September 7 Memo

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Natioral s..trrii\i Deci'ion Mcmorandunr The



of siare

SUEJECT: U,S. Jaran Joint Economic Committec


The Prcsid.nt has revieved your mcnoraDdum of Scptcmber o. ..t,:. .vb -,., d r, ' d, rt- .r ,) p. - of o.rEu. -,.o7

The Prcsidcnt has di!ectcd ltBl ir rte nCONCOM )nccrirgs, Delegalion bc strid..l hy the Iollolving !rincipal poinis:

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;. Iirrougtou! rhe !r.reu.1$. as Dr.no3ed by dre se.rcrary oi sritei ve shodd endcavor io re-esrahlish in rhe Dnrds or signiiicaace and closenesr of thc U.S. -Japanese rctarionsLip ihrough a series of forthcominS political and heasures. lte

-- assrrc rhe Japancsc rLat shorrty atrer rhe EcoNcoM !1..!:n;:l1: Pr.siJe:i'. irill s.-C :! 1\ Iof R.vcrsion ci ol<inava ro thc senare wirh. strong rocommcndatio for its carly - Rcallirm our olfcr to .xplore vi r Japan and odrcr counrries th. possibiljly ot 5clling illem u.s. rcchnolosy foi tr d.Ifus,or rt,,,o , o .-r i-.n. -- Indt.ato od! dcsire lor .toscr s.ic.titi. collaboration i! sccknre solutio.s 1o cornmon problcns in ih. fierds of rlanspoliation

-- nrdi.zlc our dcsire io cooPcrare io sect lilreralizatior ol ihe lradc poli.ies oI $. EuroPean Communil-r' .ur d.sire lo ivork vil\in urc OECD lligh i-cvet Gr'rP lo Ior a D,rjor mullilalerar atia.k on trad' barriers' Indicate our iletirc to dcwelo! inrexnaiional procedures aaljudicatjng nlvesbear disrnres in dcvelo?jng co!ntica'



oa our ralan'e The U. S. nev ecolomic policv, vnh special eoPharjs g.uru, should bc clearlv er?rai'ed 10 the Jlpane3e detcgation' ror--,r" "r .""iJi *i* l is o;r conli'lion rat a re'sonablv raranced "i-"gr, '!at hvo coun*ies is rccessarv, and reasi,e b, tnc ;.;;;;....' ihat, as ve trn'lelstind Ja?anese balan'c .Ji, rs'ra. L".,*".;;r r. loirled


"r,o,ra ;;";;"..,.d..a.rioe .:;,,. .. p.pos .r. B ..e


".o-p''"'nv'''orro'r'r'v's ..'"t. n,.'L-.ri "s' 'd

compatiblc balarce ol palnrents Soals'






S. ^rr""rn'e is

.. " ^." ".,-.sp" *" t'

r' ottain a revahation of lllc cnrrc'cies i::: 'r' "r"-'' "'-i or"\' o"e ''"1"''o

". " /. r", "-rr......;,,, .rrou n..,r..".. "i.."ir'o,:," -U, 'r" r. \'she o rrror ' jn ihe raL c, of 15 b z0 P




'ha' a rcv_]""r

We shonld indicate urdi vc \vo!1'1 removc the rO perccnt when onr external Position is assnrcd'




surclalgc onlv

o.l"'''h o"vn' nrs Soal ' PrD "r 'v , B.vonaih,s. w-,:s5roo.':i\^ou i-,.r,-,a. r,r ..r-jl i,o., d.o sc.r.,, " ^. "p. ae.,' o rer o !'.uoi^5 lr'rr"-pa ."-oval ol 'Lnotas 'n aAricnrtural items comDnters' ",t.,."."a iircraf!, ard intcgrale<1 circuir,s' 6. 'Wc should velcore lhe JaPanete cight_?oint progiaf' cmmcnd iheir elfo s so far, and urgc t]1cm ro 30 rlrrhel

?. It shollil ])c madc clcar to thc JaPf,ncsc urat wc still e"k a 'eeotiatcd volurtary rcsiraj,t agrccDr.Dl for 1-c\lilcs r'!! !ri]lbc prcPrrcd !o solve th. pro])icin in .rher N.ys il an aErc.Drcnt is nol loltncomil€ our 'or tiruing nc€d lor a worlrtary reslranrt agrecm'nr ror stccl 'xlorts s)rolra 3. lve slould strcss our dcEile lor cwen 'loser "otrornic cooPcral-ion in rfie fnrxre. To uris end, v. shoul.l rroposc pcrio.lic r.elrirss wiNh tnc Japancsc, stalling with a sPcciat iltcragencv nnssior to JaP3r Iv rcrl Ja;uary to asteis \rii! rilc JaPanese sPecilic ploerets roward agrccd uoon Iaratrc; ot payn.nis goars, comladnlc .conornic policics and thc eilnt poirli !!ogEm, to iacfti{y rcmanrnlS or en.rgnrs hadc Pro}lems, an(t lo timcly solntiols i.o coDrhon ccono ic proLrlcns' *"I]...t "o""t.".tir", 9. In discussnri bwcr Priorityjn cco,omic obje.tives, inclLdir€aidincxeasca on so&cr lnc Unued States, iacrcas'd Japanesc defeDse procnr.neni te;ms, and incsrmenr Iincralizatio!, otrr dcl.gates sholld rnaLe c1'ar our wisllc; in ro( rrcy, rclaling such sccondalv points to our ovcrall balance

/1_ HeEt-^. cc:

Thc Sccreiary or TreasurY The Sccrclary of Delensc T11e Sccrctaly of Ag cu-1ture The Sccre rary of co,]me rce Thc Secrctary oI labor The Sccr.!a!Y ot nierior Thc SecrcrarY of TransPortaiion


Am]lassador-at ,nrge Dawid M Kerredy The Dircctor, Olficc of l4anascmcnt aD.l Budget Thc ClDjrroD, Coucd ol nconomic - dviscrs Thc C}airlmn, Coucil o, nnvironmcltal Qualitv Thc Special Rcprcscntariv. lor Trade Ncgolirtions Thc Assistant to rlD lrcsident lor DomesLic rltfiils Tbe Dir..tor ol C.rtrrl Intelligcnce thc Cnairman, Jojnt of slaff Tic ,\5sistan1 to the Prcsmcnt lor lnrcrnarionar .con.n)ic Artairs

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