1, Hirohfto is
d.sc€ndeni of an unbroken linc of sreichins Lack ove. 2,500 years, a fact wni.I herps h.re lully tle }istolical risnilicatrce or tlis jonrney. t]1e
2. Japaa,, growins posiiion in Norld affairs can rre neasured in the economic spLere -- wnere Japan has developed t]1e vorldis tlird la! gest €c.nohy and one of its most dynamic. It can bc measured i. the p.liLi.a1 spnere, vhere Japan nas leen in.reasingly inwolved in lh.se political councils Nlich arc helping to shape tn and or t]1e entire planet. Ana it i3 true, thirdry, in the curhral splere, vnere Japaneee art, literatur€,
3, $hen th. Japan€se nowerist (awataba ieceived rhe Nobel pdze for literatue in 1958, ihe .itari.n praised nim for building ,,a spii tual bridse sranninS behle Tno.e s2De volds
can he !3€d to des.rirre Japanese accohplishments in many fie1d3. For in a $idc warieiy or ways! tre Japanese people have been helpinc to bring the Easi and !\rest into clo3e! communicarion. Tllc Emperoris journ€y can be seen as adother sre! thai process.
The President wisited Japatr in 1951 s,hen he vas Vice President. He was homred in Mo .peciar vays otr thar wis i First, tne wisi! Ras accorded the siatus oI a s he $as grantcd thc lirst audicn.c thai the Emperor gialled ro a.y state wisitor in the posivar
oF. od.
5. rn 19?0, Jnrie and David Eisenhorver !.prcsenie the srcat inr€rnaiionar exp.sftiotr in osaka. The ttem€ of ihat e{posiiion, i Pr.giess and Harmony tor a1t Ma.tiind,, expresses rI€ hole {,hjch unites the Japanese and ine Ameri.an people and peo?t€ everywhere- The Emperor,B jonrney can be seen as an eloqnent expression
. ""t^"' lhF Pr-s.o.n' . c" .n Ala>lc dL E lo.d 4.d "." .0i\ 1a'P ."- * -t - f" ,'\' a Ld (. ,'o-,), -_ ov -r a,d J.h1\d. al. o wisited Alaska rhile i! o{lice llke in 1960; LBJ in 1966). ID his new book, Hickel .1aihs RN looked as though he expected to lose {hen he tot ba.k on his plan€ after his 1960 speech h€re, is the smanest Siaie in pop aiio., though ihe lareesi in area -- 2-1l5 times the size or Tdas, Cali{ornia and Moniana put i6eeiLer. Just one of its glaciers is ihe size ol Holland. But Alaska s populaiion is merely the size ol Birmingham s. The Slate has lsice as many carib.u as peopre, a
lvhe. a nap of Alaska is superimposed on a map ol the continental u. s., its \estelDftost islands reacn ilto Califorria, !hile its la^haDdle exiends to the Georcia coasi. lts southernmost poini rea.hes into Mexico and its northernmort point touchcr the Canadian bordcr- Araska s territory is approximately €qual to one-sixth or the enrire united stai.s. _Il_!!3lta .o".rl. ' - r re roc 6,6.10 m-l-s moie ro"1 the r"5L oI U.s. coastline combi.ed, and ihis docr not count the shores oI its islands. At 20,320 f€et, Mt, McKinley is the hiEhesi point in North Are!ica, It i5 130 mller from -Anchorace, one of the lirsi men io .limb i! said it *as, Iil<e looking out ol the rery lindors oI heaven,,' Litue Diomede rsland, part oI Arasl<a, is onry ?,4 m es from Big Diomede the
rs1a.d, o\{n€d by the ussR. one liltL ol araska,s poptrrali.n is Alell, Eskiho or lndia!. These natives are probably the poorest of all citizens, rith a life expectancy of only 35 years. The lypical E.kifto family bas been said io consist of,rone father, one mothe., 3 children, 2 anthropotogisis, nomic developmeni spccialisi and z counselors-,, The Iirst Rhfte ma. to sp vitus Berine, a Dane employed by Russia, .am€ in 17,11. Se.retary ol State \Ui]riam Se$ard boughi Alasna from'ho Russia in 136? Ior $?,2 million -- a ransacijon labeled ,Se*ard s Folly. , lt vas a 'Dis[ict, uatil l9l2 wh€n it became an ,,organized T€rriiory.,' rhe liist srateh.od bilr was int.duced in 1916, but it was orly ip 1959 that AIaska became the 49th state.
The Klond re Gord Rush oI1396 and the Good ririday Ea.thquake ot 1964 are examples .l natureis Eencrosiiy and cruettv in Alaska, The earth po
iimber a.d lurs
r'rf.r d'c'
*hen Alaska celebrated rh. t00ih anniversary ot iis pur.hase, its centennial mo$o I'as ' North {o rhe Futuie., The Ateuiian name, 'Alakshak, 'lrom rvhich ihe name Alaskaj ras derived. means ,,creai x,, .. ," p"-. o eve-. .t-r- -ts" a" od',i.c' "-a ?;i;-jr!. '' exiends themselwes on their rugaed indiyidualism ,- Ehich ro politics, The state no*er is the Fo
1n 1967,
]n 19?0, rh€re las on€ airplane here lor €verv 6? people. The median age in Alaska is 22. 9 y€ars cohpared to 27.6 years i.r rhe lhole counrry. ,{1aska berore the g.ld .u5h is eel1 des.ribed by Kip}ing s tine: !,Thereis newer la( of c6d or man . ci,ilization r.axv .ame Rith ,h,p'osp. lor, loUAl jl 1a o..n',I"':nlronDUva',a't' A, l"'e as th€ l93O census, Alaska had a ]ittle less than 60,000 peopte. Anchorase *as fouded in l9I4 (it,s jusi about as otd as the p.esid€n, camp and the railroad har been .€ntral io i1s 3,029 .nd it is the Stai:,r The recenl oil discowcry has b€en (idely comlared to ihe Cotd Rush, as it has .atrsed anothcr ecommic b.om in Ahska. The Yraler J_ Hickel Hiq-u3l -.1s | "' rb", r " ,o rhp \o1h s;p;;ll;ru sioce it i5 siilr largery empty, Ala'ka has ofter been de5cribed a5 ihe ideal !la.e io (.rk out a sersible a.commodation beseen economic !rosres3 and environhentat protection. Alaska,s seoEraphy giyes it (harsh climate, remoreness froh the maintand) bui spe.ial bressinas as $e11. The Arcric ru.drz is so sensiiiw€ io man s encroachhent that the fua.ks oI wo.1d war Il buldozeis ate stiu p]ainly
The battle
.r Altu las
the onty balite 01 world war rr -hich was toucti It iaE the second bloodiesi batlle oI the I,acitic war, killins 549 AmericaDs and 2,350 Japanese, Jaran now rakes 95% or Alaskars exports of minerals, rood and liquilied natural Bas. JapaD has inw€sred heavily in arasr.an indusky. r_lEtgjrc l!14:g:_i:1131! ar€ .roser ro Japan than to Anchorage. The Fedelal cower.Dent ac.omts ror alhost 50% oI ciwilian erllo)tuent a.d controls 97% or the
\oTF \y".-- H.rFL s nF! ooor.s.qq...
.odr an abo\e arouno oi pipetinc in Ara6ka would be eDwironmeniarry acceptable.