Nixon and Plioe at .n hlormal WorkinS Tanaka Minister Di6e! in Hae.ii on ihe Occasio! of tIe U. S. -Japanese Summit Meeting
Toasts Ciyen
!y President
The foUowing is a ilanscriPtion of notes taken by Ronald L. ziesLr during the dimer. These are no! direci quotations tnt are ae close 1o werbatih as Possible. The t)resident legan his rcmarks by stating ihai 6ince tlis was nol a lormal dinner. he would onrv hawe inrormal reh.rks on thls occasior and vould, i]1ereforc,
tle Priv ege ol knoving a nnmber oI Japancse Prih€ Ministers: Primc Mirister Yoshibar Kichi, lreda, Salo and lov Tanaka, and hc has had Sreat lesPect lor aU the P.ime Ministers. Tney hawe all been rine men, he said, and he haF .herished iheir He said )re has lad
personal lriendeiip.
The Presiden! recaucd Lhat ehen Pritue Ministcr Tanaka look ofrice he said,e are n.t .hangiag ine ieam, just ihe Pitchel. Tne Pre'id'nt vent on io say that wh€n nc bei orhcr Prine Minister6 thev wcre some pretty eoo.l pitchers blt that the Primc Milister lTaGka) is in lhcir has aU the P clt€s. Henasa last i"ne". --t" i" " l,ie t"uguer and,,knu.kl€ri,, ,,slide!i bnt no ,'spiflrarr' , ihe bari,, a ,,c!rve,,, a ,a President said. This analogy, based uPon sports and tle Prime Minister's personality, was ieceiwed wiih lriendtv laughtcr and aPPreciati'n' The Pleoident veni or to say ilat lawing met Prime Minister Tadaka 10 years aCo and Forei8n Minislei ohira in 1960 !e was happv ro v€icome tle leaders of lle lev and gr€at teab. The President sai'], he ha6 not played Sorl eith any visitor Irom abroad since being President, lrut lad carefuUy cle&ed the handicap ol ine Prime Minisler, vhich i3 ls. The Presideni wert on ro sav thai hi6 landicap i' goll was 13; that
secrerary Roger- ,..r".n ** ,u ,,u ,r., n roreiCn V-n:s." I an.', nr..'op, sr,q, "p is l?. th.r"fore, rt. iwF 5h-il p ay rotSrori at Burning Tiee jnst as xichi played eoll *ith Eiseniower ar Bllnine Tree,, The Pr€sidenr said, , r viu bake up the marct. The Presidenr and Prihe Minisrer at 13 [nandica!] viu siand the Foreign Mini3ter at 17 and Se.retary Rogers ai 16.,' Andi he sa'd fi,a[y, ]'just to b€ sure, we rake 6 strohes lreferrins to the prime Minister and th. Pre5ide'rl. " [Lausnrer and apprause].
Plire Minister
Tanakars rcmarks
Tn€ Prime Minister tlahlred the President Ior his kind vords and said rl tii.l< before etectiotr time, any staiesman leels nsled and ri€d up. ' "I iave had,'r th. Prime Minister saia, ,,my share of ete.tions and appleciate the Iact that you hawe .pared tte tie€ to r€ceive me. " The Prihe Minister qent on to say he had lound tle discussions ,very nsetu1r fniifu1,, ald thar the dimer sianifies ,,a new era in onr re1ations.,, H€ veni on to 6ay that he believed ihere i3 nouring thai .annoi be solwed beiween tvo countries iI they tatk io each orher on franl< terhs. lf two .@!tries haintain coftact i, a lamily 3pirit, they can.ontrinute a 8real deal io world ev€nts. He said tne refelence to fam y armosphere is one eade od, in the close cordial r€Iaiion.hip as exemplified by r!€ din4e!.
Th€ Prime Mini6ter said he vas happy to nawe the preEident's views on U.S. -Japaaese relations! Asia and Europe.,,We lawe had a very u6efut e*change.I' He pointed out ilat ve lave a hotline between tle Uniied Stat€6 and Japan but face-to-face tueetings arc mnch mole plofitable. At that point, President Nixon inierjected jokingty, rhar th€ }orline doe6n,r wolk and rhat this meering va3 huct: betrer.
Tle Prihe Minister said he vould tike Lo wisft the Unted States severat rimes if nor 6everal rimes a year. He 6aid he voutd leawe marters ot loreign affairs to the Foleian Minister bui wt€n he established conract i! wolld be to establish contact o! rall€rs ol ieart. Ec said ilat he loped that the President would be able to core to Japan - 9, t0 or 11 tihee. in a quite i ormal vein nlt indicarila th.t r\e Preside ,as a.ways v ekomed.l The Prime Minister ther said, i Let he express my healttelt hope that Preside,t Nixon be re-elecled eith the ovefllelmi,g support of ure American people,'! lThe entile sloup applaud€d,l Ee said tte re-election ol the Pr€side* is ihportant to the €ntire vorld because only wilh potitical .taniDt, vilt we }awe a chance lor vorld peace.
The Pribe Mini6ter concluded by sayilg hâ&#x201A;Ź hoped for continued erpaNion ol trade, and ol tiâ&#x201A;Ź e.onobte6 of r,\e united srares and
Alex Buttelfield 4ose Maly wood3