FO民工Ml高揚D工A富亙R鱈も瑠A寄貧 富U度S皿AY, OCTOB里R Zl, 1%9
㊤鈍ce ofをhe哲でe毎s Secre亀ary 青o勅rs.邸ixon
THE WH工丁亙HOUSE ‑‑‑‑‑一
President and Mrs. Nixon will give a state di腿er in honor of
His Imperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Shab Pa蘭avi, Shananshah of Iran at the White House tonight at eight oIcIock●
Preceded by the GoIor Guard, Presideut and Mrs. Nixon will escort their honored guest down the Grand Stairway缶omぬe Yellow Oval Room. The United StateS Marine Orchestra will provide backgro調d
music as the 108 guests are received in the East Room. The President is giving His工mperial Majesty an A調erican Eagle
made of 18 karat gold and standing on a malachite orb. It was designed by David Webb・ The base ofthe orb is gold and on it is engraved一,曹o His Imperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Pa址avi, Shahanshah of Iran, from Richard Nixon. President of the United States of America巨置 October 1969; "
also? a Photograph of the President in a silver frame
inscribed '一To His工mperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ‑‑ in
friendship and with my high regard. Richard Nixon. " The white tie dinner will be served in the Staさe Dining Room.
President and Mrs. Nixon and their guests‑ W鎚be s6ated aien駐‑ Shaped table. The Monroe Plateau and candlelabras w鵜l decorate tbe table.
The Johnson china and vermeil租a年wear will be
used. Tbe flowers in vermeil vases will include: Yellow, bronze and white pompon chry唇anぬemums
Bronze dutchess spoon chrysanthemums
Orange and white carnations Yellow種oses Blue cor龍王lowers
Orange mid‑Ceutury lilies Yellow snapdragons The menu is: Supreme o王salmon Farcie Imperial
Contre Filet of Beef Bordelaise
Pommes Macaire Bouquetiere of Vegetables Bibb Le耽uce Salad
Camembert Cheese
Poires Flambes Bar‑le‑Duc ‑‑SauceSabayon Demi‑taS Se The United States Army Strolling Strings wi11 entertaln the guests during dessert.
has been ca11ed '一ぬe績rs亀Pure COnCert enSemble in jazz.一一It has been COmPared in its field with the renowned Budapest釦ring Qua壇et. The
Modern Jazz Quartet has commissioned works by Gunther Schuller' W班iam O. Smiぬand瑠a弧Overton。 Th毎Se WOrks and compositiong by John Lewis, the leader of蝕e group, have been performed by the Quartet
With the Cincimati and Mimeapolis Sy孤phony Orchestrasl the Bu縞alo Philharmonic│ and the Symphony Orches露as of Toronto● Tokyo and Genoa.
P見OG蹴AM The Blue Nec馳ace
J ohn∴Lewis
A Visitor from Venus
John Lewis
A Visitor露om Mars
John IJeWis
Concierto de Aranjuez
Joaquin Rodrigo
The Jasmin Tree
John Lewis
Joh孤Lewis. Pia撮o
Milt Jackson ‑ Vibraharp
Percy Heaきh ‑遜as容
Co皿ie Kay ‑ Dru調3