Sep 13 memo

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THL }VIIITI- HOLSE Septembcr 13, l97l






or You by Japanese Pri.ce and Prilcess Eilachi, Scptembe! 1.1 Ca1l

you rav" dEr"pd ro r"ceiv" prm.e and p;:.(e5e H:'".1.. sep "mb".14, ,1'" )oune_r sor or a,3:OO p.m, lor a (oLr.e") (dU, xPlin(e H,',.\'. Ernperor Hironito. Tle Japanese royal couple is visiting the u. s. lrimarily to atiend lhe lormal openitg ol Japan House in NeR York City ai the pelsonal inviiatior of Jobn D. Rock€fe11er I]]. (Japan House is sponsored by$e Japa! Society, a privare, orsanization dedicated to stre,gthcain8 Jalan-American tie3. ) ln addition, they wiu journey to Miami ald Houston, ehere itey * r iour NAS.4 Headquarters. Also sitti.g in on tn€ meeting eitl he Ahbassadoi Mosbacher, Mr' wickel (our inteiprder, A,nbassado! and Mrs. ushiba, and Ceneral Haig. There w r be a press photo olpo lnity. Sussested Talhins Points

You are pleased to *elcome Their Highn€sses on their tilEt tisit to the contincntal U. S. (Tley visiied Havaii in 196a lor the centennial comemoration ol the arrival of Japatese irnmisrants. )


-- You are looking lortrard greatly lo the oppo*untty to *etcome his pa!e!!s, iLe Emperor and Empress, to American soil at ancborage, sish to n6te the Prince,s inteiest in cytology {he is curr€.t1y in research at the Japanese Milisily oI Health and weuarers Nationa] Carcer Cenrei) and his visii 1o our Natjonal Cancer Inslitute ol the Naiional lnstitute of Health. You have ha.le a requ€s1 1o ConAre3s ror $100 milrion for a campaign to conqucr cancer.


You may


the preservaiion ol brrds (!e -- You might note ihe P i. President .f ihe Japanese Associatio. for the Preservation ol Birds) lor cnvironmental conservalion and ihc need lor internaiional cooperarion in tlis lield.

Briel biosraphic skciches of the Prin.e

and Princess are altaclcd.



3r!4e !!fc!l! tp.."".""ed fiee tah clee; addressed as Your llisnness) Prin.e t iiachi, 35, is the second son ol Em?eror Eironito and the youns€r brot]1e. of Crovn Prin.e Akihiio. Ile is presently engaged as a re3€archer

in cytology at thc National canccr center of rhe Minis6y of Ilealdr and wellar€. IJe has be€n inwolwed in research since nis graduation lrom ihe Peers, sclool ir 1934, vhere 6e major€d in clemisty, and graduaie vorh ai Tokyo university. The Prir.e is president of ihe Japan Inr€niors Asso.iation a.d the Japan Associaiion lor t]le Prese.yation ol Birds, He nas a slight kDovledge ol English.

Prin.ess Hiiachi (addr€sse.l as You. Ilighness) Born in 1940, the torher Hanako Tsugaru is the aatrghter of a lormer couni .lairhan of the Japan Racing Srre is a gradnale or 1te juhioi ^s3ociation. co11e3e course oi ihe Peers, sclool, she maried Prince Hitachi in 1964i tie couple is childless. The P.ircess is honora.y wice p.€side.i of ihe Japan Real Cross, Shc is a skilled horsesohan and also €njoys sriiing. 51e las a slignt knovledce ol E.grish,


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