Sep 6 letter, japan china

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JOI]N H. H oLDRrDc ou

E(,h!/d/(k Senior



At Tab 4 is a tetter to you fron Mr. Kazushtcettrasava, senior ralanese jouftatist and arFiser to Deputy Prime Minisrer Miki, thanking yo! lor your l€tl€r of Juty t (replying to a! earlie. otre from Lim) and 6xpres3ing pteasure over nis meeting you during your early June visit to Tokyo. Mr. Eirasava also rotes his oPtimism over the prospecrs lor Japan s .ormalizi,g reraHons wiih ih€ PRC under th€ Tanaka Governmeni, .om!rimeDting you lor vha! he assllm€d va3 )rul ror€ i, arranging ra.i veeki. Ironolulu meetitrg, and expres3irg his sarisfa.tion ower Mr. RicLard

appointment as Depuiy assistant Se.reiary.f State ).Sneider's No repty from you v.utd s


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Mr. Hirasaval

The uce!'ainties oI my pLans !o wisii Jap delayed hy repLying to yo! r thoughilnl lette r ol APril I 1, 1972, whi.h o!! nltnal friend Yoslizane llvasa passedjaon 'o ?e m Va), I an grad w' v.rF aLle Lo rc't Tokyo. I do remember onr oeeting two years ago, and I vanted lo lhank you for yon! pelceptive comfrents i, your letter on i,he issres ol US-Japar ROC_PRc These of course are issues of great imporhDce to the urited stalos. li i5 tle Plesident's lirm colviction tlat lte LS-Japalese partnersliP is the fou.datio! from which ve wiII address these issues ower t,le dsca.les alead. M! De.lirqs in Tokyo wah:!r.1. -. pers.relly a.d repres.n!.4 r efforc to strergthen ttis close colaboraiion. l very rtrc! alpreciate yonr sharing yonr

Itr' --- r Mr. xaznshisJlirasa$a z-3-34-tAAq




-""*/dot Proposed Reply trom You senior Japanes. Jonrmrisi and Purrlic Figore


Kazusnige HilaBaE, one oI tne most respected senior Japanese joulaari5!5 (r'ho atypicaly eschews the stddent an!i-govetnmert bias held by dre great majority oIhi, .olleaauee), a long tihe supporter of the u.s. -Japan alliance, and trusted source ofEmbassy Tokyor6, las vdtten you concerning the problo of Japanese recognition of the PRc as it relates to the U.S. -Japanese seculily lelationsl1ip (Tab B). tti(asa€ catk to your attenbion the cornict betveen, qn nand, any Iuture Jalarese de iure recognition oI the PRC, andj on lhe othei, Japanrs obrigation under the U-S. -JalBn Securily Tleaty to prowide bases ,or U.S. nititary opeEtions in the ewent ol PRC m ftary actton aAainst TaiEn. As regards Japanrs .bLigalions un.ler aur s€curity Treaty, he arso notes th€ Ntaoh-Sato Comunique of Nowembe! 1969, in vhicl Japan recognized Tai@n as ,lmportanr roi, JalEn,s secu! y. HirasaM suggesrs earry discussions betveen Lle u.s, anil Japanese Gov€lrfi€nr3 t. take up ilds probtem.


is a suggested courtesy reply lrom you t. Mr. Itirasawa. I urink your acknowledgement vould be parlicnrarly usefur in this case. Hirasa€ is also a past Pr.eid€nr of the rea.ting .onrervatiwe dailyr Tab A

The Jaran Times, ard accompanied I-DP taction lead€r and former Foreign Minister Miti on his visit to Peking la8t monur.

ArtLough Hirasava s l€tter wa3 dated April rl, we receiwed it only on May 6, da65*f because it Es transrolted tlroush Mr. lwasa oI the Japan-U.S. Econoai. Council.

Thar you 3ign tle letie! to

1970, It

yoL on-A!.11 13


lut unfortunately

con.ernina Japa-u.s.

the u.s. svit.hes Arthoueh china



jure, recoenition to the


and coordinate

c/o lrr. roshr"aia I{asa Jalen-U.s. Economlc Councll

an early date, to adiust

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