yorba Linda. But the Foundation’s overwhelming function is to present and promulgate the legacy of President Richard Nixon. Contributing to that objective, I call attention to the growing number of important—and impressive—new mission-based educational programs and initiatives that are taking shape outside of Yorba Linda. William h. Baribault These include a new Nixon Fellowship studies program with Chapman University, support for our military at Camp Pendleton, policy discussions in Washington,DC and events and exhibits to engage new audiences around Orange County, especially at South Coast Plaza. This year is the 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s election as President. For the next six years, the Foundation will introduce as many programs and initiatives around the country as possible, to celebrate each milestone and use it as a teaching opportunity. We remain ever-mindful of the need to increase the geographic reach of our mission, to encourage new audiences to consider Richard Nixon’s legacy in totality. Of course, I’m open to your thoughts. Please always feel free to email me at wbaribault@nixonfoundation.org or call at (714) 364-1153.

Lawrence M. Higby

Gavin S. Herbert, Sr. tod r. Hullin Frederic V. Malek edward nixon Maureen Drown nunn richard (Sandy) Quinn J. Peter Simon Pete wilson

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Nixon News Briefs NIXON LIBRARY CAMPAIGN SWEEPS PUBLICITY AWARDS The campaign to open the New Nixon Library has been awarded four top public relations and marketing honors from the Public Relations Society of America and the Holmes Report.

NEW ONLINE EXHIBITS The Foundation will continue to launch originally-curated online exhibits all year long; exhibits already include RN in his own words on Vietnam and the 50th Anniversary of RN’s seminal 1967 article “Asia After Viet Nam.” Explore the exhibits at nixonfoundation.org.



Howard Cox, brother of Edward Cox and brother-in-law of Tricia Nixon Cox, visited the Nixon Library with his family to tour the Argyros Oval Office and explore the archives, where he was able to relive his role—through rare photos—as best man in the famous Cox-Nixon White House Rose Garden wedding of 1971.

Madam Li Xiaolin, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, toured the Week that Changed the World China exhibit with members of her Chinese delegation. LEGACY & VISION





Upcoming Events nixon legacy forums national archives building


Washington, dc

hosted in partnership With the national archives and records administration

Bridging the Branches: How Nixon Worked with a Democratic Congress Nixon was the first President in 120 years to enter office without a majority in either House of Congress, yet he compiled a surprisingly successful legislative record. Former monday n april 30 n 10 am members of his White House legislative staff will discuss how Nixon went about achieving his legislative goals in an era marked by the trauma of the Anti-War movement and the civil unrest in our cities. panelists include tom Korologos, Wallace Johnson, and John lehman. moderated by geoff shepard.

No Final Victories: Lessons from President Nixon’s Drug Abuse Initiatives The turbulent 1960s included a wave of drug abuse, which accompanied a rapid increase in urban violent crime. President Nixon’s response was a two-pronged effort friday n may 4 n 10 am to reduce both supply and demand. A panel of officials from that era will discuss the shifts in focus that produced dramatically positive results, but no final victories. panelists include John coleman, Jeffrey donfeld and dr. robert dupont. moderated by geoff shepard.








may 22



bret baier Fox News Chief Political Anchor and Host of Special Report with Bret Baier Bret returns to the Nixon Library to present his next sure-to-be bestseller, Three Days in Moscow, where he reveals the story behind Reagan’s historic, three-day 1988 Moscow Summit. Bret will explore President Nixon’s work to effectively thaw the Cold War and sign the AntiBallistic Missile Treaty and the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union. ticKets and more info available at nixonfoundation.org

New 1968 Exhibit Opens at the Nixon Library this July!


his year marks the 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s remarkable presidential campaign and the iconic victory that elected him our 37th President. The Nixon Foundation is hosting commemorative events, launching online exhibits, releasing new documents and opening a new special exhibit at the Nixon Library commemorating this iconic year in

American history. The new exhibit will revisit that historic Nixon campaign and the changing cultural landscape— and chaos—occuring in the country and around the world during that fateful year. PLUS: Follow the Foundation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to relive the history of 1968.






USC Celebrates their “What she accomplished in her 81 years is nothing short of extraordinary,” Melanie Eisenhower said. “her story is, i think, the ultimate example of triumph over extreme adversity. i’ve carried her love and warmth with me through the years… My grandmother’s ability to radiate love and kindness to all she knew has made a deep impact on me.”


elanie Eisenhower, the youngest daughter of Julie Nixon Eisenhower and David Eisenhower, joined Dr. C. L. Max Nikias, President of the University of Southern California, to lead more than 500 members of the USC community in honoring First Lady Pat Nixon, class of 1937, on November 7, 2017. The celebration at USC marked 80 years since Mrs. Nixon’s graduation. To recognize the occasion, the Richard Nixon Foundation joined with Town and Gown of USC to curate The Trojan First Lady: Celebrating 80 Years of USC’s Global Ambassador, a new, special exhibit on the life and lasting legacy of one of USC’s most distinguished alumnae. Patricia Ryan enrolled at USC in 1934 and graduated cum laude in 1937; her degree in merchandising carried the equivalent of a Master’s, thus she is the first first lady to receive a Master’s degree.The University awarded her an honorary doctorate in 1961. The new exhibit—located on the first floor of the Town and Gown building—contains more than 40 iconic images of her trips to more than 75 countries around the world, as well as original campaign buttons and mementoes reading “Pat for First Lady,” and a special section on her undergraduate years at USC. 5





this letter was sent from First Lady Melania trump and was read at the celebration at USC on tuesday, November 7, 2017. the letter from Mrs. trump was featured that morning on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom with Bill hemmer and Sandra Smith.

global ambassador

Cutting the ribbon: From left to right: Nixon Foundation President Bill Baribault, Pat Nixon Scholar Bernadette Lucas, USC President Dr. C. L. Max Nikias, Melanie Eisenhower, Pat Nixon Scholar John Bacolores, and town and gown President Pat Whitman.

USC President Dr. C. L. Max Nikias and Nixon Foundation President Bill Baribault read a letter sent from First Lady Melania trump, praising her predecessor Pat Nixon. Melanie Eisenhower is at right.

Bernadette Lucas, Director of technology at the Beverly hills Unified School District, is one of three USC Pat Nixon Scholars. She said that USC’s School of Education “has four pillars of education: leadership, learning, accountability and diversity. i researched First Lady Nixon and she was the embodiment of all four of those things.”

the new exhibit in the town and gown building at USC drew more than 500 people on opening day.

USC President Dr. C. L. Max Nikias joined Melanie Eisenhower, Pat Nixon’s granddaughter, to unveil a newly refurbished portrait of the USC alumna, as well as a new plaque commemorating the occasion. the portrait was commissioned in 2000 by ambassador and Mrs. Walter annenberg, namesakes of the USC annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and lifelong friends of President and Mrs. Nixon.






THE NEW NIXON LIBRARY YEAR ONE n BY THE NUMBERS Only one year old and the New Nixon Library is already a favorite destination in Southern California.

165,000 VISITORS

More than 165,000 visitors have toured the new museum galleries since October 2016.

Several hundred school groups have toured the New Library.

7,602 MALEK THEATER MOVIE SCREENINGS The award-winning movie NIXON was screened in the Fred and Marlene Malek Theater 7,602 times in its first year.



DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS 55 of today’s most popular authors, scholars, politicians, diplomats, and media personalities participated in Foundation programs.











In last 12 months, 356,000 online users explored unique Nixon-related content on the Foundation website.

The Foundation’s video content on Facebook and YouTube was viewed more than 908,432 times.

Legacy Program Updates Sustaining A Generation of Peace JULy 27: Four distinguished experts from the Freeman-Spogli Institute at Stanford University participated in, The United States, China and Russia: Relations Between the World’s Great Powers in the Age of Trump. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry is the William J. Perry Fellow in International Security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and a distinguished fellow with the Shorenstein AsiaPacific Research Center at Stanford University. Dr. Thomas Fingar is a Shorenstein APARC Fellow and was the inaugural Oksenberg-Rohlen Fellow in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. Dr. David Holloway is the Raymond A. Spruance

read each action report, program summary and key conclusions at NixonFoundation.org/ programs

Professor of International History, a professor of political science, and a Freeman Spogli Institute senior fellow. Dr. Kathryn Stoner (moderator) is a Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. The panelists were joined by special guest Ed Nixon.

oCtoBEr 25: North Korea experts talked China’s potential role in staving off a worldwide crisis in a panel titled, Endgame in Pyongyang: The U.S., China, and the Geopolitics of the Korean Peninsula Dr. Bruce W. Bennett is a senior international/defense researcher at the RAND Corporation. Dr. Marco Milani is Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dornsife College – Korean Studies Institute, University of Southern California. Dr. Dorothy Solinger is Professor of Politics and Society at the the University of California, Irvine.

NoVEMBEr 17: Dr. Graham Allison, the Douglas Dillon Professor of Government and director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belter Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government, gave a rousing and hard-charging analysis of the state of the Sino-American relations in, Waking up to the China Challenge: Are the U.S. and China Destined for War? In conversation with the Nixon Foundation's Director of Programming Jonathan Movroydis. LEGACY & VISION





In the Arena: Events in 2017 the yorba Linda City Council, joined by rep. Ed royce’s district representative alison Martin and Library Director Mike Ellzey, officially dedicated Checkers Dog Park, named for the famous Nixon family pup who is now synonymous with the historic advances of television.

Dr. Luke Nichter talked about the often-overlooked history of Nixon and Europe.

National Security expert Sven Kraemer served eight presidents, and gave an account of the Cold War from Marx through reagan.

the legendary Pat Buchanan debuted his second volume on rN, Nixon’s White House Wars.

general David Petraeus, former Director of the Cia, head of CENtCoM and all military operations in iraq and afghanistan, celebrated the Christmas season in the argyros oval office, and heaped praise on the Library:

the Library hosted Captain Jerry yellin, the fighter pilot who flew the final combat mission of World War ii.

Fox News’ Douglas Schoen, whose earlier Nixon Effect focuses on rN’s consequential legacy, talked trump’s first months as commander in chief.





Devery anderson, left, and rev. Wheeler Parker discussed anderson’s exceptional findings in the case of Emmett till and Vice President Nixon’s dedication to civil rights.


“Don’t tell me how high the guy jumped; tell me how high he jumped back after getting knocked down. That’s what this Library, I think, above all says.”

ohio governor and 2016 presidential candidate John Kasich was face to face with the letter he wrote President Nixon requesting a meeting as an 18 year old college freshman. he got it.

Disney executives held a special screening of the new Disneynature film Born in China, including the film’s academy award-winning producer, roy Conli (right) and head of Disneynature North america Paul Baribault.

First Daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush hosted the West Coast launch of their bestselling memoir, Sisters First.

Jo haldeman, wife of White house chief of staff h.r. haldeman, discussed her longawaited memoir of her years spent In The Shadow of the White House.

Lee Edwards discussed the historic advances of the conservative movement.

More than 1,200 people met Navy SEaL robert o’Neill to hear his harrowing experiences as the member of SEaL team Six who killed osama bin Laden. o'Neill's gear that he wore during that fateful mission was displayed for the first time ever, at the Nixon Library.

Nixon scholar Dr. richard Moss of the Naval War College discussed what the Nixon tapes reveal in the first study of the administration’s back channel to Moscow.

Longtime journalist tom ricks shared his knowledge of the iraq and afghanistan wars. Dr. Condoleezza rice, here with house Foreign affairs Committee Chairman Ed royce and Frank gannon, made her first visit to the Nixon Library for an in-depth discussion of her bestseller, Diplomacy.

“the architect” Karl rove admired rN’s strategic genius as seen in the museum on his yellow pads, with wife Karen and Foundation President Bill Baribault.






Member Spotlight President’s Society Member Roger Minami on why he supports the work of the Richard Nixon Foundation: “aSiaN NatioNS haVE a ProFoUND aPPrECiatioN For thE ViSioN oF PrESiDENt NixoN to seek common ground and to build relationships and create initiatives toward lasting economic and social progress throughout the Pacific Rim. “These nations are now interested in working with U.S. industry, government, education and others via rogEr MiNaMi comes from a farming family along the the Nixon Foundation and Library to identify new central coast of California. He served in the George w. Bush opportunities to continue this progress. Administration at the Departments of Agriculture and transportation in the fields of small business government “I look forward to working with the Asian Pacific contracting. Mr. Minami is currently working as the Small American communities to stimulate ideas and support Business Program Officer at Lawrence Berkeley national to advance these opportunities within the legacy and Laboratory on the UC Berkeley campus. He lives in Placentia, CA. vision of President Nixon.”

Sustaining History Through Your Legacy


ave you included The Richard Nixon Foundation in your will or estate plan? If so, you are a member of the Legacy Society. In order to receive your benefits, let us know if you have named the Richard Nixon Foundation as a beneficiary:

H Of your will H Of your life insurance policy H Of your retirement plan

H If you have established a charitable gift annuity or remainder trust that pays you back money during your lifetime

Once you are a member you’ll enjoy: H Invitations to special donor-only events H Donor recognition at the Annenberg Court H VIP meet and greet opportunities THESE GIFTS ARE OUR WAY OF THANKING YOU, but the most important gift will be the one you give yourself: the knowledge that the Nixon Foundation will be doing beneficial things in your name.

to LEarN MorE aBoUt LEgaCy giViNg Contact Vice President for Development, Nicole Parsons at Nicole@nixonfoundation.org or via phone at (714) 364-1184






President’s Council and President’s Cabinet are now


embers who choose to support the Richard Nixon Foundation at the President’s Society levels are committed to promoting and sustaining President Nixon’s legacy. The generosity of President’s Society members allows the Foundation to expand its mission and outreach to current and new audiences. Membership in the President’s Society begins at $1000. The Nixon Foundation is grateful for our members and donors supporting our many events and initiatives. Your gift makes all the difference.

Ways to Become a Member oNLiNE: Visit nixonfoundation.org or contact Membership Coordinator anne Brown at anne@nixonfoundation.org

By PhoNE: (714) 364-1161 iN PErSoN: Pick up a Membership brochure in the annenberg Court and, once completed, kindly give it to a museum store associate.

Did you know that many employers match or even double your membership commitment? Ask your employer!






Salute to Senator Bob Dole Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower shared the following message with Senator Bob Dole on January 17, 2018:


e send sincere and heartfelt congratulations to our dear friend, Senator Bob Dole, as he receives the Congressional Gold Medal, America’s highest—and well-deserved—civilian honor. Our parents shared an extraordinary admiration for this great man. Senator Dole once called our father his mentor; indeed, the Nixon-Dole relationship that began in 1960 continued for well over 30 years, as our father saw in Bob Dole the many noble qualities and leadership abilities that Americans 13





have come to know, respect and admire. Since our nation’s founding, Congress has awarded this meaningful designation to only a handful of people with exemplary legacies. For more than 75 years, Senator Dole courageously served his country as a devoted soldier, a consequential policy maker and a widely-respected statesman. There is no one that deserves this important distinction more than Senator Bob Dole. Today, we join with members of Congress and Americans everywhere to salute our friend, this noble hero.

In Memoriam Jon Huntsman

Herb Kalmbach More than 200 family and friends of Herbert Kalmbach, President Nixon’s personal attorney and longtime close friend and advisor, gathered October 15 to celebrate Herb’s life, which ended on September 15 when he passed away at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, California. He was 95. Nixon Foundation Board Member John Hamilton was host at the memorial celebration at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach, and recounted their many years of close friendship. Former White House colleagues Dwight Chapin and Bruce Herschensohn spoke as well. Others from Herb’s years in government included Ken Khachigian, Larry Higby and Sandy Quinn. Herb was a founding director of the Richard Nixon Library Foundation, which created the Presidential Library in Yorba Linda. He was the original finance chairman of candidate Richard Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign and 1972 reelection campaign.

Jon Huntsman Sr., a philanthropist and businessman who served as special assistant and staff secretary to President Nixon, died at age 80. President and Mrs. Nixon’s daughters, Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower said Jon was “a man of great patriotism, steadfast faith, and deep devotion to his family.” Fred Malek, President Nixon’s personnel chief, recruited Jon Huntsman into the administration. Malek released the following statement on the passing of Mr. Huntsman: “I first read about Jon Huntsman in a survey that the Nixon administration conducted to identify the most impressive and successful young business people in the country. We were looking for businesslike minds to streamline the bureaucracies of Washington and make government more efficient and responsive to the American people. “I was impressed with this 32-year-old CEO of Huntsman Container Corporation in California, and called him at the outset of the administration to ask him to join us in Washington. Even with seven children and a still-growing family, he accepted the call and performed superbly at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. “Jon had natural gifts for leadership and management. He knew how to manage information in the most efficient of ways and achieve real results, and I brought him into the White House as Staff Secretary in 1971. President Nixon benefitted immensely from Jon’s productivity, loyalty and dedication both to his job, and to the larger ideal it represented: working to make government more efficient and better responsive. Jon once called President Nixon his hero, and President Nixon was lucky to have Jon Huntsman serving in his administration.”







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PaiD richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Fdtn.


Now accepting presale orders at store.nixonfoundation.org! The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum: A President Comes Home







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his new, 170-page official Nixon Library commemorative book features neverbefore-seen photographs of the newly re-designed museum, plus the beautiful First Ladies Gardens, historic birthplace home, glimmering presidential helicopter and more! Featuring a foreword from Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower. Printed in paperback, and exclusive to the Nixon Library.

ExPEriENCE EaCh StUNNiNg gaLLEry oF thE NEW NixoN LiBrary!

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